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    Posted by mhubb 2 years, 4 months ago
    democrats want to either murder the unborn or have sex with them after they are born

    and selling baby parts is big business
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    • Posted by $ Thoritsu 2 years, 4 months ago
      No, this is instituting religion in government, allowing one person's religion to be forced on another . Congratulations, we are a theocracy and an oligarchy.

      The good news is, now for dead sure SCOTUS will ignore precedent, and we can be sure the First and Second Amendments are trashed when the progressives finish the inevitable stacking.
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      • Posted by doubleJack 2 years, 4 months ago
        It's not about religion, it's about the sanctity of life. As far as trashing the Amendments, that's highly doubtful. Freedom of Speech, Religion, Assembly, the Press, and the right to bear arms are all specifically written into the Constitution. I doubt you will find "abortion" anywhere in the text.
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        • Posted by $ Thoritsu 2 years, 4 months ago
          This is very much like saying semi-automatic weapons were not part of the Second Amendment.

          Sanctity of life means there is a human life. Asserting a zygote is a human life, requiring servitude from a woman is 1) religion and 2) inconsistent with Freedom.
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          • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 4 months ago
            Assigning the definition "servitude" to the gestation period of the normal and natural life cycle of our species is absurd. Insisting on that definition requires a religion all of its own.

            I did not down vote you and +1 bumped you back up. Your arguments are common, well expressed, and need discussion.
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            • Posted by $ Thoritsu 2 years, 4 months ago
              Yeah, Doby didn’t either. Some lurking coward terrified of discussion.

              I disagree. A woman doesn’t want a pregnancy. People who insist the zygote is a human use government force to compel her to carry it to term. Government force employed to compel one person against their desire to support another. If you believe the zygote is a human being, this is the very definition of servitude. If you believe the zygote is just an interesting cell, a thing, it is really, really unethical. Forcing a woman to nine months of unhealthy distress, potential risk and often irreversible change to her body for the benefit of a cell with no mind, no feelings, no memories. Absurd.

              I have had discussions with biology researchers (interesting story actually) about the potential relationship between cancer and evolution. They explained that this is not a wild idea, but completely reasonable and being studied. Sharks rarely get cancer, and have evolved quite slowly. Cancer is overwhelmingly the reverse case, where the host’s life is dependent on removing the cancer. If cancer is a new emerging life, is it ethical to remove and kill it?
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              • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 4 months ago
                Once again if you like to find out that it wasn’t me down voting your comments. I could down vote your comments now and you would see it wasn’t me. We agree on many issues but don’t on a few others. If that disagreement , in your mind means I am the one doing it well so be it. I get down voted
                Regularly by a few , I suspect because I will argue
                My point just like you do.
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          • Posted by TheRealBill 2 years, 4 months ago
            I disagree. Here is where/why:

            It is technically human life (life, human DNA), this is objective. What is really at hand here is whether it is a human life "worthy" of "protecting" - and that is a non-scientific question. It doesn't require religion, there can be a philosophical reasoning behind that - because it is a philosophical question.

            Fundamentally that is a discussion had in other areas. For example, citizens are almost universally afforded more rights than non-citizen residents.

            As I see it there are two base positions, given the acceptance of human rights at all: "worthy" from conception vs "worthy" at some other point. In a way it is a bit like the old joke of "madam, we've already established what type of woman you are now we're just haggling over price."

            The question of where that point is, will be largely philosophical and thus vary. For example, many people commonly accept "at birth" - though recent evidence shows many don't even accept birth but conceivably some other later point. Christian religious philosophy does have a basis in the at-birth with the phrase "And I shall breathe the breath of life into them" as something that can be interpreted that way.

            Historically, christian position pre-Roe was the "quickening" - when mom can feel movement. Again, this is not an objective point in time. This is part of why Roe was a bad decision from the onset - regardless of one's perspective on the points above.

            Now, as to the servitude angle. For the "pro-choice" group it isn't really about servitude. If it was, they would be "pro-choice" for everyone - men included. That would mean giving the male the option to not be forced into decades of servitude to support a person he did not want to. Yet, in my experience, raising this notion with them pushes them into rage over the idea that the man wouldn't "do his share" to support the child he didn't want.

            As hard as it may be to imagine, this was not a major/controversial issue before Roe was handed down. Roe became a rallying point for both sides, and they've each cashed in on it since. The decision by the conservative appointed Justices was largely in-line with the religious and generally accepted view on it. If you swap "viability" and "the quickening" it is pretty much the same vague "standard." Which only demonstrated further that it is a philosophical assertion as to where human biological life becomes "worthy" of "protection" and rights.
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            • Posted by $ Thoritsu 2 years, 4 months ago
              But your argument against "servatude" is that it is not the basis of the ProChoice platform. I don't care about them. As you note, I disagree with the other 90% of their platform, welcoming forced altruism with other's money.

              I maintain it is forced servitude, regardless of the transition from erotic idea to walking human being. If it is a human at conception, it is servitude to a human. If it is human at 16 weeks, it begins as servitude to a thing, and transitions to servitude to a human.

              I agree, it was voting along religious lines, and SCOTUS should know better. Even Scalia did better than that.

              If abortion becomes illegal, the ProChoice community is going to force free care and income for the mother throughout pregnancy and the option for adoption following pregnancy. We are going to have a bunch more babies we don;t need, and more taxes to pay for these unwanted children, and little doubt there will be more crime.
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      • Posted by $ blarman 2 years, 4 months ago
        Doesn't every society - religious or not - have an interest in its own perpetuation? And how is this a First Amendment issue? Or a Second Amendment issue? Seems to me that it is a Zeroeth Amendment issue: the right to Life...
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        • Posted by $ Thoritsu 2 years, 4 months ago
          "This" is a First Amendment issue because the only basis for Government action in abortions is the life of the Zygote or fetus, and this is fully based on religion.

          My point is that the continuous manipulation of the limits of government intrusion are being destroyed, by this and other legislation and SCOTUS action. CA has already considered using the same approach TX uses for "deputizing" individuals to persecute "offenders" for abortion to limit firearm rights.

          Keep celebrating this "victory". Intrusions we all hate are coming, and I'll be reminding all of you how you loved it when it was your favorite, moral majority cause right that was trounced.
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          • Posted by $ blarman 2 years, 4 months ago
            ""This" is a First Amendment issue because the only basis for Government action in abortions is the life of the Zygote or fetus, and this is fully based on religion."

            Then you admit then that the discussion is actually about a right to life - not a right to free speech or association or petition for redress. If you want to argue that the definition of life has been made by religiously-oriented individuals rather than by you, why don't you define life, then - especially human life. Where does one draw the line?

            "My point is that the continuous manipulation of the limits of government intrusion..."

            Government's first and foremost responsibility is to protect Life. You can't have any other right without Life. No liberty. No pursuit of Happiness. No property. No association. No self-protection. Nothing else matters unless Life is secure.

            You argue it is a matter of "intrusion." The moral problem with this approach is that if one refuses to define the unborn as human it becomes a slippery slope fallacy on what else then fails to qualify as human. Hitler used this same perverted logic to qualify Jews as inhuman. Margaret Sanger promoted abortion precisely because she wanted to get rid of Blacks, believing them to be sub-human. Slavery as was present in the United States and other regions of the World circa 1700-1800 was facilitated because of the simple refusal to see other human beings on equal terms.

