T. Durden: Dem community leaders "outraged" about box-store dollar drain from urban centers; insist stores remain open where "customers" walk with goods w'out paying. "It's restitution!"
Durden defines "outrage culture": "...Never admit wrongdoing...always blame others for the calamities you created. ..."
They’re just mad that they’ll have to take a longer carjacking ride to get to the next Walmart.
I hope they hit hopelessly WOKE Target next.
Target will blame the stores closing on Climate Change. How much you wanna bet?
I wonder how many of these people realize that they have allowed themselves to be enslaved. A person who has valuable skills and knowledge can free himself/herself from the bondage of debt and dependency. The Democrats are just licking their chops with their institution of urban plantations.
I'm thinking that these days someone coming out with a song about getting only what you deserve, that group would get cancelled.
Fools the entire lot.
Businesses are in business to make money not provide public service unless of course they happen to be a service industry.
Nor is there a single American black leader taking any responsibility whatsoever for the violence and criminality of his own black race.
African blacks do not act like mal-educated American blacks.
You absolutely got that right.
Just one example, the conflict in Ukraine. In 2015, Google-Youtube deleted all of the videos made in Ukraine showing the Ukr. Air Force bombing apartment buildings, churches, business blocks, even an orphanage, in Donbass. Powerful videos showing a group of Ukr. soldiers in a foxhole, taking a smoke break, asking "Why are we killing our brothers"? and a young lady standing in front of a line of NATO/Kiev tanks, temporarily blocking them, until the lead tank starts nudging her after a half hour of fruitless discussion. All gone into Google's cyber dumpster, all censored. Without such censorship, the American people could view these atrocities and understand the people of Donbass merely want to exercise their Human Rights of Self-Determination. Google, turning the truth into a pretzel, maybe the most evil corporation in the history of the world.
Is that right? I have some experience with Unix. But a lot less than you seem to have.
I wanted to do a statistical analysis of the 2020 election by voting district to see "funny" alterations from 2016 compared to 2020, and look at it from other standpoints, but the numbers are not there on the internet, only the %-ages I know there were funny things going on, but the media ignores very obvious fraud, like that Georgia lady pulling out a suitcase of ballots from under the table after ordering everyone else to go home.
Think the Deep State is running scared. The next election should seal their doom - shine the light of day on these democracy-sucking vampires.
Thanks for the conversation..
I remember a world before Walmart came to town. And it was a better world.