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  • 20
    Posted by $ AJAshinoff 2 years, 3 months ago
    Individually, yes we can survive but the quality of life will dramatically decline (more than it already has). Those not willing participants in the 'party' will be more outcast, a peasant class in the eyes of the ruling 'elite'. It is We The Living all over again.

    The saddest part is we allowed this to happen here even allowed a generation or two to be led to thinking its well and good despite the safeguards built into the constitution to prevent it.
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  • 11
    Posted by $ gharkness 2 years, 3 months ago
    Been asking that question since approximately January 21, 2021. Still don't have an answer I can bear to contemplate. I am seriously afraid we can't survive as a country, though in truth I'd be okay with a national divorce. I just would be concerned about the terms. In Texas, we'd probably be okay. Other states, well, I guess that'd be their problem.
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    • Posted by jack1776 2 years, 3 months ago
      That sounds like a wonderful idea, lets divide the country up county by county based on last year's election. All the small urban countries can be ruled by their dear leader, and the mass of the country will remain America. Then America will build walls around these urban countries, we’ll call them “camps”. They will need food, water, and waste disposal, they don’t produce anything of value so they will have no way to trade with us in a few short years.
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      • Posted by jack1776 2 years, 3 months ago
        Ultimately, I think the plan is for them to cause great pain financially, force foreclosure and assume ownership. Therefore, Blackrock and others are paying ridiculous sums of money for worthless property, this is because they are buying the property with worthless slips of paper and digital zeros.

        I think the next Great Depression is already in the works, I think there is nothing we can do to stop their plan. They have disrupted food and fuel supplies to such an extent that we will have a crisis with feeding everyone. Business will go out of business and families will suffer.

        I think our response is to declare the dollar dead and to have a debt jubilee, convert any wealth you have now to tangible assets. When the government comes for you because of non-compliance or to evict you, the network responds, in force in necessary.

        I’ve played their game and I don’t like it, now they can play our game.
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        • Posted by LibertyBelle 2 years, 3 months ago
          Well, if you defy the government, how can it do anything to you? Aren't the same Leftists who want to take all your property and otherwise subjugate you, all for abolishing the police? Then who will they get to put you in jail?--Or are they going to hire common street thugs to do it?
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          • Posted by jack1776 2 years, 3 months ago
            Have you seen what the FBI has been up to lately? They have been staging false flags and purging members based on political view. The military has been purging and driving out the non-woke.
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        • Posted by jack1776 2 years, 3 months ago
          I also must concede that everything I have heard is a lie, designed to cause be to react in ways I would normally never react. This is why I’m just not complying until I’m trigger, just not in the snowflake way.
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  • 10
    Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 3 months ago
    "Consider the wreckage they have created in less than two years..." The Neo Communists and others have been at the destruction of America for a lot longer than two years. I believe we are seeing the masks come off and the fruition of their efforts, which are accelerating.
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    Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 3 months ago
    Are we so cowardly that we don't do anything to change it?
    Government can't rule unless we consent to be ruled.
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    • Posted by jack1776 2 years, 3 months ago
      There is this nationwide network of patriots, the design of this network is to communicate securely, respond to government incursions locally and to support each other. I liked the idea, the problem is that the execution has turned into a circus of creating publicity for one, this one is running for governor of Idaho. Too many “emergency” notices for things that are not emergencies.
      I do like the idea of a secure way to communicate and organize. Too much of what we are feed through the news media and tech has been groomed to control us, all of us…
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  • 10
    Posted by mhubb 2 years, 3 months ago
    the basic problem is that no matter what biden does
    no matter if the dems loose Congress in a few months

    they ARE ALWAYS out there, waiting to lie/buy their way back to power

    and look at the RINO traitors

    i do not know the full solution, but we need REAL term limits, no more than a certain number of terms in office and all money left over given to pay down the national debt the politicians caused to grow

    this started a long time ago, with allowing the vote for those with nothing to loose, allowing welfare parasites to vote more welfare

    LBJ's Great Society was also a major cause, it is 100% unconstitutional, but no one cares, no one now wants to give up their medicare/medicaid for eample
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    • Posted by $ gharkness 2 years, 3 months ago
      I don't really think of Medicare as a a welfare entitlement, since we paid for it, and then some. AND most of us would have been happy to give it up so we could manage our own money m(Edit to add: Social Security, too). But now they have already taken it, I AM going to get every penny I can out of my Medicare.