            The Declaration of Independence was novel for many reasons, but one of the cardinal ones was in a recognition that humans were granted rights not because of condition, skin color, race, creed, religion - or political persuasion - but simply for being human. Throw away that primary rationale and it becomes all too easy for government to become the arm of tyranny.
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            • Posted by $ Thoritsu 2 years, 4 months ago
              I like the definition of a human as someone who can pay for dinner. Until then, they are parasites.

              However, I'd settle for a thing with human DNA that breathes on its own, unaided.
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              • Posted by $ blarman 2 years, 4 months ago
                I know you're being cynical and hyperbolic to make a point, but the problem is that every attempt at drawing that line introduces exceptions which invalidate it. For example, the serious definition you give invalidates anyone with an asthma inhaler or is on oxygen. Other similar examples run afoul of the same logical issues. Time lines keep getting pushed back as one recognizes brain wave patterns or the ability to feel pain, not to mention the ever-advancing medical science which increases the viability of premature babies.

                The fact is that human beings aren't static - and neither is any other living organism on the planet. Everything exists on a spectrum of maturity. The logical fallacy lies with trying to say that something exists without appearing on that spectrum.
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                • Posted by $ Thoritsu 2 years, 4 months ago
                  I'm partly ok with excluding people who are on life support. I am VERY ok with taking away anyone's right to vote who is not self-sustaining.

                  Welfare is fine when freely supplied. The rest of this isn't that hard or interesting. A zygote is not a human being.
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                  • Posted by $ blarman 2 years, 4 months ago
                    One of my best friends from first grade comes to mind. He moved away shortly after that and returned when we were both in high school. His senior year he came down with an exceptionally rare condition (only six known cases at the time) where his brain produced too much cerebro-spinal fluid, resulting in crushing headaches and degrading health. He missed most of the second half of his senior year yet still graduated valedictorian with a 4-year scholarship to a top-tier college. He never spent a day in college, however. Instead, he was constantly in and out of specialty care. The doctors tried three times to install a shunt to siphon off the excess fluid to keep the pressure down. All failed for one reason or another. His health degraded bit by bit until he was left completely blind in one eye, confined to a wheel chair, on a feeding tube, and generally devoid of what anyone might call "quality of life." His mother had to change his diapers because he had no bowel control. And yet the doctors and nurses who worked with him consistently lauded his positive attitude and outlook on life. Even his parents - who had to work and slave every hour of every day to take care of him - wouldn't have traded the experience. His funeral a little more than five years ago was attended by hundreds who talked about the joy he brought to their lives by simply existing and showing a positive attitude.

                    Under your criteria, my best friend would have been tossed in the trash before he ever made it out of high school. My uncle (still living with Down's Syndrome at 60) would be there with him. I choose to see value in life no matter how seemingly inconsequential. The thought of arbitrarily declaring a human life to have no future value makes me physically and mentally ill. You may choose to view an abortion as nothing more than an arbitrary and meaningless decision. I view it as an opportunity cost of tremendous and incalculable magnitude.
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                    • Posted by $ Thoritsu 2 years, 4 months ago
                      No, you guys could always have supported either of these cases. There are hundreds of such cases. Epoch Times is awash with them, and there are millions of cases where we could have spend millions of dollars and effort extending the lives of children and the elderly. This can not be decided by the government. I am not shamed into a broad definition by anecdotal evidence.

                      At my prior employer a daughter of an loved executive came down with cancer about age 11. The company rallied around her, and all kinds of charity and sympathy poored out. She beat it into remission,and everyone celebrated. A couple of years later when she was 14, the cancer came back. She declined treatment this time. 6 months later she was gone. That little girl had enough guts to say enough is enough, and let go. If our elderly had one-tenth this strength of character, we could do a lot more for a lot more people. Every life is not worth infinity to everyone else. It can be of infinite value only to that person, and whatever value other individuals freely choose to assign to it. The infinity thought process is subjective, immature, and fails in practice.
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                      • Posted by $ blarman 2 years, 4 months ago
                        "Every life is not worth infinity to everyone else."

                        Let us not confuse the issue of prolonging life or inflicting upon society the burdens of the individual with the topic at hand: the morality of abortion.

                        In response, I note that this is a very dangerous and morally indefensible viewpoint because it relies on the subjective valuation of one human being by another - as your own examples illustrate. Such a viewpoint directly flies in the face of the Declaration of Independence which recognizes that man is of a value not determined by another man, but by Man's Creator, ie an objective Third Party.

                        The viewpoint that supplants the intrinsic value of humanity with the extrinsic is the viewpoint that says it is okay to experiment with mRNA technology on millions of human beings in order to further medical development. It is under such a moral view that millions have been enslaved throughout history. It is under such a view that torture and depravity and ethnic cleansing are justified. It is under such a view that the Spartans tossed disabled children off a cliff to die. It is under such a view that current Democrats attempt to justify locking up anyone who dares to identify as a Republican.

                        Either we are human beings with the same claim on human rights as all others, or there is no equality and no such thing as rights at all. It can not be both ways.
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                        • -1
                          Posted by $ Thoritsu 2 years, 4 months ago
                          The problem with your argument is the definition of "we".

                          I agree with your assertion. A zygote is not one of me. It is an "it", of less worth than my dog.
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                          • Posted by $ blarman 2 years, 4 months ago
                            "The problem with your argument is the definition of "we"."

                            There is no society without "we" and agreed upon commitments to each other. Anyone who wishes can go off and live in the wilderness and be a government and people of one. They can manage themselves - or not - according to any rationale they choose. But as soon as you get two or more people together, they must establish ground rules of acceptable action toward each other. And for that to happen, each individual involved has to identify and respect the innate and inherent worth of the other individual regardless of any trait or condition. They may not make as much money. They may choose a different occupation to us. They may choose to have a different ideology or political view. But as soon as we start denigrating another individual's base value and identification as a member of the human race, all notions of equality and human rights fly out the window.

                            Everything devolves into "survival of the fittest" and the government mentality of "might makes right." Any action at all becomes justifiable. One can not derive equality under the law from such a standpoint. Laws againts rape and incest rely upon what? The dignity and equal rights of a woman with a man. Laws against theft similarly rely upon a respect for/acknowledgement of the other individual's right to personal property. Go down the list and every single legal precedent falls when one disavows the equality of the individual. Anarchy reigns. Tyranny rules.
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                            • Posted by $ Thoritsu 2 years, 4 months ago
                              This is a strawman. One need not be a pure individual alone in the woods to question whether a plural first person pronoun includes oneself and a zygote.

                              I am not a zygote. Me and a zygote are a human being and a cell, not "we".

                              You have your work cut out for you to prove the a single cell is the same as a human, and then a bigger effort to then distinguish the single cell from an animal.
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                              • Posted by $ blarman 2 years, 4 months ago
                                It's not a strawman at all. It gets to the definition of what is human: how one first recognizes it and then whether or not one respects it. (I cover this in the first few of chapters of my book.)

                                As for proving a single cell is human, can it be ascertained that the cell functions and has the appropriate number and structure of chromosomes? Yes. It respirates, it excretes, it ingests, and it multiplies. It is life. Is it mature? Not in the slightest. It requires nurture and care. It will be many years - including time outside the womb - before it reaches maturity. But it will not become a cat. Or a fish. Or an insect. Or anything other than human.

