Working for MIT for 35 years, I thought being part of an engineering institution they would isolate itself from this childish woke-ism. After a while I got that sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach about ~12-15 years ago when MIT's Technology Review dialed back on publishing technological articles and started running 'stories and opinion pieces' about politics, AGW climate change and wholly Marxist ideas about "Guaranteed Basic Income" I finally halted my subscription when I read an article about how wonderful machine voting systems are. And oh yes, Mann-Made Climate change is most certainly real, just not in the way most everyone thinks:
I’m Cal Poly SLO alum and have enjoyed when I worked with MIT grads. I have come to realize the Marxists simply won’t stop. The male students at CP SLO sit around now and discuss toxic masculinity.
If you can pervert the lawyers into prosecuting speech, you can overturn all of jurisprudence and empower the Brown Shirts. Our nation is quickly turning into Nazi Germany.
...or the Soviet Union or Communist China. Perversion of lawyers in favor of party demands was huge in Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union (probably the same in Communist China, but I'm not that knowledgeable of the Chinese legal system).
It was (ab)used in all of those places to eliminate, ie. kill, anyone who objected to totalitarian rule. Because dictators hate being confronted with a difference of opinion - especially when it is Reality which differs with them. It's amazing how obtuse people can be when they get set about living out a delusion.
Every time I see one of those Public Service Announcements saying “Stop Human Trafficking” I think to myself, then release the Epstein Client lists. Or, STFU! Their hypocrisy is beyond comprehension.
Suppression of free speech became "free speech" with the implementation of political correctness (PC). As it slowly but steadily was injected into society and morphed into 'wokeness', true free speech steadily and slowly vanished.
Right on, BobCat. It solidly was underway in the mid '70s with affirmative action and anyone protesting the racism of it was told to STFU or be fired or, if a business, be driven to extinction. There was a whole new source of money to be made and power to be had by race baiters and poverty pimps and the whole lawyer/legal political system going full Marxist. The whole rotten thing has now morphed into "woke-ism" and the bleeding death of western civilization. IMHO, it's going to take one hekuva fire to burn out this plague and things are heating up.
Posters showing names, photos of Federalist Society student members blanketed campus at time of Federal Judge Duncan's campus appearance. Now those same students' right to reciprocate by exposing leftist, Antifa student hecklers is being suppressed even by sole Federalist Society staff member.
After a while I got that sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach about ~12-15 years ago when MIT's Technology Review dialed back on publishing technological articles and started running 'stories and opinion pieces' about politics, AGW climate change and wholly Marxist ideas about "Guaranteed Basic Income"
I finally halted my subscription when I read an article about how wonderful machine voting systems are.
And oh yes, Mann-Made Climate change is most certainly real, just not in the way most everyone thinks:
sheets included
Their hypocrisy is beyond comprehension.
Here is the ZeroHedge report on this Stanford U turmoil: also has good coverage of this attempt at speech suppression: