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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 years, 2 months ago
    You know, thinking about all Trump accomplished as President, I hope the people who hate him are at least beginning to feel the pain. Did you see the 10,000 people a day coming across in El Paso? This is a damn invasion!
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 years, 2 months ago
    In studying the photo, I must say that Obama 'daughter' didn't have these two for parents. She has a round face and high forehead...theirs are flat. They are too dark to have such a light skinned child. They eyes don't resemble either one. Nope.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 2 months ago
    Having a blah morning until I got here. Thanks! I was simply enjoying going from meme to meme going, "uh-huh uh-huh", but when I got whacked with the "flickering" lights - BOOM - LMAO! The tin foil haberdashery is timely, since such was being discussed elsewhere in the Gulch, LOL, tough choice between the bowler or fedora, though. I wonder if the wife would appreciate the ladies version for Christmas.
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  • Posted by NealS 2 years, 2 months ago
    I just got a Christmas card from some old friends that we haven't seen or heard from in years. They included a short note, machine printed, included with the card. I'm sure their summary of their last year was sent to everyone they know. It was a good breakout laugh for my wife and I when we read it. It said, "Jim and I doing fine. Last spring we went to Maui for six weeks. We plan to go again this next spring. Jim is having problems with his right knee but will receive a cortisone shot before we leave. We seem to keep busy with some activities here at our retirement home." Then came the hilarious punch line, "We have had all of our vaccinations, and still wear our masks. So far have stayed Covid free. Have a Happy New Year!"

    Can someone meme this for me?
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  • Posted by tutor-turtle 2 years, 2 months ago
    Remember the phrase from about 20 years ago "There's a war on for your mind"?
    Also 20 years ago when some jets would spraying something (?) out of the wingtips that would, after a few hours, completely obscured the skies with a thin cloud layer? Now they just leave these long trails from horizon to horizon that don't seem to spread out much?
    Parse that all together with Dr. James Giodano's lecture series on Bugs, Drugs and Toxins for mind control.
    I live on the North-East coast. I see (and have pictures) of two jets, side by side, same altitude, one leaving the normal condensate trail, about three or four time it's length, that quickly dissipates as it moves along. The other is leaving a thick, wide trail of white, that goes horizon to horizon. When you are on a two mile long beach, you can see a lot of sky. There are days when I observe dozens of this "trails". And still the occasional jet will fly by, same altitude and direction. leaving only the barest of a condensate trail. It's not about climate change anymore, it's about societal change. And it's a-happening now.
    For those of you who just love rabbit holes visit geoengineeringwatch dot org
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    • Posted by 2 years, 2 months ago
      Thanks for your observations. I have posted this topic numerous times. Plenty here deny any such thing, I have argued and shown images of the chemical containers being loaded into the jets. Images of them in place and shown the levels of Barium and nano particles of aluminum .
      Even this video is ignored as evidence
      I live 1 mile from a major airport I have witnessed the same thing.
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      • Posted by tutor-turtle 2 years, 2 months ago
        They can deny all they want: (La-La-La: fingers in ears) Doesn't change reality. Nano particles (of anything) go in the mucus membrane and pass through the brain/blood barrier. And we all know how good aluminum is for helping dementia advance. What all the other stuff is for is their little secret.
        I live less than a mile from Pease AFB, allegedly one of the "closed" bases, but the traffic... refueling tankers, C-130's, AWACS, lots of "Heavies" in and out, all hours of the day and night. Closed? My backside. It is a commercial airport as well, but civies fly Whisper Jets, I can see them, but can barely hear them. Military jets roar and shake the house.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 2 years, 2 months ago
    They are all pretty good. Really liked Pelosi getting what she richly deserves (Meme#1, second row) and Buyden beside her. Next over~~Benghazi Killery The Evil Hag dresses like one.
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