      EBT? Yes. All those other entitlements, Yes. Medicare, No.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 3 months ago
        Since retiring I've fostered the same attitude, especially as applied to the SS Ponzi. I was forced to pay into it since I started working as a teenager back in the '60s. The payment I receive now is simply "ROI" (Return On Investment). The ROI on my private investments are better so I wish I could have invested the Ponzi take on my own as well.
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      • Posted by $ blarman 2 years, 3 months ago
        I'd argue that Medicare is indeed a huge entitlement program. Why? Because even though we "pay in" to the program via payroll taxes, people are either in the camp where they pay and get nothing or pay little and receive far more in payout.

        Not to mention that the system is set up to provide "welfare" to lawyers. My bro-in-law is a wealthy SS lawyer. Seriously. All he does is help clients who have been denied SS disability that they should have been accepted - with back pay. And his settlement fees come straight out of taxpayer pockets. It's a huge racket since the government pretty much encourages these kinds of legal appeals (my bro-in-law hasn't ever had a claim denied).

        The other major problem is that government is involved in the first place. Full stop. If you have government involved in handing out money to people, it IS an entitlement program. The Federal Government shouldn't be involved in healthcare, retirement planning, income taxes, unemployment, Food Stamps, WIC, etc. They are all entitlement programs that James Madison as President specifically vetoed claiming that it was a danger to our system of government. He was 100% right.
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        • Posted by LibertyBelle 2 years, 3 months ago
          If they brought in a Laissez-Faire state, I'd be glad to give up Social Security. A better chance of getting a job, an employer would not have to be afraid of hiring an older person because of fear of paying for broken legs, etc.
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      • Posted by VetteGuy 2 years, 3 months ago
        You have hit upon a pet peeve of mine. many times I see 'entitlements' listed as Social security, Medicare, Welfare, and Medicaid. There should be two separate categories.

        Social Security and Medicare could be rightly called 'entitlements'. I paid into them (actually was FORCED to pay into them) and therefore I am entitled to the benefits from those programs.

        Welfare and Medicaid (as well as EBT and I'm sure several others) are NOT entitlements. The beneficiaries have done nothing to earn any benefit from these programs. They are government sponsored give-aways. I suggest the term "Moocher Payment" for these programs. /rant off
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        • Posted by $ gharkness 2 years, 3 months ago
          I could easily be wrong because this is definitely not my strongest conversation topic, but I thought "entitlement" meant that one was considered "entitled" to a payment EVEN THOUGH they haven't paid into it. Let me go do some searching.... Well it turns out that basically, any payment Govt to person, is considered "entitlement." As you do, I take issue with that. I'll go with Moocher Payments, along with you!
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  • Posted by LarryHeart 2 years, 3 months ago
    IMO the Woke will give way to the awakened majority. Lincoln famously said "you can't fool all of the People all of the time." As long as the Republicans sweep Congress we will have a wall that the Prez and Pelosi can bang their brainless heads against. Biden will sniff burning hair.
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    • Posted by LibertyBelle 2 years, 3 months ago
      Now that Roe vs. Wade has been overturned, the Democrats are going to try to use that to get in, so don't count on the Republicans' sweeping Congress. One thing I don't like in politics on our side is overconfidence. It's not smart.
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  • Posted by bjedrick 2 years, 3 months ago
    If we survived Jimmy Carter and 8 years of Obama, we can survive anything. Of greater concern is the brainwashing of an indifferent electorate who will believe anything they are told.
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    • Posted by LibertyBelle 2 years, 3 months ago
      True; and why is that? The kind of education they have been getting (or should I say, rammed down their throats?) We should start an open campaign to abolish public education, before it's too late.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 2 years, 3 months ago
    Time to round the wagons. It's going to be a rough ride the next couple years. We could see WWIII. Could see a tactical nuke going off. Inflation should continue to get worse...actually STAGFLATION. The POTUS will continue to step up to the mic and say really outlandish, marble-mouthed things. I can't guess where we'll be in two more years...
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    • Posted by $ blarman 2 years, 3 months ago
      The economic effects of progressive policies will be worse than a tactical nuke, I'm afraid. With a nuke, at least you can maneuver around the affected area. The general economic malaise caused by years of unbridled spending and debt creeps into every nook and cranny - there's simply no place to hide from its pernicious influence.
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      • Posted by $ Abaco 2 years, 3 months ago
        This is covered pretty well in the book I'm reading, "Enjoy the Decline". The author promotes a minimalist approach to live in response. I'm not quite sold on that. But, I'm starting to stockpile some can goods. Working much less. Selling off some real estate soon. Thinking about purchasing some acreage and maybe (big maybe) incorporating a small business. Either that or just acquire more bullets and chickens...haha...
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  • Posted by JohnRandALL 2 years, 3 months ago
    There is always hope that we can rise from the ashes.
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    • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 3 months ago
      Not only can we , but we will. There is not one thing that is going well for the deep state pigs. Thousands of patriots demanding election reform, SCOTUS rulings, Ukraine , Hunters laptop keeps on giving, the FBlie is exposed as weaponized , spygate. You are witnessing the whole corrupt temple coming down on their fuQing heads.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 2 years, 3 months ago
    Wish me dino could answer that.
    All I know is that's the outcome our Puppet-In-Chief''s Marxist handlers and obliging vile globalist greedy creatures of The Swamp are gunning for.
    The only Utopia we're to then be disarmed and led by the nose to will be where only the pigs on top are more than equal like in George Orwell's Animal Farm.
    That will be kinda like the two-tiered justice system the corrupted DOJ already runs.
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    • Posted by $ jdg 2 years, 3 months ago
      Biden has admitted twice in the last week, most recently at G7, that he plans another pandemic within the next year -- and by implication, that he planned the first. I'm going to stay home but fortify and prepare for both another lockdown and another attempt to force the poisonous "vaccines" into all of us.

