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Thanks, Dan, for letting me in on the callous outrageous motives behind his actions.
It caused me to recall a classic Samurai movie I saw a long time ago.
You'd think that's just common sense that should counteract heads grown too smugly fat to treat people decently.
Marfa, a small desert city in west Texas, is known as an arts hub. The Chinati Foundation, founded by artist Donald Judd, displays huge indoor and outdoor installations on an old army base. The Ballroom Marfa arts center hosts exhibitions, concerts and the Marfa Myths cultural festival.
That is my translation . I never had to talk to my kids that way but I might have heard something similar in the way back machine.
BTW, iI liked the pin the tail on the donkey cartoon. It was just plain old fashioned funny.
And yes, I now identify as a metronome. Set on about 120 beats per minute.