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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 2 years, 10 months ago
    Seems to me their leaders are more than ready to become commissars. They've got the dishonesty, vindictiveness and corruption down pretty well.

    What we're witnessing is the result of the dumbing down (purposeful) of several generations in our public school system. They've been conditioned to expect to be told what to think, and haven't the foggiest notion that facts are not whatever the government chooses them to be.

    As one example, take Zelensky. The Ukraine leader, when he had a good relationship with Trump, was evil incarnate according to all those who would tell the public. Now that he's in charge of a threatened nation, he's another George Washington, at least. Flips in position like that are accepted without a thought, and shouldn't be, but conditioning makes people ready to accept whatever those in power tell them.
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    • Posted by Aeronca 2 years, 10 months ago
      Out with C19, in with George Washington Zelenskiy. If a Republican president wins and is friendly to Ukraine, he will be a bastard in their eyes.

      My Mom observed over 20 years as an English teacher the dumbing down of the standards and students. When she retired she was not allowed to correct essays for spelling, grammar, punctuation, style, sentence structure. She had to slap an A on every paper, except for the ones she couldn't read. Girls especially like to write in "bubble cursive," where every letter looks like every other letter. Very pretty but impossible to read. Somehow she was allowed to reject those essays and make the students re-write them legibly.

      Yes we are dumbing down our populace for the slaughter.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 10 months ago
        "...spelling, grammar, punctuation, style, sentence structure." Indeed, and the loss of this knowledge is easy to see on almost any platform the written word has to be used. Many can't even get spelling and grammar correct on a simple meme. Often it's not hard to detect if an error was a simple typo or if the writer is just plain ignorant. I've seen comments on various topics that are so horrific in spelling and grammar that even if the writers are correct in expressing their viewpoints they are taken as idiots.

        I do have to add the Gulchers here are definitely at the top of the class for excellent usage, even when they slaughter the language deliberately to express satire, turn a humorous phrase, or drop a pun.

        Oh, "George Washington Zelenskiy" is spot on, LOL. "Zelenskyy, Zelensky, Zelenskiy" I find different spellings all over the place. Whatever.
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  • Posted by $ pixelate 2 years, 10 months ago
    Communism insists on the abolishing of private property.
    However, all that property will remain.
    Someone will need to control it . . .
    The Leftist, by "virtue" of their superior intellect (they will doggedly work to convince you of this -- consider the refrain "Follow the Science" [TM]) and their very large hearts (They Care [TM] more than you) will insist that they will control the property and disposition of the resources.
    Socialism, and by implication, Communism, only appears to "work" until you have either destroyed or paralyzed other people's property.
    The whole thing is a downward spiral into dependency and degradation.

    The Leftist is so intoxicated on envy and the desire for the control of others that they will follow that spiral to their own doom, much in the manner of a junkie.

    An individual that owns their own life (Libertarian, Capitalist, Individualist) needs to stand up to their nonsense and refuse to comply. Better still, for Individuals to coalesce in the fight against the envy-intoxicated dogma by showing up at City Council, Planning, School Board meeting and work to turn the tide against the onslaught of insanity.
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    • Posted by Aeronca 2 years, 10 months ago
      The red scare of the 50s was in fact almost spot on. Ostracizing people like they did was not Constitutional. But the damage was done. The Virus of Communism was inserted into America by the Bolsheviks, the Beatniks and the Beatles, look that up.

      A bunch of idiots singing "Imagine," not knowing the heart of the lyrics are lifted right out of the Communist Manifesto.

      "No countries, no religion, no money, nothing to fight or die for, a Brotherhood of Man." Marx.

      Sorry Beatles fans if I'm trashing your band, and fond memories. But The Beatles were a Communist virus. Far more deadly than a biological weaponized virus.

      The DNA of Communism has spilled into the minds of the social "scientists" in the Universities and they are replicating out copies of little angry Communists. Legions of useless idiots with immense debt and useless degrees. As they work at menial labor, or no labor, their anger and resentment and sense of injustice magnifies. These kids are going to be a problem. They are going to eat the elderly. Already you've seen that T-shirt they wear, "OK Boomer."

      History, Communist history, repeats itself. Thanks to the Communists in Universities NOT teaching Russian history and the awful things that happened there. Gulag Archipelago should be required reading. Right after reading Engels and Marx.
      Engels=Capitalism sucks.
      Marx=Utopian solution.
      Solzhenitsyn=Communism really sucks I lived in a gulag!!!