                                I think that the real conflict on abortion is the method by which that life is terminated. If an accident or result of natural consequences, no one claims malfeasance. It is when another human being is involved in terminating that life that the moral dilemma arises: is such an event morally justifiable? One can divert into any minutiae, but that is the real question at hand.
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                                • Posted by $ Thoritsu 2 years, 4 months ago
                                  A liver or skin cell meets all these criteria, yet we kill them all the time. That a zygote "can" grow into something is evidence in itself that it is not yet that thing.

                                  The first question is: "Is this a human being?" Until then, morality of killing is irrelevant, unless one is also a vegetarian.
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                    • Posted by $ 2 years, 4 months ago
                      My dear mother had an infant daycare. She adored her Downs Syndrome babies. She was particularly partial to them. She said they only offered love. I agreed with her. They were all very sweet babies.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 4 months ago
    Far too many people have no understanding of personal responsibility for their actions,
    and that is exactly what the deep state wants - dependent serfs.
    As I understand it, if Row vs Wade is reversed, it merely repeals a federal
    law (extending the 14th amendment to abortion) and allows each state to
    decide what the state law on abortion is.
    It does not make abortion a federal crime.

    In fact, a repeal would seem to benefit the Big Pharma industry
    who have a morning after pill that could be a big seller in states
    where abortions are not legal.
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    • Posted by dave42 2 years, 4 months ago
      In 1971, the Supreme Court created a bizarre 'right to privacy' that basically prevented states from outlawing abortion. There was no Congress-passed law.

      The Constitution does support, in a somewhat limited way, limits on the power of the state to investigate people for criminal actions, such as requiring search and arrest warrants.
      If I commit a crime, no 'right to privacy' prevents the state from investigating, charging, and arresting me.

      The Constitution doesn't grant the Federal government authority to collect and save information about the activities of its citizens, aside from what is necessary to carry out its Constitution-authorized activities. This restriction does not apply to the states.

      As I understand it, the pending Supreme Court decision undoes the bizarre 'right to privacy', returning the matter to the states. As things stand, some states will ban it, while others are considering decriminalizing infanticide up to 28 days after birth. I would think that states could also ban the import, prescription, and use of 'morning after' pills.

      As this pending decision would strengthen the 10th amendment (powers not delegated to Congress are reserved for the States or the People), it might be used in attempts to get the federal government out of other areas which the Constitution doesn't grant it authority.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 4 months ago
        " might be used in attempts to get the federal government out of other areas which the Constitution doesn't grant it authority." Now wouldn't THAT be something!
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      • Posted by Tavolino 2 years, 4 months ago
        The right to privacy is a flawed argument even though the court came to the right decision for the wrong reasons. Similar to the Colorado baker and the gay couple where the ruling was on religious grounds rather than the property owner's rights. Again, right decision, wrong reason. The issue should revolve around liberty (life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness), and that is something that no State should be able to violate. While the move towards a Federalist approach is proper, it doesn't give the States, or their elected officials, the right to infringe on liberty. Absent everything mentioned on both sides is the fundamental issue of rights (mother/baby) and its correct definition. Without that, no reasoned discussion is possible and reverts to religion, emotion, or blatant dictates of the government.
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        • Posted by $ blarman 2 years, 4 months ago
          I would argue in the case of the baker that BOTH arguments were valid: Free Speech and Personal Property. But the law which was used to persecute the Colorado Baker specifically violated the First Amendment. It's really hard to get a Supreme Court to take up a "takings" case (what is being referred to when the Government takes or uses personal property for a public reason) because most of those are resolved at a State level rather than a Federal one. A notable exception was the ruling about an Idaho couple prevented from using their land due to unreasonable interpretation of the Waters of the United States rule by the EPA.
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    • Posted by Ben_C 2 years, 4 months ago
      Absolutely. Also, why aren't the fathers included in the conversation by the left. It seems women get pregnant either by rape or immaculate contraception.,
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      • Posted by $ Thoritsu 2 years, 4 months ago
        Because they don't have to put their bodies at risk and have 9 months of massive inconvenience. It's really not complicated. However, if you think they should be allowed to negotiate with the woman to contract for the service of bearing out the pregnancy, that is always an option.
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        • Posted by $ blarman 2 years, 4 months ago
          Uh, just a note but shouldn't you let a woman do the talking about what constitutes an "inconvenience" in this case? I mean, I can complain about the air conditioning being cranked up, the extra pillows on the bed, etc., but I'm not the one throwing up....

          Let's also not forget that every single one of us here is the result of a pregnancy. Personally, I'm pretty grateful to my mom. (I even had her over for dinner on Sunday.)

          Pregnancy is a natural result of sex. If you don't want to risk getting pregnant, don't have sex. It's very simple. Or at a bare minimum use one of the variety of contraceptive options.
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          • Posted by $ Thoritsu 2 years, 4 months ago
            I don't have to cut off my leg to know that it hurts.

            However, I am philosophically ok with your suggestion, if we leave this discussion all to women, and all men are silent.
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            • Posted by $ blarman 2 years, 4 months ago
              You were speaking on behalf of someone else and projecting your own feelings about the matter onto them. That's inappropriate. People should be free to speak for themselves. That's where tyrants get into trouble: they tend to want to think and act for other people. What's also inconvenient is that the number one proponent of abortion is not women, but rich, white MEN.

              And just to clarify, I didn't suggest men shouldn't be part of the discussion. It takes both men and women to have babies. Both should be part of the discussion. It takes two - father AND mother - not only to create children but to raise them.
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              • Posted by $ Thoritsu 2 years, 4 months ago
                I don't know, or care who the "proponents" of abortion are. I know for dead sure who doesn't want it banned, and that is a majority of women, for dead sure.

                I'm already over whatever you mean about "projecting".
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        • Posted by CMBurton 2 years, 4 months ago
          Exactly! Personally, I think until men have to bear the child, they should stay out of the discussion. Or, perhaps we should start talking about forced vasectomies. That would 100% prevent all abortions. And it's reversible!
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          • Posted by $ brightwriter 2 years, 4 months ago
            Testosterone injections biweekly will induce temporary sterility in men. But the FDA Fool and Dunce Administration will not allow its use for that purpose, and the DEA Denying Equal Access restricts it and not estrogens as a controlled substance. Sexism! And vasectomies are not guaranteed reversible. Get your facts straight.
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          • Posted by $ Thoritsu 2 years, 4 months ago
            Hey, a vas deferens magnetic valve!

            Perhaps the left will set up government funding for that. Then those guys and their ladies don't have to worry.