      The senseless war in Ukraine may also play a part in the next series of phony emergencies.

      And when it's over, there must be another set of Nuremberg Trials.
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      • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 2 years, 3 months ago
        Agreed.....I’m far more prepared this time. When they start the mask BS back up at work.....I’m gone. Retirement 12 years early. Why keep working when I’m swimming up a waterfall? I’m going backwards despite my efforts. Might as well enjoy the ride downstream. And do a lot of pointing and laughing. Guess who’s getting $900 a week for doing nothing next time......THIS GUY! Sure it’s a cut in pay....but I will literally be doing nothing for it. I’m looting my taxes back baby.
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  • Posted by GaryL 2 years, 3 months ago
    IF, and it's a big IF, the destruction being perpetrated by the democrats ends up destroying the communist party after the 2022 and 2024 elections, we will come out of this in much better shape than we have been in for years. Two very important things must happen. Democrats and all the RINOs get sent packing.
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  • Posted by pkundl 2 years, 3 months ago
    What choice you have.. look at who is waiting in the wings.. giggling Gertie.. then is something happens there.. got forbid.. who is NEXT in line...
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  • Posted by Bee 2 years, 3 months ago
    Let's take the woke culture for what it is... Those who don't make babies, contribute in a significant way, (except for complaining) and think the traditional family is valueless. In 50 years they will die out. In 50 years, I'll not be here (as I'm old as dirt). The question now becomes how do we live in this world until that happens? I didn't "allow" this to happen. I worked hard my entire life, contributed and voted... I've not gotten ONE thing back from the Gov. Not a plandemic pay-out not medicare and not one handout. I have worked for every lousy worthless dollar. Not to mention getting involved in local politics and running a business (that added value to my community, as I paid for school for my employees), that gave raises based on merit and hard work, NOT the color of someone's skin. I actually tried to change things, but to no avail. The lunacy won out. I chose my personal peace and life over the horrible things they tried to do and did. I know our culture is bifurcating and those who employ common sense are moving away from those who let emotions and temper tantrums win out. I'm sorry, I do not have answers, but simply surrounding myself with those who have Victory gardens, are industrious and are honorable. Part of why I visit here.
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    • Posted by LibertyBelle 2 years, 3 months ago
      I am sorry that you have been so victimized. I wish I could say that I had run my own business. But people who have known you while you have been working so hard should respect you. And we still have to fight.
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  • Posted by lrshultis 2 years, 3 months ago
    It is sad that so many are like the oysters.

    "The Walrus and the Carpenter
    Lewis Carroll - 1832-1898

    The sun was shining on the sea,
    Shining with all his might:
    He did his very best to make
    The billows smooth and bright—
    And this was odd, because it was
    The middle of the night.

    The moon was shining sulkily,
    Because she thought the sun
    Had got no business to be there
    After the day was done—
    "It's very rude of him," she said,
    "To come and spoil the fun!"

