"A predator posing as a house pet, playing the part of an affable middle-class guy next door, is who Joe Biden has always been, along with nearly every other DC politician."

Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 10 months ago to Politics
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"A predator posing as a house pet, playing the part of an affable middle-class guy next door, is who Joe Biden has always been, along with nearly every other DC politician. He was once far better at maintaining the act, though. He used to have a go at children only on the most seldom occasions when he was really feeling his oats.

He now, like many patients in similar states of decline, almost totally uninhibited, simply reveals who he is with greater regularity. This is the most illuminating takeaway from the sad, ongoing Biden saga. He’s not the moral inferior of any other DC Swamp creature; he just can’t prevent himself from revealing his dark, twisted true self as well as them because of his compromised mental condition."
DC can't be fixed. NIFO.
SOURCE URL: https://www.thedailybell.com/all-articles/news-analysis/handsy-uncle-joe-publicly-feels-up-another-child-anatomy-of-a-dementia-riddled-predator/

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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 1 year, 10 months ago
    It saddens me when I realize the Obamaites are using Biden who doesn't know what is going on to put in place their communist agenda. The rest of the world thinks we are just nuts.
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    • Posted by term2 1 year, 10 months ago
      hmm. never thought of that. The biden presidency has taken down so much of the usa already. By 2024 we will be in war with russia and/or china and that will be the end of us all.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 10 months ago
    While in a department store today I overheard a woman (yes, I know what a woman is!) giving praise to the creep. She couldn't understand why anyone would pick on him. Barf.
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    • Posted by 1 year, 10 months ago
      Fact: Half the population have below median IQ.
      Sadly, many of them vote.
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      • Posted by term2 1 year, 10 months ago
        I dont really pay attention IQ in people I meet. But there is a limit when I meet someone who must have an 80 IQ. I read somewhere that to get in the army you need above 83, and thats 10% of the population. I also read that the median IQ of central americans is right about 85.
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        • Posted by 1 year, 10 months ago
          By definition 100 is the average IQ, and the tests are designed to give that result. The median will be very close to 100, but I haven't found any source of the median online.
          According to the latest data the Average in the US is 98 and the following shows the highest and lowest 10 countries' average IQ's.
          According to the results of Lynn and Meisenberg’s research, for example, out of 108 countries and provinces, the United States ranks 24th in IQ globally (tied with Australia, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Latvia, and Spain) with an average IQ of 98. The top 10 countries by average IQ are:

          1. Hong Kong (108)
          2. Singapore (108)
          3. South Korea (106)
          4. China (105)
          5. Japan (105)
          6. Taiwan (105)
          7. Iceland (101)
          8. Macau (101)
          9. Switzerland (101)
          10. Austria (as well as Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, UK) (100)

          According to the same study, the bottom 10 countries by average IQ are:

          93. Kenya (as well as Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania) (72)
          94. Zimbabwe (72)
          95. Botswana (71)
          96. Ghana (71)
          97. Zambia (71)
          98. Nigeria (69)
          99. Swaziland (68)
          100. Lesotho (67)
          101. Mozambique (64)
          102. Malawi (60)

          Some years ago, before Google was censoring the truth and banning people who published their unbiased opinions, there were some Stefan Molyneux videos on youtube analyzing the IQ by country. One of those videos did show average IQs in some African countries, some Caribbean counties, and some Central American countries averaging in the 70's to 80's - far below 1st world countries. I think the conclusion of the video poster was that if the US was accepting most of their immigrants from those areas the productivity would be degraded and the US would no longer be competitive. Of course, the media couldn't accept that truth and shouted him down as racist.
          Facts are facts. 60+ million illegal immigrant people with average IQ's that are more than a standard deviation lower than the US average are likely to lower competitiveness and to destroy the culture of achievement and merit based rewards that built America.
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          • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 10 months ago
            IOW, the dumbing down of America has more creating it than simply a crappy education system. At the risk of coming off as a bigot and racist, maybe the big city school systems showing the the greatest failure aren't just caused by the people being poor, oppressed, or otherwise downtrodden, but because the majority of the attendees have ancestral base in the the areas indicated on your list by numbers 93 to 102.
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          • Posted by term2 1 year, 10 months ago
            Exactly. I read that certain european jews has exceptional IQ also. A is A. Its logical that given people have different heights, color, etc. that they would have varying brain sizes and connections- yielding varying IQ
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        • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 10 months ago
          Check out the book "The Bell Curve", which is a treatise on IQ in America. The authors got roasted and hounded for publishing their findings. I didn't agree with all their conclusions, but data is what data is.
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          • Posted by term2 1 year, 10 months ago
            Its just logical that given all the physical variations in humans that there would be physical variations in internal organs, brain not excluded. The result could easily be differences in how "quick" you are to figure things out or even recognize patterns. Hence differences in IQ.

            Given the people, at least in the past, stayed in the country they were born in. That would mean that physical characteristics such as brain function would be passed down from one to another, yielding an average for that country.

            The asians got us handily beat, and we are importing central americans big time with this open border thing, so we can expect as a country to have lower IQ in the future.

            We better develop automation and robots so we can compete in the world
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            • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 10 months ago
              If I recall from "The Bell Curve" longitudinal study average European-American IQ was 100, average African-American IQ was 85, average Asian-American IQ was 101. The sample size for Hispanic-American and other groups were too small to garner a definitive IQ value so no values were published - that I recall. The published 85 for African-Americans caused a firestorm of hate towards the book's authors they couldn't escape from. As I recall the MSMM had Al Sharpton on numerous times accusing the authors of bigotry and racism. As much as they roasted the authors, I don't recall any mention of these "Klansmen" pointing out the 101 for Asians.

              The authors wanted to be clear there were geniuses and morons in all races, but the data falls where it does and the averages fall where they do.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 1 year, 10 months ago
    If me dino saw Sicko Joe so much as touching my grand-kids or grand-neices, that pervert's Secret Service would have to drag me down and slap on the cuffs.
    Whoa! Me dino just remembered a suppressed blip on a screen news story during the Obama Reign Of Patriot Group Harassment.
    A Secret Service agent got into trouble got into trouble for pushing touchy-feelie Vice President Pervert away from his wife. Never heard of what became of that agent. Maybe he drives a garbage truck now.
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