            But, that will piss off the refried Christians and Catholics who actually seek to eliminate sex, since they suck at it or never get any. No consequences! Like Splenda!
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            • Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 4 months ago
              Nurse practitioner Marcelle Pick still questions the safety of Splenda, given that many of the studies are short-term and some studies show potentially harmful side effects, including problems with kidney and liver health, when excessive amounts are consumed.
              According to Columbia University, sucralose, as well as other artificial sweeteners, can cause bloating, gas and diarrhea. When eaten in large quantities, Splenda may have a laxative effect. This includes Splenda that is added to foods during production, as well as Splenda that you add yourself.
              Part of the reason for Splenda's laxative effect might be because it changes the bacteria content in your gut. Healthy gut flora leads to minimal gas production as a process of digestion. However, Splenda consumption may increase nitrogen gas and may increase the amount of water in your colon, which can cause diarrhea. An animal study published in 2008 in "Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health" found that, over the course of a 12-week period, sucralose reduced healthy bacteria content and increased the amount of bacteria found in stools. Researchers concluded that high or regular sucralose consumption leads to lower healthy gut bacteria levels and may affect the absorption of certain medications.
              [/s] ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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    • Posted by CMBurton 2 years, 4 months ago
      Actually, that pill would also be outlawed because it is considered a medical abortion.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 4 months ago
        The outcry against abortion is almost entirely based upon the procedures happening after the fetus is proven to exist.
        Morning after pills would be taken immediately after the sexual activity, or they would not be effective, so it is very likely that they would not be outlawed.
        I think that given the lobbying power that the Pfharma industry has, it is likely that the very profitable morning after pill would be
        approved by every state lawmaker (having received a large campaign donation from Pfharma.)
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      • Posted by $ blarman 2 years, 4 months ago
        Not unless a State passes specific laws designating as such. One of the biggest misunderstandings is that overturning Roe V Wade makes abortions illegal. That is not the case at all. Overturning it simply 1) voids the precedent which determined that there was a "right" involved (how one construes a right to privacy to override a right to life avoids me completely) and 2) dismisses Federal jurisdiction over the matter. All it does is place the issue back where it should have been from the beginning: at the State level.

        There are some States which already have so-called "trigger" laws on the books. Some say that if Roe is overturned that the State automatically legalizes abortion. Some go the other way. In either case, it is bound to trigger a robust review at the State level which is where this should have been all along. And though Alito specifically mentions in the draft that this ruling is specific to abortion, I'd love to see it applied to Obergfell vs Hodges as well. The Federal Government has no authority to meddle in marriage any more than it does in abortion.
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        • Posted by CMBurton 2 years, 4 months ago
          I have no doubt they have their eyes on Obergefell next.

          Basic civil rights belong at the federal level. A person shouldn't have to calculate what rights they do and don't have when they cross state lines.
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          • Posted by $ blarman 2 years, 4 months ago
            "Basic civil rights belong at the federal level."

            Agreed. But let's remember that rights are individual. As soon as a second person becomes involved, you get into contractual arrangements. And what it really comes down to isn't necessarily the contract per se, but the enforcement of the contract which de facto falls to civil courts.
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            • Posted by CMBurton 2 years, 4 months ago
              Agreed. But the Constitution (and its interpretation by SCOTUS) sets the minimum standard below which states cannot go, so how the Court interprets the Constitution is extremely important.
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              • Posted by $ blarman 2 years, 4 months ago
                Yes, but the problem with the Courts has been refusing to enforce the "limited" part of "limited government," instead choosing to grant power rather than force a Constitutional Amendment specifically designating power to the Federal Government as is proper. They have effectively nullified the Ninth and Tenth Amendments with their chicanery.
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                • Posted by CMBurton 2 years, 4 months ago
                  Trust me, as a lawyer, I HATE the concept of case law. I wish everything was codified in a statute. Then the Court should just say "this statute is unconstitutional" or "this statute is constitutional" and stop.
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                  • Posted by cranedragon 2 years, 4 months ago
                    Trust me, as a lawyer? Is that something like "a lawyer, a doctor, and a priest walk into a bar"?
                    Well, I'm a lawyer, too, and I find that case law brings reason and humanity into situations where the mind of statute-drafting legislators [or their staff] are ill-equipped to wander. Statutes on anything more nuanced that a four-way intersection cannot foresee all of the variations of human conduct that would be approved or outlawed by a statute passed today, let alone envision the changes in possible conduct in the next year or the next decade. Even if every federal, state, and municipal legislative body had to review their laws every year to ascertain what their impact had been and whether the laws were functioning as planned, you would still need access to judicial review for the person whose conduct fell afoul of the law as written, but not as it was intended to be applied. See, for example, tax law, which is incredibly specific, usually written by experience practitioners, and still needs volumes of rev.regs. and rev.procs. to provide guidance.
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                  • Posted by $ blarman 2 years, 4 months ago
                    What you're talking about is getting the Judicial Branch and the Legislative Branch to agree on politics. Lol. ;) And it isn't restricted to one side or the other. If you've read the Roe decision or the ACA decision, the mental and moral pretzel twists one has to accept in reading either of those is enough to make my head explode...

                    What I'd like to see is a prefatory clause in every proposed piece of Federal legislation which specifically cites its Constitutional basis. That would require those drafting laws to do an initial legal review of any pending legislation as well as give objectors (and the judges themselves) a very clear vector for Judicial Review.
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      • Posted by cranedragon 2 years, 4 months ago
        However, if the pills would be sent thru US Mail, the local state might have difficulty in stopping the pills from reaching the recipient, as well as difficulty in prosecuting the doctor writing the Rx. Additionally, such pills could be used by a woman without needing to involve any potential co-conspirator in her decisions.

        Thus, it would technically be outlawed but the criminal activities would be hard to stop and/or prosecute. Just look at the difficulty that the government has in trying to stop the importation of illegal drugs in quantity. A couple of pills that could be slipped into an envelope? A slim paperback book? Probably not happening.
        Reply | Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink  
        • Posted by CMBurton 2 years, 4 months ago
          They have to be taken right away to be effective, however. It's hard enough to find someone who will dispense them now while it's still legal. And, if you have to wait for the USPS to get them to you, there's no way you could get them in time. If you could find someone willing to break the law to get them for you to begin with.
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          • Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 4 months ago
            Wow, the woman would have to plan ahead. That's an overwhelming effort. [/s]
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            • Posted by CMBurton 2 years, 4 months ago
              Surely you've heard of rape...That's typically when these pills are needed.
              Reply | Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink  
              • Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 4 months ago
                Rape? Obviously, that would be a circumstance that the state law should recognize and provide
                the victim a solution, such as immediate access to the morning after pill. Surely you recognize that.

                If the pill is the only legal solution under state law, then many of the women who currently get
                abortions would have to plan for it by ordering pills ahead of time or accept the responsibility
                of motherhood (or violate the law against abortion.)