    The sea was wet as wet could be,
    The sands were dry as dry.
    You could not see a cloud because
    No cloud was in the sky:
    No birds were flying overhead—
    There were no birds to fly.

    The Walrus and the Carpenter
    Were walking close at hand:
    They wept like anything to see
    Such quantities of sand:
    "If this were only cleared away,"
    They said, "it would be grand!"

    "If seven maids with seven mops
    Swept it for half a year,
    Do you suppose," the Walrus said,
    "That they could get it clear?"
    "I doubt it," said the Carpenter,
    And shed a bitter tear.

    "0 Oysters, come and walk with us!"
    The Walrus did beseech.
    "A pleasant walk, a pleasant talk,
    Along the briny beach:
    We cannot do with more than four,
    To give a hand to each."

    The eldest Oyster looked at him,
    But never a word he said;
    The eldest Oyster winked his eye,
    And shook his heavy head—
    Meaning to say he did not choose
    To leave the oyster-bed.

    But four young Oysters hurried up,
    All eager for the treat:
    Their coats were brushed, their faces washed,
    Their shoes were clean and neat—
    And this was odd, because, you know,
    They hadn't any feet.

    Four other Oysters followed them,
    And yet another four;
    And thick and fast they came at last,
    And more and more and more—
    All hopping through the frothy waves,
    And scrambling to the shore.

    The Walrus and the Carpenter
    Walked on a mile or so,
    And then they rested on a rock
    Conveniently low:
    And all the little Oysters stood
    And waited in a row.

    "The time has come," the Walrus said,
    "To talk of many things:
    Of shoes—and ships—and sealing-wax—
    Of cabbages—and kings—
    And why the sea is boiling hot—
    And whether pigs have wings."

    "But wait a bit," the Oysters cried,
    "Before we have our chat;
    For some of us are out of breath,
    And all of us are fat!"
    "No hurry!" said the Carpenter.
    They thanked him much for that.

    "A loaf of bread," the Walrus said,
    "Is what we chiefly need:
    Pepper and vinegar besides
    Are very good indeed—
    Now, if you're ready, Oysters dear,
    We can begin to feed."

    "But not on us!" the Oysters cried,
    Turning a little blue.
    "After such kindness, that would be
    A dismal thing to do!"
    "The night is fine," the Walrus said,
    "Do you admire the view?

    "It was so kind of you to come!
    And you are very nice!"
    The Carpenter said nothing but
    "Cut us another slice.
    I wish you were not quite so deaf—
    I've had to ask you twice!"

    "It seems a shame," the Walrus said,
    "To play them such a trick.
    After we've brought them out so far,
    And made them trot so quick!"
    The Carpenter said nothing but
    "The butter's spread too thick!"

    "I weep for you," the Walrus said:
    "I deeply sympathize."
    With sobs and tears he sorted out
    Those of the largest size,
    Holding his pocket-handkerchief
    Before his streaming eyes.

    "0 Oysters," said the Carpenter,
    "You've had a pleasant run!
    Shall we be trotting home again?"
    But answer came there none—
    And this was scarcely odd, because
    They'd eaten every one.

    This poem is in the public domain."
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  • Posted by Ben_C 2 years, 3 months ago
    W. Virginia vs EPA will define our future. If the SCOTUS rules in favor of W. Virginia a fatal blow will be made to all the non-legislated federal bureaucracies such as the EPA. The principle of separation of powers will be reinstated. Given the premise of the Roe vs Wade ruling I am a tiny bit optimistic. It will be a defining moment in our history.
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  • Posted by term2 2 years, 3 months ago
    damn good question. If dems win supermajority in both housesin November, DEFINITELY NOT. If the repubs win at least a majority in both houses, they can block everything that biden would try to do domestically. If the repubs win supermajority in both houses, some of biden stuff will be overturned.

    As to foreign affairs, I think that no matter what happens, biden will encourage russia and china to invade what they want, leading us closer to ww3 which might end it all.

    I do think that biden will retire to "be with his family:, if the repubs win in november, as biden's role will be exhausted at that point. We will get Kackling Kamila and she will be a total lame duck unto 2024- wont sign anything repubs pass, and gridlock will rule (not so bad actually).
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 2 years, 3 months ago
    I wonder how far the people of this get pushed to the wall before violence will erupt. Maybe we have food riots similar to what has occurred in some of the Pacific rim countries.
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