      I challenge anyone to read the book it is a 1,800 page scream against Communism.
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      • Posted by $ blarman 2 years, 10 months ago
        One can argue that, in fact, it was American chickens coming home to roost. One notes with particular interest that it was Americans who funded the expedition of the Leninites to Russia in the 19-teens and what became the Bolshevik Revolution. And it is also of note that those financeers were Democrats.
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      • Posted by $ pixelate 2 years, 10 months ago
        I am on page with everything that you have stated. And to emphasize ... I advance a question -- where does an angry drunk come from? They are created by the University -- legions of useless idiots. When they hit their late 30's and 40's -- the vastness of their disillusionment will be profound. I noticed a shirt recently ... on the front, the words "Whiskey Helps" -- it will help these idiots as they numb themselves to the shocking reality of their wasted lives.

        I started reading The Gulag Archipelago from a downloaded PDF a few months ago. Yes. It should be required reading -- then discussed and its implications understood.
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        • Posted by Aeronca 2 years, 10 months ago
          It's a long haul that book. Don't do it all at once. I had nothing to do once so I read it all day. Book 1 took one week. Book two took 2 weeks, book 3 took a month. It ground me down just the Gulag was designed to.

          That's part of the drug crisis. People are waking up and not liking the nightmare of choices they made. So they want to go back to sleep. China is willing to help infentanylize them.

          Babies sucking on fentanyl tabs and alcohol and vape pens. Anything but to admit, I'm an ass, I sold my soul to the Commie University, they made me into a financially indentured slave, and I have nothing to show for it but this T-shirt! Whiskey helps!
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  • Posted by Aeronca 2 years, 10 months ago
    Never, that is, they know they want Communism. They just won't admit it out loud. This is why they say "Politically Correct." That's a code phrase for Democratic party. They also don't care if Communism works, they are determined to ruin what we have because they have what it takes to ruin: LIFE IS NOT FAIR!!! The single most destructive statement ever. Of course it's not fair and it never will be fair. We have to do our best in the face of the unfairness of life and accept that we can't win. Nobody wins.

    Postmodernism is the gateway drug to Marxism. Once you pummel an idiotic college student in the grievance studies department with the moral relativism and lack of absolute truth asserted by postmodern thinking, you've softened them up so badly they'll eat shit and call it a gourmet brownie. These college students are so pampered and isolated from brutal reality that they are easily manipulated into hating everything that is good and willing for it to be torn down out of basic human jealousy.

    Professors are war criminals. They plant the seeds of war in the minds of youth. Study Chemistry, Medicine, Math, Bricklaying. Don't study the Grievance Studies. All you get is debt, jealousy and destructive anger. Generations of stupid students voting for their own destruction.

    Professors are war criminals. I like that statement.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 2 years, 10 months ago
    Leftists abandoned Reason long ago. Trying to understand them rationally is an effort in futility unless you - also - abandon Reason. Their focus is on the short-term and what makes them feel good in the moment. They see Communism not from a long-term standpoint but from a short-term one - with themselves not playing the part of a common peon but as part of the ruling class. Leftists deceive themselves into believing they are part of the .01% which will become the ruling class while completely ignoring that the history of every implementation of Communism has come with a PURGE that kills off a large part of the potential ruling class. Power doesn't like competition.

    Leftists are also LAZY - they believe that they shouldn't have to work to earn what they consume but that someone else should labor on their behalf to support them. They inherently seek a return to feudalism - or even outright slavery - and the complete destruction of the middle class.

    Leftists do NOT believe in human rights or equal rights. They believe in the power of the aristocracy and that having power gives them automatic moral license to use that power however they choose. They also frown on the concept of personal responsibility because that would mean that their actions would have consequences - and leftists wildest dream is to divest consequence from choice.

    It is all vainglory. Such a mindset requires a complete abandonment of reality - including critical thinking and logic. This results in their being unable to rationally function - including putting forth rational arguments. Their attempts to blame others for what they view as undesirable consequences stems from their irrational desire to divorce cause and effect and usually results in the type of behavior like temper tantrums we normally see in three-year-olds.

    Furthermore, the abandonment of rational thought also comes with increasing self-deception, as this is the only way they can psychologically deal with the dichotomy between their delusions and the reality which forcefully intrudes upon their daydreams. They refuse to accept the fact that truth IS - and can not be wished away simply because it is inconvenient to a life based on passing pleasures.
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    • Posted by Aeronca 2 years, 10 months ago
      "...and leftists wildest dream is to divest consequence from choice."