                The great majority of morning after pills would likely be used in that manner, not for rape,
                which compared to the number of abortions done, is very rare.
                Reply | Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink  
                • -2
                  Posted by CMBurton 2 years, 4 months ago
                  State law should recognize that, but this Supreme Court decision doesn't and many states won't. No legal abortion is going to mean exactly that. No abortions of any kind, including pills, probably IUDs, and in same states (where legislators think birth control pills cause abortions) no birth control pills.
                  Reply | Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink  
                  • Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 4 months ago
                    That is your opinion, not fact. If you have evidence supporting that opinion, please share it.
                    The supreme court has not yet given any opinion that changes the opinion in Roe.
                    The federal government had no authority to override state law in Roe.
                    If the SCOTUS does reverse Roe, it is a very good thing because it reduces the reach
                    of the federal government in an area that according to the constitution belongs with the
                    states and the people.
                    If you are afraid that your state will limit your options to such a degree, then stop
                    wasting time here and start lobbying your state government. Join forces with Big Pfharma
                    who has a vested interest in making big profits from the morning after pill.
                    Reply | Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink  
                    • Posted by LibertyBelle 2 years, 4 months ago
                      Since the 14th Amendment, the Constitution does not hand the citizen over to be the serf of his state government.
                      Reply | Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink  
                      • Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 4 months ago
                        Right. Instead all people are serfs of the government that has the power to destroy them without rational reason, e.g., Waco, Ruby Ridge, and the so-called Jan 6 2020 "Insurrection".
                        Now the serf has no opportunity to move to another state to escape his enslavement because the federal tyranny is ubiquitous.
                        And that amendment was "passed" while the states that would have voted against it were occupied by the union tyrants' officers.
                        (I am not arguing in favor of slavery of anyone.)
                        Reply | Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink  
                        • Posted by LibertyBelle 2 years, 4 months ago
                          Too bad. They shouldn't have been holding slaves in the first place. Man has the right of self-defense, and, as long as he is held to the principle that he has to delegate punishment for wrongs to his state/local government, he has the right to expect the state to do its job, and not to deny that he is a citizen; to deny it because of his race,etc.
                          Reply | Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink  
                          • Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 4 months ago
                            Slave holding isn't the issue. It's rights under the constitution of a voluntary union.
                            The states had the right to leave that union until Lincoln became a tyrannical war criminal using force
                            to prevent the states freedom to leave (because they were being unfairly taxed to support inefficient
                            northern manufacturers who could not compete with European manufacturers.)
                            It would have been less expensive in lives and loot all the way around if Lincoln had bought all the slaves and freed them.
                            (Import of slaves was already illegal.) But the tyrant wanted more power and the constitution be damned.
                            Then the tyranny continued by not allowing ten million Americans in the south to have representatives of their choice in government.
                            So to end slavery, the union instead enslaved twice as many Americans as had been previously enslaved.
                            Today the federal government seeks to expand serfdom to 99% of the population.
                            Lincoln's tyranny started this process and has been used frequently as an excuse for further tyranny.
                            Reply | Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink  
                    • Posted by CMBurton 2 years, 4 months ago
                      Examples of people in power who think birth control pills cause abortions: SCOTUS Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Kansas Sen. Sam Brownback

                      Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene definitely thinks that morning after pills cause abortions and should be outlawed.

                      The "Tea Party" tied to keep ObamaCare from covering IUDs because they cause abortions.

                      Kentucky already passed legislation that put a halt to all abortions a couple of weeks ago by requiring abortion clinics use specific forms which don't exist.

                      Louisiana is already working on criminalizing abortion and classifying it as homicide.

                      Wisconsin and Michigan's most recent state laws regarding abortion are from the 19th Century and make it illegal. They won't have to do anything but sit there when this opinion comes out.

                      These are facts, not my opinion.
                      Reply | Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink  
                      • Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 4 months ago
                        Yes, there are people who do not agree with you. That is a fact. However, it does not prove your opinion
                        that many states won't provide for rape as an exception to abortion law.
                        Some politicians disagree with you and some might actually vote that way, although its more likely that they
                        will vote the way their financial supporters wish.

                        Justice Brett Kavanaugh simply quoted what a religious group said. He did not say that himself.
                        He did agree that they had the right to say it. That is free speech. He indicated they had the right to
                        conduct their own affairs according to their beliefs. That is freedom of religion. Both are guaranteed
                        by the Constitution and one of Kavanaugh's responsibilities as as a judge is to support and defend the Constitution.
                        (I have no opinion about Kavanaugh other than what I have just stated.)

                        Again, if you are afraid that your state will limit your options to such a degree, then stop
                        wasting time here and start lobbying your state government.
                        Reply | Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink  
                      • Posted by CMBurton 2 years, 4 months ago
                        And now Mississippi is already working on outlawing birth control. States all over this country are going to start outlawing any personal conduct they disapprove of because this opinion does away with the "fiction" of a right to privacy. You cannot have a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness without a right to privacy.

                        Lots of states still have statutes making sodomy a crime (and which, by the way, is often so broadly defined as to outlaw oral sex). Adultery was still a crime in many states until the recent past.

                        Strap in. The government is heading for your bedrooms and anywhere else you may want to have privacy.
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        • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 4 months ago
          “The difficulty that the govt has in trying to stop the importation of illegal drugs” especially when they are the largest traffickers. GHW Scherff (Bush) was not called Poppy because he impregnated the disgusting Babs (Crowley) McCall Bush. Btw Clinton’s traffickedthe Coke.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 2 years, 4 months ago
    Me dino thinks all the mind malfunctioning hyper emotional bellyaching is being egged on by behind the curtain political puppeteers (think Deep State) who badly need to create a distraction from such things as inflation, sky high gasoline prices, an open border with overwhelming trafficking that only enriches vicious cartels, a supply chain now so crappy its now hard to even find baby formula to buy and a blathering senile incompetent for a president with Schiff for candidates vying to be a Democrat replacement. It's not going to work out as well as rigging elections.
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  • Posted by brucejc04 2 years, 4 months ago
    My body, my choice! You say!
    Of course!
    Yes, but what is the proper choice?
    The proper choice is to protect your body from an unwanted pregnancy!
    Make that choice before you take your clothes off!
    To fail to make that proper choice is to be personally, grossly irresponsible!
    Exceptions apply when the pregnancy is due to rape or incest and, in those
    cases, earnest attempts should be made to achieve an embryo transfer or
    an adoption to a woman seeking a child. Another exception would be in the
    case where the embryo is not viable.
    Reply | Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink  
    • Posted by LibertyBelle 2 years, 4 months ago
      By the way, I fully understand the exception(s) due to rape, but what is the reason behind the one about incest? Is it because Incest sometimes amounts to rape (parent and child, other relative taking advantage of a minor?)
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    • Posted by $ Thoritsu 2 years, 4 months ago
      "proper choice"? Who cares? We do not legislate good judgement.

      Do we then force hangovers on people who drink too much, or lung cancer on smokers?

      The only basis for this being discussed in government at all is the assertion that an fertilized zygote is a human being, which is 100% religion. Otherwise there is no basis for ANY government involvement. This is an example of government institutionalizing religion.
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      • Posted by cranedragon 2 years, 4 months ago
        We do not legislate good judgment, nor good taste. However, we do legislate moral conduct, and intervene to prevent or to punish conduct that harms another -- murder, manslaughter, assault, burglary.
        The fetus has its own unique individuality, complete with unique DNA and fingerprints. If you don't affirmatively interfere in its growth and development, it will complete its trajectory from fertilization to birth at which point, presumably, you will accept it as a human to whom you would be willing to grant the protections of right to life.
        Medicine has progressed to the point that we can provide life-saving surgery to a fetus well before the point where extra-uterine survival would be possible. Can law and philosophy really make the right to life of a fetus entirely subjective, such that the whim of the mother is enough to deny life to a child whose life can be saved by available medical intervention? Or allow her, well past the point of extrauterine viability, to choose a later-term abortion rather than a live birth for no reason other than her whim?
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        • Posted by skidance 2 years, 4 months ago
          Nature routinely interferes with the growth and development by causing miscarriages and/or failure to achieve implantation in the first place It isn't a pregnancy until implantation occurs. Up to 35% of pregnancies are terminated by Mother Nature herself.
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        • Posted by $ Thoritsu 2 years, 4 months ago
          Yes, because it is a parasite, purely dependent on her for life support.

          If you want to legislate right to life for a fetus, it is absolutely ridiculous to start with conception. I don't, and never will care about a single cell, 2 cells, 4 cells or eight cells. This is technically ridiculous, supported ONLY by religion.

          An argument for the "rights" of a fetus over a complete adult human woman, has to be based on some evidence of sentience and self-awareness in the fetus. That is the only thing we use to separate ourselves from livestock.

