A Modest Proposal: Alternative Congressional Dress Codes

Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 4 months ago to Humor
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"Pundits across the political spectrum are outraged – outraged! – that gigantic human slob John Fetterman is slobbing up the Senate with his hoodie and gym shorts wardrobe.

His dress is an alleged violation of what posterity called “decorum.” The argument goes that the Congress is an august body of pomp and circumstance that requires only the most respectable of dress from its highly respectable members.

This is bullshit.

The Congress is comprised of the lowliest, most shameless psychopaths the United States could produce, willing and able to serve their corporate state masters at every turn. There is no act of self-degradation they won’t carry out with a smile and a spring in their step. That’s why they’re there.

This is not the mythological era of “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.” That time, to the extent it ever existed, has long passed.

The Congress of modernity, again, it can’t be emphasized enough, is a viper’s den of sellout criminals in white collars and shiny shoes.

The new Congressional dress code should reflect this reality.

Read the linked article for two modest proposals in that vein."
SOURCE URL: https://armageddonprose.substack.com/p/a-modest-proposal-alternative-congressional

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