Why Is the Media INSANE About INSANITY? Why Is Government INSANE About INSANITY?

Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 11 months ago to Philosophy
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"You have probably heard about the person who shot up a Christian School the other day. You may have heard police reports that the shooter was “trans” and – wait for it – had no history of mental illness.

And in other news, the ocean had no history of being wet.

Mentally ill people are inclined to do mentally ill things. Like shoot up a school. But we are not allowed to point out the former thing, because it is a politically incorrect thing to identify a boy who thinks he is a girl (and vice-versa) as . . . mentally ill.

And yet, that is precisely what such a person is. Unless one takes the position that fantasy is the same as reality, in which case why not endorse the fantasy of a 60-year-old man who insists he is a teenage girl and let him date teenage boys? On what basis would an objection to this be made, if one has no objection to a boy insisting he is a girl and must be allowed to enter the girls’ bathroom, as he is in fact a “girl” himself?

This is, of course, insane.
The real crisis we have, then, is not one of insanity. It is the encouraging of it, which assures there will be more of it."
SOURCE URL: https://www.ericpetersautos.com/2023/03/28/does-anyone-see-it/

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  • Posted by Eyecu2 1 year, 11 months ago
    First off I didn't read you full post just the bit here in the Gulch, so I am sorry if I repeat anything that you have said.

    Until fairly recently the entire idea of someone being Trans was itself considered a mental illness. As they have changed the definition to no longer consider this to be a mental illness things have degenerated across the board precipitously. Not solely due to this but this is certainly a contributing factor. The conservatives warned about this slippery slope and were laughed at. Yet, here we are in a world just barely away from accepting bestiality and pedophilia. Yes we know that the powers élite regularly practice these atrocities but the media shields them and the courts refuse to prosecute them.
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  • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 11 months ago
    This issue of encouraging mental illness and assisting in their medical mutilation is akin to agreeing with a women who is Anorexic that she is fat and should throw up after eating. Simply disgusting. Good vs Evil.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 11 months ago
    Well written article.

    "...Crazy Uncle Bill up in the attic who thinks he’s Napoleon isn’t going to get better by addressing him as Your Majesty." BINGO
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  • Posted by VetteGuy 1 year, 11 months ago
    My thinking is very much along these lines as well.

    Didn't "failure to recognize / cope with reality" used to be a definition of insanity?
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  • Posted by $ blarman 1 year, 11 months ago
    "Never let a crisis go to waste."

    You can't overthrow a free system of government except by claiming exigent need. It is what the socialists did to overthrow the Czars in Russia, then the German Parliament in the 1920's, the the Italian government, then the Chinese government, the Korean government... The list goes on and on. The Federal Reserve Act and much of the New Deal was passed in haste. Even good people like Senator Mike Lee admitted that his original support for the Patriot Act - which was passed in haste as a response to 9/11 - was misplaced.

    We need to stop allowing emotion to determine our course of action. Nominally, this would be the Senate's job but the term "deliberation" is anathema to these one-world-government elitists.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 1 year, 11 months ago
    They reject all of the processes, laws and ways inwhich the cosmos exists, North mag. no longer attracted to South mag and without that feature, that law, that process, the cosmos could no longer exist...

    Addictive behavior is often a threat to one's existence, one's life and a behavior that could only be controlled by one's mind and with the help of others...these creatures have no mind and encircle themselves with only others with the same disease, the same temptations and behaviors.

    In Short, they are not a complete Human and therefore, Humanoid.

    PS. Laughing as I just thought: I wonder if this is what happens when our magnetic field is reversed...is so, it's about to get worse because we are not quite there yet but our shields are weak, Scotty. It would also get worse because it would remain that way for the next 12 Thousand Years until everything in our galaxy rights itself.
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    • Posted by 1 year, 11 months ago
      This perversion/corruption issue apparently happened to end the Roman Empire, but iirc the mag poles were not a factor.
      So it's more than that, imo.
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      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 1 year, 11 months ago
        Ah, but what of the DNA factor and dormant genes thusly affected. Mankind in general did not have an introspective ability until the magnetic shielding achieved it's maximum level shortly before or during the Greek awakening about 2500 to 3000 years ago.

        Lots of dormant genes from corrupted DNA just waiting to be expressed.

        But the "Thought" that had me laughing, (magnetic reversal and our attractions) was only a humorous one.
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  • Posted by katrinam41 1 year, 11 months ago
    I spent a lot of time living in and around Seattle. The beginning of the visible end to that beautiful city came about when the homeless were no longer kept in shelters, but instead released onto the streets to fend for themselves. According to the liberal powers that were, it was allowing them the constitional "right" to live in their own way, by their own choice. Unfortunately, choice only works when the chooser has enough mind to understand the ramifications of that choice. Depriving these helpless people of medication and shelter was, and is, a crime by scum fixated on pushing their distopia onto the world. Nothing has changed.
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    • Posted by $ pixelate 1 year, 11 months ago
      All municipalities, including Seattle, have a written code for compliance --- when I lived in West Richland, Washington -- I pulled items out of the local Code and wrote a letter to City Council and the Mayor -- I told them that they have a code to enforce, and here it is ... A, B, C... and these items prohibit the homeless problem from even germinating. Where you see homeless vagrants, know that it is allowed, and often supported. I used to drive through Seattle quite a bit 2010-2020... the underpasses would be littered with the blue tarps and dregs of humanity. And get this -- some of the local Seattlites, my hiking and running friends, would establish names for the camps -- and bring the campers food from Trader Joes and Wholefoods. I think the bums were being fed better than me. There is an ever growing camp that is viewable from the state capitol in Olympia. Inslee can see it... the camp is literally an environmental hazard area -- a half mile circular dump. Vans pull up to sundry tents and boxes of provisions are provided the parasites. We still have a long way to fall before things get really crazy.
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      • Posted by Running4mylife 1 year, 11 months ago
        We had homeless encampments under the overpasses in the Bay Area 15 years ago as well, and now the ENTIRE Bay Area is plagued with homeless encampments on streets, in public parks, trespassing on HOA common areas and with it violent crime. Parasites is the appropriate word. I have been in some dire situations in my life, but I never ever allowed myself to lose my home or risk the safety of my children and put them in such a situation. I simply have no tolerance for any excuse.
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  • Posted by $ pixelate 1 year, 11 months ago
    It is the normalization of degeneracy -- whether that degeneracy be pure lunacy, obesity, being covered in tats, having a CV that is painfully bereft of accomplishments, possessing a rap-sheet of trespasses and violations of property, etc... all an effort to reduce human individuals into raving mad dependent animals. I will not participate. And I am becoming more active in pointing at these degenerates in the company of a smile and laughter... just laugh loudly at these self-immolating fools.
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    • Posted by 1 year, 11 months ago
      Indeed, they have earned the slave's chain attached to the nose ring they willingly accepted as a less than human beast.
      Somehow the thinking people must prevent that ultimate degradation.
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