          This is Galt's Gulch, not Galt's Church. We believe (within limits) that we should not be compelled to live for the sake of another. We believe we should not be compelled to support other adult "freeloaders". Yet, here we are arguing about compelling a woman to nine months and personal health risks to support another thing, not even a sentient human.

          The minute one sets this aside for rape, the hypocrisy is unbearable. This is religion. It is forcing one's own ethics on another. I can't believe the number of sustained arguments that have been maintained on this subject in this forum.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 4 months ago
        "... fertilized zygote is a human being, which is 100% religion" Not really. A secular argument can be made to state the gestation period is a normal and natural part of the life cycle of a human being. Stating that it isn't human during this period is arbitrary. No religion necessary.
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        • Posted by $ Thoritsu 2 years, 4 months ago
          But no one makes this argument from a secular position. They say they do, but they don't. We have gone through this in well over 300 separate strings here.

          There is nothing except human DNA (which an appendix has) in a zygote that has relevant uniqueness or consciousnesses. Killing a two year old dog is far sadder than killing any cell...unless there is a religious basis to the cell's soul. Miscarriages happen all the time, even without knowing it, and it isn't widely mourned as a dead child.
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          • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 4 months ago
            "But no one makes this argument from a secular position." I guess that makes me "no one". A human's life cycle begins with a single living cell. There is no need to assign a soul or any other religious component to understand that simple truth. Leave out the mysticism and you still have a living human in it's earliest stage of life. As can be observed, many can find reason to kill it, but many have found reason to kill humans in later stages of life as well. If we wish to be called "civilized" and hold individual human life as valuable we need to be VERY careful here.
            Reply | Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink  
            • Posted by $ Thoritsu 2 years, 4 months ago
              We've been through this before. Agree we should be careful. We should be careful about endorsing a case where one human adult is compelled to serve another , and we should be careful not to kill a real human. A single cell is clearly not a human. It might become one with a lot of nurturing, but it is not a human being.
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              • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 4 months ago
                Yes, we've been through this before and I respect your opinion even though it is different from mine. My main point here was to make it clear a non religious pro life argument can be made even though you keep bringing religion into the subject. It depends on your first premise. You state yours in "A single cell is clearly not a human." mine is the human life cycle begins with the single cell and it clearly is human. No religion required for me.
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                • Posted by $ Thoritsu 2 years, 4 months ago
                  I respect your position, but of course don't agree. I do not see how you get there without religion.

                  In my mind, my dog has a lot more to live for than a zygote, and would be far sadder to see any reasonable age dog killed than a zygote. It knows others. It is self aware. It fells pain. It can be happy, sad, afraid, sympathetic. A zygote is none of these. Religion closes the gap. But if you feel that way, and we have done this before, fine.

                  The posting started with a dismissive "why are people worked up". I can only imagine those who are so pleased with this potential outcome similarly endorse the government forcing them to pay for supporting people who can't, and I don't think welfare is part of our philosophy.
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                  • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 4 months ago
                    " I do not see how you get there without religion." A living human zygote is a living human zygote as surely as A=A. It can be scientifically proven to exist in the real world. Self awareness, happy, sad, etc. are irrelevant characteristics that don't change what it is, which is the first step of the human life cycle. No religion or mysticism required.
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                    • Posted by $ Thoritsu 2 years, 4 months ago
                      Then what separates humans from other animals?
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                      • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 4 months ago
                        We all evolved on the same planet so you could just as easily ask what separates any species from any other species and then go through the exercise of listing and comparing characteristics. Besides physical characteristics, I suppose you could point out humans generally develop a more sentient mind during the life cycle. To be brief, this opens up a lot of possibilities the rest of the animal kingdom lacks.

                        I'm sure you are aware religious people would be quick to point out man has a "soul", but one doesn't need a religious argument to point out sentience to the degree humans possess it is a significant separator from the animal kingdom.
                        Reply | Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink  
                        • Posted by $ Thoritsu 2 years, 4 months ago
                          and sentience is KEY to my argument that a zygote is not a human being.
                          Reply | Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink  
                          • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 4 months ago
                            I specifically stated, "humans generally develop a more sentient mind during the life cycle.". That does not mean a developing pre sentient human is not human.
                            Reply | Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink  
                            • Posted by $ Thoritsu 2 years, 4 months ago
                              It does mean a pre-sentient human is not sentient, and sentience is one of my features of a human. For example, a brain dead human (like my father-in-law last November) is no longer a human. His wife, a catholic, 60 year practicing floor nurse pulled the plug, and he died peacefully after being on life support for a week.
                              Reply | Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink  
                              • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 4 months ago
                                My condolences to you and your family for the loss of your father in law. My heart also goes out to your mother in law for the sad and difficult decision she had to make. I've been in similar and it is no win regardless of what you do.
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                          • Posted by $ blarman 2 years, 4 months ago
                            Build a machine to detect/measure sentience then. Until you do, you can't say whether something is sentient or not.
                            Reply | Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink  
                            • Posted by $ Thoritsu 2 years, 4 months ago
                              Then we have to be vegetarians?

                              I'm not even engaging in a discussion on the sentience of a single cell. That is simply religion.

                              If we can get to the point where we all agree
                              1. a zygote is not a human being. That is religion, and expressly excluded.
                              2. that the woman bears the burden, and should have the right to choose, but
                              3. she shouldn't kill a human;
                              4. and have a real discussion about when a fetus becomes a human being

                              Then there can be progress. Until then, religion is arguing with a secular "religion" and no progress can be made because no thinking is involved.
                              Reply | Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink  
                              • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 4 months ago
                                "1. a zygote is not a human being. That is religion..." I say this first assertion (actually 2 assertions) of yours to be false and have explained my position.

                                Oh wait, if you are saying you religiously believe a living human zygote is not human, then your faith has given you a revelation I don't have.
                                Reply | Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink  
                              • Posted by $ blarman 2 years, 4 months ago
                                You were the one who said that to you the key point is sentience. I don't necessarily disagree, I simply point out the obvious course of action: validate your position with scientific evidence. Prove sentience either exists or does not by building a machine to detect it. Do that and you have a virtually unassailable intellectual fortress. Without that, however...

                                "no thinking is involved" ???

                                Show me how you can derive the principle of equal rights from the position of extrinsic value you have espoused. Seriously. That's a pure thought exercise.
                                Reply | Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink  
          • Posted by cranedragon 2 years, 4 months ago
            Really? You have a basis for that assertion? Because I truly mourned the miscarriage of my child, and so did my husband.
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            • Posted by $ Thoritsu 2 years, 4 months ago
              Did you have a funeral? Did your friends and relatives all come to the wake?

              I understand what you are saying. Of course some women feel bad. Some don't even notice. No one views it like the death of a 3 year old, for very good reasons.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 2 years, 4 months ago
    The reaction is purposely melodramatic and excessive because the Democrat party is desperately thrashing about for anything that can energize their base before the Fall elections. Up to now, abortion rights has been about number 18 on the list of voter concerns, so the goal is to shove it up to number one if they can. That big a push is sure to have a backlash, as the claims get ever more excessive and irrational.

    Listen (if you can without gagging) to the left's message that this is only the first shot across the bow, with bans on gay marriage next. I haven't yet heard that they anticipate making transsexual surgeries illegal, but I'm sure we'll hear of it. I have heard that the Republican Nazis plan on reinstating bans on interracial marriage too, as the left strains credibility to and beyond any rational limit.
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    • Posted by cranedragon 2 years, 4 months ago
      They asserted with straight faces that the Florida bill on sex ed in grades K-3 would lead to LGBYQ+ kids being banned from classrooms.

