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    Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 12 months ago
    Stanford is graduating snowflakes coached by moronic racists.
    These are future judges unless the People come to their senses
    and discredit irrational institutions like Stanford.
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  • Posted by katrinam41 1 year, 12 months ago
    A family member is attending a state university here in Ohio. Started out in medicine, was too hard, now becoming a lawyer. Could be the poster child for what's to be. The discussions are long-winded diatribes parroting progressive talking points, over-riding every rebuttal with loud interruptions in the form of personal attacks. This person was a nice human being before her education (read indoctrination) began. Those of us who disagree have been removed from all communications. No loss in one way, big loss in many more.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 12 months ago
      Yes, a waste of time. Most lefty family members know what I think and leave me alone. Some time back an in-law, who always thought she knows everything and is constantly echoing her indoctrination, was going on about the Trump/Russian collusion hoax and noticed I was sitting there at the table in silence. She thought she could rile me and poked, "what, have you nothing to say?". Now keep in mind I'm old school and never curse in front of the family or mixed company, but I responded, "No point. When it comes to political thought you're dumber than a f---ing brick and wouldn't understand what I say so I sit here and enjoy you making an ass out of yourself." You could hear a pin drop. Of course she began cussing up a storm and I sat there looking her square in the eye with a smile on my face. She got up and left the room in a huff (they tend to do that when their brains are crushed) and I broke the ice with a "pass the turkey, please". It was definitely worth it. She never speaks to me anymore - a good thing IMHO.
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      • Posted by $ gharkness 1 year, 11 months ago
        I have a similar situation with my own daughter, but different in that she hasn't actually bothered to determine what I believe or think. She has just cobbled together a bunch of thoughts from years past, and decided that she has no need to discuss any of it with me. I'm already guilty, even though I've never pushed a discussion of any of it because frankly, she doesn't know enough to satisfy my desire to discuss.

        And so now, she has labeled me "toxic" and won't speak to me at all. Going on 7 months now.

        It's odd to think - but true - that she has lost her relationships with: her aunt, her uncle, all her cousins, her brother, and me. But of course I am the toxic one. Oh, and one of her adult children will have nothing to do with her, and she has no access to her own grandchild. For once, I am happy my ex is deceased, as this would trouble him a lot more than it does me. Some of these kids, despite being "smart" - are dumber'n a brick. Also, she's 51 years old - not exactly a child.
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        • Posted by Running4mylife 1 year, 11 months ago
          17 months and counting since I deleted the last hate fueled torrent of texts (the last several of which I didn't even read, I just deleted them as soon as she sent them) from my adult daughter over my conservative values. The only time I hear from her brother is when he wants something. As for how I am, or their elderly grandmother? Zero concern. We are a generation of parents who no longer have children. The years we spent raising them, loving them were a waste of our youth and young adult lives. I would have been better off with just dogs and enjoying my life, selfishly, like they do.
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          • Posted by $ gharkness 1 year, 11 months ago
            Thank you for letting me know I'm not the only one around here with the same situation. I belong to a group on FB that has 6,000 members, all with one - or MORE - estranged adult children. It seems to be the popular thing for kids to do these days.
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      • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 1 year, 11 months ago
        “Pass the Turkey please.....”= PRICELESS!

        I’ve said it before....but damn it always holds true. Literally EVERYONE that tells me my ideology is examine their ACTUAL lives. Not the ones they put on FAKEBOOK. And to a person they are walking train wrecks. Either broke, clinically depressed, always encased in drama or demonstrably clueless as to how the world works. I have one that I have decided to be the worst uncle ever and cheer her on as she pulls the TV down off the wall on her head. “Oh yeah.....go get a Masters in Philosophy. That’s the only way you’ll be respected and make REAL money in that field. You GO gir.......mmm whatever you are today.” Because 4th Grade Math, Compound Interest and Returns on Investments are RACIST constructs.
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        • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 11 months ago
          "And to a person they are walking train wrecks. Either broke, clinically depressed, always encased in drama or demonstrably clueless as to how the world works." Holy smokes, MK! You have it nailed! You left out perpetually needy control freaks. I'd give you +1000 if I could! LOL!

