My Experiment w. FB is About to End

Posted by $ Abaco 3 years ago to Entertainment
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This is interesting. The day that Trump took the oath of office I told a friend, "The media will go after his son Baron." Within 12 hours they did - calling him, "The first homeschool shooter." I knew this because I knew the left hates children. They hate women too. But, they REALLY hate children. Soon after that I received a series of insults from an old acquaintance, via FB. I had publicly said that kids should be off limits. Some people don't agree. Whatever. I deleted my FB account at that time. Jump ahead four years and the marble-mouthed sock puppet gets elected to the highest office. I decided to start a new FB account to get back in touch with old friends. About two weeks ago I get a note that my account is suspended. I had made a goofy, innocent joke to a lady friend of mine - something really inane. FB said it violated their violence policy. Didn't make any sense at all. I just ignored it. But, they sent me a few notes saying I could appeal that if I wanted. I just "shrugged" it off. Then a couple days ago they had a viral video clip of a teacher slapping a little kid in the head. Some here may have seen it. That kind of thing makes me quite upset. I commented that if he did that to my kid I'd rip the teacher's head off. Well....I would. Account is now locked. So, once it gets unlocked I'm going to delete this account too. This is like an odd 2-minute anti-hate of child abusers. Express anger over a kid being beaten up and you're in trouble. Oh, they can have videos of that on FB. You just better not express a problem with it or you're out. It was an interesting experiment. Maybe I'm the oddball here. If so - If we're expected to see a video of a fat old man beating a kid and just go along with it then I probably won't fit in. I understand that IG is in trouble for essentially working with child traffickers, or at least being tolerant of their activities. Maybe I'm seeing something similar here.

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  • Posted by mhubb 3 years ago
    biden was not elected
    Tucker Carlson had more evidence of fraud on his show last night

    and facebook is a clear and present danger, it is based on evil, run by evil
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  • Posted by mccannon01 3 years ago
    FB has absolutely morphed into an anti-American amoral entity from the woke political perspective. The only reason I still bother with it is to wish family and friends a happy birthday. Beyond that I rarely use it. I did open an account on MeWe, but don't bother with that much, either. When the bugs get shaken out of Trump's new platform, I'll likely sign up there.
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