      Of course, the White House couldn't find a way to denounce either the leaking of the draft opinion or the doxxing of the Justices.
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  • Posted by tutor-turtle 2 years, 4 months ago
    First, this is a diversion from Trader Joe's constant Fluck-ups: Afghanistan, Oil prices, Inflation, Everything shortages, Open border invasion, Starting a Nuclear war with Russia. And why aren't we talking about the felonious criminal who leaked top secret information out of the Supreme court? Or the seditious thugs threatening SC Judges at there homes? Another felony. But just like the dirtbags who burned 600 cities, murdered 80 innocent people and caused billions in damages in 2017-18... as long as it helps Demon-Rats it's all good. The party of Rats is the clear and present danger to the future of the Republic's existence as we know it. Here is one more thing the party Rats is diverting your eyes from: ceding our sovereignty over to the WHO. No joke. A binding ruling where some foreign asshat can declare anything as "a health emergency" and decree any rule they feel necessary. like, say, disarmament? The vote (which you will never hear about until after it's a done deal) is set for May 28th.
    Oh yeah, California wants to murder their babies one month after birth? (no joke) Why not one year old? Ten years? Why not kill them when they get to be pesky teenagers? H*ll lets just kill them all, random like (yes, I'm joking). When crowds start flocking to that fake Indian Warren you know reason has gone straight over the cliff.
    Reply | Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink  
    • Posted by $ 2 years, 4 months ago
      Hey, I've got no use for Warren. My grandmother was a full-blood American Indian (Comanche). My daddy was a half-breed'. I saw him get out of his truck in the middle of Harrisburg Blvd in Houston and mop up the street with a stupido who called him a 'breed. He didn't mind the name calling but the fool threw a punch at my father. Not allowed! That wasn't the first or last time that happened.
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 2 years, 4 months ago
    Okay, let's be honest.
    This LEAK of something that could have been done BEFORE the addition of another libtard (MAYBE)... But will almost CERTAINLY not pass....

    Is just CIRCUS... Imagine the TIMING here. Just months before a CRUSHING defeat of dems in office. They have NOTHING to run on (outside of Higher Gas Prices, More Shortages, War Mongering, and the Ukraine Fiasco).

    Honestly... EVERY poll has them getting CRUSHED in November. They needed something to motivate their base.
    They've already let criminals out on no bail... But then innocents are being MURDERED because of it, and even the media has a tough time (but they still try) to gloss over it.

    This feels like a total political maneuver. And I WOULD NOT BE SURPRISED TO LEARN that the "Conservative" Judge, who ruled for Obama Care to stand, in violation of 80 yrs of contract law...

    Was PAID to leak it. I doubt it was EVEN True!
    I don't care about it.

    Why are we SO STUPID? This would be fine to talk about... Say DECEMBER of 2022... But it leaks with enough time to get people on the record before elections, and change the narrative.

    Call me a Conspiracy Theorist... I don't care.
    This stinks of 5 day old fish in a Florida Garage!
    Reply | Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink  
    • Posted by jamesjohn63 2 years, 4 months ago
      it was dropped to step on 2000 mules. Must see. to believe just how corrupt these dems are.
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      • Posted by CaptainKirk 2 years, 4 months ago
        Having researched the voter fraud in Broward Florida... I know...
        When our PhD in Public Administration Dr. Snipes can tell 2 judges... "I just signed what my employees put in front of me... It's their job, they should know"... And BOTH judges accept this as a reasonable explanation for "oopses" like destroying ballots that were part of an ongoing investigation, and the signer is acknowledging that THIS IS SPECIFICALLY not the case...

        I can only imagine. I am looking forward to seeing it. Let's just say that I was expecting to see many ballots were NEVER folded. Violating the concept that they were mailed in.
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  • Posted by mia767ca 2 years, 4 months ago
    a fetus has no legal rights to life....change that and you end abortion....until then, you will constantly face this battle....
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    • Posted by $ Thoritsu 2 years, 4 months ago
      Yes! That is all the work. The rest is a subversive means of applying one's religion on another.

      This is just like the left trying to undermine the 2nd Amendment without actually changing it.
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  • Posted by term2 2 years, 4 months ago
    how about not having sex if you want NOT to have a baby with that person
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    • Posted by skidance 2 years, 4 months ago
      That's something I've often thought about, especially when contemplating women I've known who should have considered that factor. Most are now single moms whose partners are no longer present.
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      • Posted by term2 2 years, 4 months ago
        I have trouble handling a helpless sick animal, so I would definitely have trouble killing off an unborn baby. I would think that if one really thinks about killing an unborn human being, it would be kind of devastating to ones psychological health. (unless you didnt care about human life anyway)
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  • Posted by CMBurton 2 years, 4 months ago

    Rand claims that a child cannot acquire rights until it is born, which means that the fetus has no rights, not even in very late stages of pregnancy. This is a link directly to The Ayn Rand Institute.
    Reply | Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink  
    • Posted by LibertyBelle 2 years, 4 months ago
      But elsewhere she said, (memory quote on my part)
      "One may quarrel about the later stages of a pregnancy, but the essential issue concerns only the first three months." I think that maybe they weren't doing late-term ones at the time she wrote about it.
      I would like to believe that she was perfect, but unfortunately what one would like to believe about someone is not always so.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 2 years, 4 months ago
    Simple. Because it allows government force to intrude on our rights, and worse, it is an example of the government instituting one group's religious views into law and forced on another person.

    It doesn't matter if the abortion was for rape or a lack of judgement. Arguing that there are ways to avoid pregnancy are identical to arguing that everyone who smokes cigarettes should be forced to have lung cancer.
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    • Posted by skidance 2 years, 4 months ago
      So many here implicitly insist that everyone should live lifetimes of celibacy, until and unless they are ready, willing, and able to become responsible parents. Even if both parties use reliable contraception each and every time, mistakes and accidents do happen.
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      • Posted by cranedragon 2 years, 4 months ago
        On of the things we accept as functioning adults is the responsibility for the natural and expected consequences of our actions. You don't get to skate from a vehicular manslaughter charge by laughing and saying, oops my bad. Do over?

        Conception is the natural and expected consequence of sexual intercourse. It is a feature, not a glitch. If our mothers were honest with us, many of the adults posting here would have been told that their presence on this planet was an oopsie, and that if abortion had been readily available and socially acceptable, many of us would never have seen the light of day.

        The percentage of abortions that end pregnancies that resulted from rape or incest, or that truly threaten the mother's life, is very, very small -- and even in those cases, I find it hard to condemn the child to death for the criminal conduct of his father.

        So, yes, I am prepared to insist -- do not drink and drive; do not wave a loaded gun around; and do not wave any other kind of loaded projectile around, unless and until you are prepared to undertake the natural and foreseeable consequences of your actions.
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        • Posted by CaptainKirk 2 years, 4 months ago
          As a scientist first... I have a problem with assigning rights at conception. We give rights to individuals. I believe a better measurement would be Brain Birth. The point at which the fetus has a functioning Brain... The opposite of Brain Death, where we tend to agree the person is no longer with us, and is being kept alive by machines.