      Absolutely. They take no responsibility. I think one of the best words that belongs under the class Conservative, is Responsibility.

      I'll risk entering the abortion debate. Divesting consequence from choice is the exact heartbeat of the abortion argument. "I do not have to be responsible for my choices." That's what pro-choice means. "I can voluntarily have sex, get pregnant by accident, then change my mind and choose to shit the baby down the sewer. I get to be irresponsible. There are no consequences for my behavior."

      When you're waving signs or screaming or rioting in a mob, you can divorce yourself from all of the consequences of your actions. It's a perfect environment for being irresponsible. Human beings generally don't behave their best when in mobs. Japan is an exception, they have high discipline and cohesiveness (and extremely low diversity.) When the government says put on a mask, they all do it instantly and no one fights, they just move onward and get along and help each other. I'm not supporting the Maskocracy, I'm just pointing out it's rare to get people to agree in a Diverse situation. Conformity and Diversity don't mix.

      That's a good formula for insanity. Democrats want everyone to Conform to their world view. And they want Diversity. Shoving a 3 inch peg in a 1 inch hole. Idiots.
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    • Posted by $ pixelate 2 years, 10 months ago
      Thank you... yes, the Leftist behaves like a three year old... their understanding of the world is that of seeing a thin veneer ...
      Sharing is good, right? So we will legislate sharing (the govt will ensure that there is sharing)...
      Health care is a human right? The level of idiocy in these people is shocking... or mildly so at this point in time.
      It will be interesting to see how things mete out over the next 18 months or so -- with the food shortages due to "The War" and the lack of fertilizer components... and see how these Lefties handle real deprivations.
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      • Posted by Aeronca 2 years, 10 months ago
        Whomever is on top of the feed trough wins. Dems have it for the time being. But the farmer will be coming to slaughter the pigs sooner or later. Be they Demicans or Republocrats.
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  • Posted by GaryL 2 years, 10 months ago
    Left is just a kind term for calling them the Communists they are. When will we learn to just start calling them Commies?
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    • Posted by Aeronca 2 years, 10 months ago
      There are plenty of moderate Democrats but they have been shamed by the Progressive (Communists) to keep quiet. Buy-dem has bent over to the Communists and abandoned the moderate Democrats. He may have fairly well alienated the Center. Trump alienated the Center. It's like Chess, you have to control the 4 squares in the middle of the board. Control the Center space. Politicians are blowing off to the right or left and forgetting that some balance might win the day.

      But Democrats are sneaky. That's why they came up with Political Correctness. What a big fat lie. A Democrat is politically correct. A Republican is...Republican. That is such a quarterback sneak. There's a passage in the Koran. Paraphrasing, "A Muslim may not lie to another Muslim. But a Muslim may lie to a non-Muslim. Never trust a Democrat. You never know if they are Closet Communists or reasonable Liberals. Are t here any reasonable Liberals remaining? (I was gonna say left, lol)
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  • Posted by JohnWesley 2 years, 10 months ago
    "What they want is Communism?" The Leftists are Communist. We need to wrap our minds around the fact that all Leftists (Democrats) are anti-American. Most of us believe in live and let live. We are wrong! The Left means to destroy, enslave, or kill us. Wrap your mind around the truth.
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    • Posted by Aeronca 2 years, 10 months ago
      I realized not to long ago, that Republicans, or Conservatives, have a tendency to vote, and go back to life. Some Republicans are banging the drumbeat, but not most.

      The Democrats, however, are never content to just vote and get on with things. They are little evil elves banging on doors and writing books and papers every damned day.

      Conservatives can't escape politics without a Gulch anymore. Every passing moment the Communists are chopping and hacking away at our country. While Conservatives sleep. We are late to their game, we have to fight back somehow. I don't think being a silent majority that votes every 2 years will cut it anymore. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Listen to those Democrats squeak through their electric squeakaphones.
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  • Posted by katrinam41 2 years, 10 months ago
    The Leftists will never admit what will really happen if they fulfill their fondest dreams. They cannot be reasoned with. Reason is anathema to a leftist, tearing large, ragged holes in their dystopian pipedreams. Nothing will stop this insanity unless we teach each and every upcoming generation how to think logically, use reason and take nothing for granted.
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    • Posted by RevJay4 2 years, 10 months ago
      The commie b*stards know what they are doing and are just blind to what the end results will truly be should they succeed.
      History has shown that those who supported and fought for the leftists were the first ones to be eliminated or neutralized via gulags etc.
      The new powers will not want to have anyone around who may challenge them in the future.
      Useful idiots do not survive very long in a new regime.
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  • Posted by Eyecu2 2 years, 10 months ago
    I believe that they realize what they want. I believe that they are trying to hide the actual name of it from those to stupid understand what it is, you know the vast majority of Leftist voters.

