USA Babies Last! Biden Administration Ships Pallets Of Baby Formula To Open Border Illegals!
This is going on as American parents of little babies are deprived of access to baby formula.
Besides the Biden administration screwing up the supply chain, this explains where what's left of the formula is going.
That's okay, though. Just add that the list of acceptable collateral damage gained for piling on an illegal increase of future voters so the Democrat Party can obtain their dream of one-party rule.
So what some people get raped and killed and lots and lots of American kids die of fentanyl overdoses to enrich criminal cartels.
Be happy! Some day we all get to live in a Communist Utopia! That always works out well, doesn't it?
Besides the Biden administration screwing up the supply chain, this explains where what's left of the formula is going.
That's okay, though. Just add that the list of acceptable collateral damage gained for piling on an illegal increase of future voters so the Democrat Party can obtain their dream of one-party rule.
So what some people get raped and killed and lots and lots of American kids die of fentanyl overdoses to enrich criminal cartels.
Be happy! Some day we all get to live in a Communist Utopia! That always works out well, doesn't it?
Miss Trump yet?
I DO capitalize dino when I formally present myself as His Excellency Dino Philosoraptor Allosaurus Esquire BS as me did elsewhere today.
Me dino adopted Philosoraptor as a middle name from a meme way back when Olduglycarl started to present his meme collections.
Breast Feed as long as possible. Most mammals breast feed until their offspring is 1/2 their adult weight! We no longer breast feed enough.
Find someone who is over-producing if you are under producing. I believe it is better to use another persons breast milk in your child than these STUPID FORMULAS.
FWIW, they add enough Fructose/Glucose to these formulas to make them as sweet as a milkshake from McDonalds. In Breastmilk, the initial flow is Colostrum, the sweetest part. And then bait and switch happens, and after the initial rewarding surge of sweetness, the baby continues to feed on more Protein and Fat. Very healthy.
Lets use EVERY PROBLEM in the supply chain as a CHANCE to educate people to find alternative ways. MANY women (80%) use formula because they think it is easier (it s), and they think it is the same. NOT EVEN CLOSE.
Breast fed babies are almost never super CHUNKY looking (inflammation for cows dairy?)
Worse, Soy formulas exist and jack with the estrogen/testosterone levels of the babies (Gender Fluid is what Soy baby formulas should be called).
Every PROBLEM they create is an OPPORTUNITY for us... To educate and Eradicate.
I can promise you... 400 Years ago... Nobody was giving their children this crap. Oh, and if you don't know, women complain that after "pumping" breast milk, they get Sleepy. No Shit!
Your body thinks you just fed your baby. Which will make the baby sleep. And it is NATURAL for you to sleep when the baby sleeps, less you become sleep deprived.
My wife struggled with producing enough milk, and the CHOKING sound our baby made. The hospital made me FORCE FEED her a bottle and made my wife leave the room. They explains the CHOKING is how a baby learns the difference between breathing/swallowing... There is simply no way around it. Start with the smaller nipples and less liquid, they learn quickly.
After that, because it was 2 days late, my wife simply was not making enough milk. But had she been PUMPING (we bought a pump)... her Milk production would have started increasing. Effectively is she is NOT milking, the body thinks the baby didn't make it, and turns it off...
We knew NOTHING of course. Because THIS STUFF (the most important stuff) is barely taught. We no longer live close to family (on the same family farm, where Mom/Dad can say... Yep... Green Poop. Ignore it! LOL).
the more we grow up as a society, the more backwards we become!
Bill Gates is the largest investor in farm land...and there are Food shortages.
Bill Gates is the largest investor in lab cultured baby milk ... and now———————.
The list goes on. Everything Gates Touches makes him money, and brings a pretty decent level of suffering to others, IMO!
Made me wonder if evaporated milk from uncontented cows tasted wild or something.
I wonder if this would pass the PC police today.
“Everywhere is freaks and hairies. Dykes and fairies, tell me where is sanity. Tax the rich, feed the poor 'Til there are no rich no more? I'd love to change ...”
What's next, disposable diapers?
Not to mention, I know women have to work, but they do have breasts, right? Milk comes out of them? Ladies knock me down if you're offended.
But that wasn't the only norm my ex failed to meet. Ahem!
Years after we were divorced, I recommended that she try Chantix to quit smoking. She said it may cause her to commit suicide because she was crazy. Me dino kept my mouth shut. Yes, I did. Me a good dino.
Serious Risks Associated with Pfizer's Chantix -
Feb 11, 2011 — The most dangerous side effects linked to Chantix are suicide, suicide ideation and psychotic behavior. An alarming number of Chantix users have
Within 24 hours I only experienced two harmless side effects. Street lights and traffic light took on an unreal glow as a nicotine fit compelled me to go buy a pack of Swisher Sweets. The other side effect was a very vivid dream like I never had before. That's it! Side effects completed.
When I smoked I could not inhale. The ability to inhale smoke had been chemically shut down somehow. The nicotine fits subsided.
Like an AA alcohol addict who has quit drinking for good, I know I'm a nicotine addict who will again be hooked if I ever smoke any tobacco product ever again.
Learned that because I had quit once before without Chantix.
The US government has earned the punishment for treason and genocide.
There is a horrible skit going around that I will only allude to here. A woman used what you referred to above to make rice pudding. When her gentleman found out he became ill. So she offered him a piece of bread. She neglected to mention where she sourced the natural yeast.
Don't worry. I'm not cutting that lying crooked career politician now with blood on his hands any slack.
Sad, but I was expecting that.
Bad stuff that will happen is viewed as acceptable collateral damage measured against power gained especially should it lead to one party rule.
Aw, did your baby starve or did your teenager overdose on fentanyl? I'm so sorry. You are forever in my thoughts and prayers. Ahem! Why are you still here, you racist?
She is pulling the strings of domestic policy in the Senile-Joe "administration".
When me dino refers to the "Biden Administration," I refer to a troupe of puppeteers who plays puppet show with a babbling, doddering silly-looking old laughingstock on a string.
Audio doesn't work for me. Maybe Google-YouTube removed it to protect the idiots.