Ukrainian Pres Zelenskyy. The more you know.....

Posted by Dobrien 3 years ago to Entertainment
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In the spirit of full disclosure, Zelenskyy had me fooled. Heading into this conflict with Russia I was of the opinion that Zelenskyy was a good guy. Afterall, Trump’s famous “perfect call” that he was impeached by the House of Representatives for was with Zelenskyy. Volodymyr fully cooperated with Trump in releasing the transcripts of that call and was helpful in Rudy Giuliani’s investigation of Ukraine. So, how did I get it wrong?

The short answer is, I didn’t really dig into who Zelenskyy really was. It was carelessness on my part I suppose. To be fair, I am not the only one who got it wrong so maybe Zelenskyy did a good job of deception. It makes sense, Zelenskyy was/is an actor. I seem to recall someone saying that “great movies need great actors.” Well, I wouldn’t describe Zelenskyy as a great actor, but he did star in many roles before taking his position as President of Ukraine. The most famous of the roles that Zelenskyy was in 2015:

Zelenskyy became the star of the television series Servant of the People, where he played the role of the president of Ukraine.[25] In the series, Zelenskyy's character was a high-school history teacher in his 30s who won the presidential election after a viral video showed him ranting against government corruption in Ukraine. – Wikipedia

But before we get into his acting career it is important to know that Zelenskyy was born to Jewish parents in the city of Kryvyi Rih which then was part of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. He is a Russian speaking Jew, and that fact will come into play later. Zelenskyy received a degree in Economics and Technology from the Kryvyi Rih State University and later a law degree from the Kryvyi Rih Institute of economics. Zelenskyy did not pursue a career in economics or law but rather chose to go into acting and comedy.

Already a picture is being created of an actor being well educated in law and economics. These are potentially powerful skills for a superhero to wield against an enemy. This is especially true if the role of that superhero would be the president of the most corrupt countries in the world…Ukraine.

Much like Quinten Beck, Zelenskyy doesn’t possess any superpowers or abilities. However, what he does have can be effective in combination with a great illusion. That is where the Ukrainian TV show Servant of the People comes in. It is no accident that the title of this show creates the illusion of servitude and power to the people. This is a populist message being communicated and it is not by accident.

The political party Servant of the People was created in March 2018 by people from the television production company Kvartal 95, which also created the television series of the same name.

Now, you might think that this all quite savvy for an actor with political ambitions and I would normally agree with you. These are not normal times and Zelenskyy did not come up with this on his own. As quoted earlier, Servant of the People is about Zelenskyy’s character becoming president of Ukraine and ranting against government corruption. So, let’s unpack the illusion here:

· Populist title (Servant of the People)

· Political outsider becomes president

· Is against government corruption

Does this sound familiar? These are the same qualities we attribute to candidate Trump! So, this TV series is run alongside the sitting president (Petro Poroshenko) in Ukraine almost like a shadow government or at the very least a stark contrast to the current administration. An illusion is created using television of not only who Zelenskyy is but of what his presidency could be.

It is no surprise that when Zelenskyy decided to run for president most of his campaign was done virtually. I mean why not? It could be argued that the entire TV series WAS the campaign. In every sense, the simulation became the reality.

Starting 31 December 2018, Zelenskyy led a successful, almost entirely virtual presidential campaign to unseat incumbent President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, in just three to four months. Zelenskyy clearly won both the first round of elections on 31 March,[46] and the run-off election on 21 April 2019.[47] One of Zelenskyy's presidential campaign promises was that he would serve only one term in office (i.e., five years) - Wikipedia

It is true that the people of Ukraine elected a populist, nationalist, anti-corruption candidate. What is also true (and where I was fooled) that Zelenskyy’s image was created by George Soros and there was never any intent of doing away with corruption.

This excerpt from this https://sbierma.substack.com/p/myster...

George Soros acknowledged in an interview with CNN that he actively contributed to the overthrow of former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych in 2014. “I created a foundation in Ukraine before it became independent from Russia. The foundation has functioned since then and has played an important role in current events,” explains the financier who established the International Renaissance Foundation, in Ukraine, as part of the Open Society Foundations, in April 1990.

