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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 2 years, 7 months ago
    The doctor/hero one is spot on. My apologies to our resident Doctors but I absolutely despise the medical profession now. I know some that stood up and called BS...but they were silenced and everyone else just sat there and put up with it.
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    • Posted by JohnRandALL 2 years, 7 months ago
      I am a physician who stood up, and was forced to retire rather than get the shot. And I love the doctor/hero one too! My advice, stay away from doctors, and especially away from hospitals, and take as few drugs as possible. Exercise and eat right. Unfortunately, people do get sick and have to seek medical care, but there are very few doctors that you can trust right now.
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      • Posted by 2 years, 7 months ago
        I am honored to know you here. I followed that sad saga , but a most important one. It is hard to believe how many have awakened to the ugly truth. Big Pharma , Health insurance both public and private do not have your health as the number one priority. In addition many have seen, the swift censoring of alternative therapies. The punishment to physicians who used their own knowledge and experience to actually help a patient, recover , and talk about it.
        This Was seen and must have scared the possibility of risking a sweet financial lifestyle for most doctors to follow protocol. What the hell the CDC says it , so does the WHO , so does the nightly news.
        Those would be great excuses in the unlikely event they were ever Questioned about what is coming out more and more as time goes by.
        I imagine untold thousands of talented intelligent doctors chose Dark vs Light. Evil vs Good.
        Deny reality because I owe so much money in student loans or the vacation home is expensive.
        I am used to spending a boat load on my cool cars.
        Very hard to have a give it up. Peoples alliances are with where the $ comes from. Sorry for the rant but Bravo bravo Bravo to you. You chose the light!
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 2 years, 7 months ago
    The pedestrian seat belt reminds me dino of the last time I saw someone driving a car all alone wearing a mask. Think he heard me laughing at him in a parking lot before I realized he had his windows rolled down about two weeks ago.
    Interesting was for the first time reading why humans can't eat bugs. Recall hearing about chocolate-covered ants back during the Sixties never appealing to me. As for mammals not being able to eat bugs, there is an exception to that rule and that would be anteaters.
    Have something to add to FBI=Favoritism Before Integrity and that would be HTKFP=How To Keep Federal Pensions.
    Taiwanese protestors know that American Witch better than Jackass Party voters.
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