          My challenge runs along these lines: UNTIL EVERY Miscarriage starts with a charge of Manslaughter that must get cleared, or prosecuted... Then even medicine recognizes that "being pregnant" and coming to term with the baby are 2 distinct events. We do NOT see it that way. Miscarriages happen. A lot. Nobody is usually charged for a crime because of them.

          So, I believe we have to DEFINE Individual better.

          For the record, I am BOTH Pro Choice, and Pro Life!

          I am Pro Choice for the baby, and Pro Life for the mother. I think we should let the baby decide.
          But ONLY AFTER the baby is an individual, which is when it gets the rights to be heard.

          I believe we should get the EMOTION out of the argument. I believe the best approach is to define a STANDARD (brainwaves) [something better?] that promises us that there is an individual... Anyone doing an abortion would be required to confirm the situation. Record it. Put it in the file. If there are unique brain waves... Then they cannot abort.

          PS: There is a SICK case in CA, where the girl LOVES getting pregnant. But has NEVER delivered a baby. She, instead, has her boyfriend PUNCH her in the stomach until she miscarriages. In my world, that would be chargeable as manslaughter w/o verifying that there were no brainwaves.
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    • Posted by $ blarman 2 years, 4 months ago
      Abortion is for convenience in 99% of cases. Abortion advocates love to bring up rape and incest - the extreme exception - to justify abortion while ignoring the inconvenient reality. They also like to ignore the fact that even states which would outlaw abortion outlaw it for convenience reasons and make exceptions for medical need, rape, and incest.
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      • Posted by skidance 2 years, 4 months ago
        What about avoidance of pain (often extreme), discomfort, and possible risk to life itself? Should one act of pleasure potentially sentence a woman to experience all of these, in addition to likely economic hardship? If she chooses, unwillingly, to raise the child, will that child not experience rejection, and isn't the woman, in effect, a slave for 18+ years? Not all infants carried to term are adoptable or adopted, for various reasons. They then become subject to the foster care system (again, ask how I know). Those outcomes are rarely positive. The entire anti-abortion argument seems to be based on the religious concept of Original Sin: exercise choice, taste the apple (sexual pleasure) and woman must forever suffer the consequences. Not so for the man, other than possible financial consequences. Would you, Blarman and others, be willing to risk your life and livelihood, despite having been responsible and used contraception? I think not.
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        • Posted by $ blarman 2 years, 4 months ago
          Current estimates are that two million couples await the opportunity to adopt. ( My current best friend has adopted three such. My sister-in-law two - both children of a drug-addicted mother. This doesn't have to be an either-or scenario as many want to paint it, or a hopeless one for the infant.

          The rest of your argument is an attempt to excuse the irresponsibility of the participants and for what? 15 minutes of pleasure? So you would argue that allowing one's passions to control one's self is completely justified in abandoning all reason? People who engage in sex know that pregnancy is a possible outcome. Russian Roulette (pardon the pun about shooting blanks): play stupid games, win stupid prizes. The only safe thing is not to play. Is it hard? Yeah. Lots of things in life are hard. Personal discipline is hard, but rewarding, as its the only way you get to long-term goals. You don't invest in the future by hitting Starbucks every day for a Frappuchino...
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 2 years, 4 months ago
    Amazine, right? Seems like we did pretty good when all there we had in the 60s were condoms. now there are so many choices! Why also re 75 year old talk show hosts so concerned about abortions, they are not going to need one every again! Are our people so stupid now, they cannot use one of the methods available, and must kill a baby because they were too stupid to prevent it? Our nation is devolving into helpless adult babies, who just want to have sex and kill babies! Sad.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 2 years, 4 months ago in reply to this comment.
    I wouldn't doubt it. Are those equivalent to sentience? That's the question. Animals have brain waves, but can they think on a plane considering their own morality? Not saying I know the answer...
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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 2 years, 4 months ago
    Wow, this one took off. My official position is...I would never get one. But I’m what was formerly known as a guy. So, it’s a moot point.
    If what was formerly known as a woman wants to get one....she has to answer to her conscience. And probably her creator. So, if the conditions are so egregious that those terms are acceptable to be it. Generally speaking anyone who values life that little probably wouldn’t make a good parent anyway. I have 2 daughters that both say they aren’t having kids. And say it in an aggressive way trying to hurt their mother and I. I told them that in their case....that’s probably a good thing. I literally don’t care.
    The whole thing is just kicked back to the states anyway.
    If THEY want to burn something down...THEY can start locally.
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  • Posted by glenndyck 2 years, 4 months ago
    Funny - I am Canadian, and I notice that our left wing legacy media are making a big fuss about this bit of American news. Its not like government funded abortion is under threat here.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 2 years, 4 months ago in reply to this comment.
    I have already completed both thought exercises I suggested. I found both impossible. I seek concurrence or invalidation regarding my theory - if it is to be had.

    You openly called for thought and introspection. Were you including yourself or merely insisting that others agree with you?
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    • Posted by $ Thoritsu 2 years, 4 months ago
      No idea what you are talking about. I've explained this here, and twenty times before.

      You seek to compel a human adult against their will
      You believe they are murdering a human being, and that human being's life begins at conception; therefore you have asserted a zygote is a human being.
      It is up to you to prove this, and then have a valid reason to FORCE another person against their will.

      I have provided comprehensive distinction between a zygote and a human being and an animal. I assert and demonstrate that sentience, self-awareness, feeling, and all things descriptive of sentient life are common to humans and animals and disparate from a zygote. Yet we willfully kill animals for food and sport.

      The basis for the a zygote being a human being is religious, not logical.

      Ayn was an atheist, and we have First Amendment protections against Government intrusion into personal religion, including atheism. John Galt's pledge:
      "I swear by my life, and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine."

      Yet here we are arguing about forcing a person to serve a single cell.

      The hypocrisy and irony is absolutely nuclear.
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  • Posted by CMBurton 2 years, 4 months ago
    Not all pregnancies are the result of consensual sex, so they can't all be prevented. Also, what lay people call abortion and what the medical profession calls abortion are not always the same thing. Removal of a deceased fetus by D&C, for example, is considered an abortion by doctors, but most people I know would not have any objection to that and would be shocked that it is considered an abortion.
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    • Posted by $ blarman 2 years, 4 months ago
      No one is saying otherwise. But what tends to happen is that the arguments focus on the 1% rather than on the 99% which are strictly matters of convenience.

      (And for the record, I've had two sisters-in-law who have had D&C's - one for a miscarriage which almost killed her and another for failed implantation. Both are strictly anti-abortion.)
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      • Posted by CMBurton 2 years, 4 months ago
        I sympathize with your sisters-in-law. I have had friends in similar positions. Sadly, if abortion becomes illegal, women in those positions may not be able to get the healthcare they need because, medically speaking, those procedures are considered abortions. I don't believe that any lay person would consider those abortions and I think 100% of the population would agree that they should be available. That's what concerns me.
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        • Posted by $ blarman 2 years, 4 months ago
          I haven't seen a single law which outlaws abortions carte blanche. Ever. Even in the most conservative of states, they include allowances for medical necessity. To be honest, however, I think the primary difference is in whether or not the death of the unborn is due to natural or artificial causes. The "why" matters.
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          • Posted by CMBurton 2 years, 4 months ago
            Agreed. There are, apparently, laws on the books in at least some states which completely outlaw abortions and were never changed because Roe superseded them. If Roe is overturned, those states will go back automatically to those laws unless their legislatures take some action to change them.

            I agree that why matters.
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