          Come to think of it, they're a lot like Hank Reardon's family.
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      • Posted by Running4mylife 1 year, 11 months ago
        Now you are someone I would enjoy sharing Thanksgiving with!
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        • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 11 months ago
          Thanks. I'm an old timer that actually thinks Thanksgiving dinner is a short moment in our lives to give thanks for the goodness we have and to enjoy life with family and friends. I want to enjoy my wife and children, grand children, and at the last one my first great grandson. I get annoyed at political bickering at the dinner table, especially leftist crap. Save it for later - then have at it - it's a free country. The incident above happened a few years ago. At this last Thanksgiving she started in again. Fortunately she was on the other side at the far end of three tables end to end and I didn't have to put up with her. She was getting louder (they have to shout their bilge all the time in order to drown out any reasonable rebuttal) as she was pressing gun control (confiscation) to a cousin sitting across from her. Now, cuz is an ex-Marine being pushed to the end of his rope and I can see the veins starting to stick out on his neck and forehead. I think he's going to kill her - whatever - just don't get blood in the gravy. THEN he leans into the table and looks right at me and nods his head up as in "what do you think?" so being the old family patriarch I mix a little history with current events and say "Our country has a duly ratified Constitution that clearly states the peoples right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, but there's an awful lot of god damned infringement going on!" , "For Christ's sake can't we just have a peaceful meal?", "Save the bullshit for later." After a blessed silence the dinner was very nice after that with normal family conversation.
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      • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 11 months ago
        Love your response sir! I have planted seeds for 6 yrs. The truth has been watering it. Still waiting for the “You were right” it’s likely never going to happen but I will never back down. Best not to talk shit around me.
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    • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 1 year, 12 months ago
      I have a similar one that would like to get me into a “struggle session”. I refuse not because I’m afraid but because it would be an utter waste of time. Her indoctrination is too deep. She is too sure of her positions. Arguments with people like that devolve into lectures. I’ll let reality weaken her walls for a few years.
      May none of us ever become so rooted in our beliefs that new data is rejected outright with zero considerations.
      There are some positions claimed by the left that I actually can agree with. Generally ones involving personal choices. They may be unpopular with my more conservative friends. My thoughts have evolved and continue to do so. Real Freedom is found in the ability too admit when we are wrong. I don’t see much of that on display in the zealotry masquerading as “liberalism” anymore.
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  • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 12 months ago
    This made me think of the book written by the gulches Walter Donway . Titled “Retaking College Hill” the adults are back.
    He signed it to me with the message :
    To Dan, my comrade in arms with the most important weapon wielded :ideas.
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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 1 year, 12 months ago
    Balkanization for the win.
    There is no pulling out of this nose dive.
    The best we can do for future generations is deprive them of a government powerful enough to subjugate them.
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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 1 year, 12 months ago
    You'd never know he was invited to speak. Libbie loved hearing her own voice to ensure she and the snapping clicking drones are on the same page.
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    • Posted by Snakecane 1 year, 11 months ago
      If this woman did not have the mob supporting her, if the audience was quiet and respectful, I am absolutely convinced that she would not have interrupted the judge and demanded to speak to him in a patronizing and insulting manner. She said nothing that made any sense whatsoever. Without the screaming mob to support her she has nothing worth hearing and she knows it. She loves that she and the mob feed upon each other because she gets a false sense of identity. She knows that without the mob she is nothing. She lacks a sense of self. This is the essence of narcissism.
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  • Posted by starbird56 1 year, 11 months ago
    Yes, it is very sad how they have lost their way. When my son was in high school, we would discuss why the border needs to be secure, and how $15/hour for flipping hamburgers leads to more expensive hamburgers. Then he started college and became enslaved to Facebook. We then agreed to not discuss politics to keep the peace. Then he decided to call me racist (because I want to know who is coming into our country), homophobic (because I voted R), brainwashed (because I watch a variety of channels, including Fox) nazi (because anyone who doesn't agree with libs is automatically a nazi). When he moved out, I told him he was welcome to visit any time as long as he left his hate at the door. Have you noticed how depressed, bitter, and angry they all seem to be? It's his loss.
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    • Posted by Running4mylife 1 year, 11 months ago
      Mine was all for limited taxation until of course he ran up his student debt, now he expects everyone to pay his bills except him. Everyone owes them everything. The economics of Marxists is astonishing, and they truly believe in it, until of course they are starving, homeless, and wondering why.
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  • Posted by mhubb 1 year, 11 months ago
    such small minded people, being made that way do they can carry the new version of Mao's Little Red Book, created from them by democrats
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 1 year, 11 months ago
    Can not imagine these people becoming successful as lawyers. However, what is a successful lawyer?

    I wouldn't want to be in a room with any of these parasites.
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