    Sadly many Republicans are little more than watered downed Democrats and are willing to compromise on anything in order to not face the push back from the Left.
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    • Posted by Aeronca 2 years, 10 months ago
      Yes they do know what they want. Yes they will not admit it. When Solzhenitsyn published Gulag in 1973, describing the unpunished horrors committed by the Communists, the professors could no longer publicly extol Communism. So they went underground...


      Postmodernism! That's Communism on steroids. Think Deconstructionism. I call it Destructionism. You could call it Critical__Theory. Fill in the blank with anything you want to destroy.

      Leftists are sneaks. They can't say what they want out loud.
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  • Posted by starguy 2 years, 10 months ago
    Liberalism is a mental disorder.
    -- Michael Savage
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    • Posted by Aeronca 2 years, 10 months ago
      There's a book, I forgot the title, but it was written by a psychiatrist, who noticed that 80% of his patients were Democrats or leaned Left. He collaborated with other doctors and sociologists and they confirmed, the majority of mental health patients are Democrats.

      He even gave a tongue in cheek biochemical reason.

      Vegetarians and vegans are usually Democrats. They do not eat enough essential amino acids no matter how carefully they arrange their meals to have a "complete protein." They lack in Tryptophan, which converts to 5-hydroxy-tryptophan in the stomach, which goes into the brain and becomes 5-hydroxy-tryptamine which is:


      The feel-good neurochemical. It's no wonder these idiots are mentally ill. We could cure the disease of Liberalism by feeding them all some steak, chicken or fish. Force-feed them like a vaccine mandate. For their mental health. Save billions on mental healthcare costs.
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      • Posted by $ pixelate 2 years, 10 months ago
        I recall reading that the men on the Lewis and Clark expedition would eat Nine Pounds of meat a day... mostly elk, deer, fish, some berries... Nine pounds. These guys worked -- they were true explorers. Most of the Libs that I encounter are your garden-variety lactose-glucose-glutin intolerant or some similar rubbish (yeah, I know ... I am cutting a wide swath here). I think of the preponderance of allergies nowadays -- that so many folks identify with their disabilities. Yes, as you indicate -- a great majority of the depressives in our population are Lefties. Anecdotally, I've found that they also have problems with their finances, marriages and lack of ambition. Their own lives are a tragedy -- and yet they want to control others.

        The image of exercising a mandate ... force-feeding the Libs on red meat. Thank you for that image.
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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 2 years, 10 months ago
    The excuse has always been, and I've debated more than a few leftists over the years, is "It was never done right because there were never enough resources available to do it correctly. The us, I was told, has all the resources to create a kinder and more fair society properly.
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    • Posted by Aeronca 2 years, 10 months ago
      Oh God no I hate that argument. To the contrary, Capitalism worked in the USA because of the resources! Every little Communist thinks she would be a fair leader. Yet every human being has a selfish murderous two year old inside. We are all Hitlers. It's a good thing no one has all the power. They blame Stalin's Cult of Personality for the failure of Russian Communism.

      I get liberals often telling me that The Gulag really didn't happen that way, it's propaganda. A Jewish friend tells me this. I told him the Jewish Holocaust never happened, that was all propaganda too. He hemmed and hawed. NYT reader, no wonder.

      Advice, don't bang your head against a leftist. (A wall, it just hurts your head.)
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      • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 2 years, 10 months ago
        I'm not agreeing with the argument just retelling what I've heard time and again.

        I believe socialism and communism are evil, biblically so, as they each remove free will and self determination.

        It is also said, and I find that it applies well, that "the definition of insanity is to try the same thing over and over again and expect a different result each time."
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  • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 10 months ago
    In a word: Never.

    They want to make everyone equal (except themselves), but never take into account we are all different and the only place all mankind is truly equal is in the graveyard. Socialists/Communists, whenever they get control, begin making people prematurely "truly equal" in the name of the people, of course.

    Their real motto: "Communism for thee, but not for me."
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    • Posted by Aeronca 2 years, 10 months ago
      One for you, two for me.
      One for you, three for me.
      One for you, four for me...

      It is good to be the one who counts the bread. It is bad to be the one in the bread line.

      What idiot aspiring Communist thinks about this?
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