The infamous foundation originally placed in Ukraine by the New World Order with the aim to assist the transition to democracy, to a market economy became a sort of parallel government immediately starting a series of projects in different areas without ever truly helping the country and ultimately giving the role of President of Ukraine, serving since May 2019, to a comedian/clown called Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who made his apparent fortune with a Ukrainian political satire comedy television series but was secretly financed by a friend of Soros, the Ukrainian oligarch Igor Kolomoisky. – The Liberty Beacon

Would you look at that: Open Society Foundation, parallel government, and Igor Kolomoisky. What a mess of corruption. If you have read Patel Patriot’s Devolution series, you know of Igor Kolomoisky. If not, I highly recommend it. The entire illusion of Volodymyr Zelenskyy was created by George Soros. There was never any intent on ridding Ukraine of corruption.

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  • Posted by bubah1mau 3 years ago
    I don't see anything wrong with Ukrainian nationalism, or Ukrainian nationalists--as long as their nationalism can be effected/maintained without sacrifices from surrounding nations, or, especially, US taxpayers.

    Biden and administration have sanctioned Kolomoisky (speaks well of Kolomoisky): https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs....
    and benefiting from Yanukovich's toppling, being of Jewish ancestry and generally well received in a traditionally anti-Jewish nation aren't necessarily bad things.

    Besides anticipating the Russian invasion of a formerly subservient state led by a nationalist seeking to maintain his nation's independence, probably benefiting financially from that invasion by investing long in commodity futures (e.g. wheat, oil, metals), Soros and Open Borders probably anticipated the wholesale influx of Ukrainians (and a lot of African and Muslim students--temporary-visa residents of Ukraine) as refugees into eastern Europe--nationalist societies that Soros would like to corrupt. That's what "Open Borders" is all about.

    However much Zelenskyy may be a pawn of the Soros/Open-Borders agenda, I still credit him with a good deal of chutzpa--and I'm willing to reserve judgment on his efficacy as a nationalist leader of his nation.

    I agree with my single US House Representative Rosendale (R-MT), one of three in the House who voted against the aid package to Ukraine, who said essentially that we should tend our own borders first rather than trying to tend those of others. We should pump our own gas and oil, and leave Europe to heal its own wounds. Personally, I don't live in Putin's neighborhood--and I thank the choices of my ancestors for that.
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    • Posted by 3 years ago
      I believe Nationalism should be a guide for Leaders the whole world over. Nations should operate in their own ethical self interest. Just like everyone should.
      I listed above info about the illusion that was created for his TV show. To me the simple fact that Kerry Biden Nuland and company have not Color Revolutioned him means he is another what we call RINO.
      Re: the Atlantic Council is run by a Deep State Crony Capitalist Central Banker. His wife is a Huffington Post manure spreader.
      The second in command spent his career lying to US from many fancy MSM platforms recently a CNN analyst. Huh . Adam Schiff also has is top staff member on board at the AC.
      Reading the article I am reminded that Kolomoiskyy was banned from the US for beheadings and ruthless violence prior to the over throw of Yankonowich (sp) by the US,’s own Vicky Nuland. When Petro was installed . Biden lifted Kolomoiskyy’s travel ban to US. Kolomoiskyy’s co. Burisma hired Hunter Biden and Devon Archer.
      Kolomoiskyy financed The Azov brown shirts(neoNazi’s) under Soros’s guidance. The Question is did we actually pay? Kolomoiskyy owned Privat bank and he stole $4.5billion in USAid. He came here and laundered hundreds and hundreds of millions in RE. He is under indictment in 2 states for Fraud charges on R. E.
      Now that he is fully exposed as part of the money laundering machine . Best to keep him out of any law enforcement hands here. Sheesh how Quick would he Jeffery Epstien/Jean Luc Brunel himself.
      As far as Chutzpah for Zelensky I say what makes for a good movie ..Acting.
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      • Posted by bubah1mau 3 years ago
        Time will tell about Zelenskyy--actor or genuine patriot. Until proven otherwise, I regard him as an unwitting pawn of Soros/Open Borders.

        Anyhow, he's a breath of fresh air in a nation that's been relatively stale and stagnant for quite a few years. (I lived in Kharkiv for nearly six months in 2008, trying to develop a website on Holodomor--but found financing my project by teaching English to be impractical. Too many Peace Corps activists roaming the country giving lessons for free, getting paid by US taxpayers. Hard to compete with free of charge.)
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        • Posted by 3 years ago
          I only learned what Holodomor was in the past five years. It’s shameful how horsehip our education system has been. We know who might have owned slaves in our country 170 years ago but nothing of the intentional brutal starvation of million of innocent folks in the depression years.
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          • Posted by DrZarkov99 3 years ago
            There's a lot missing. While we know about how the British starved the Irish in the 1840s, almost nothing is said about how the British Raj starved 10 million Indians in the late 1800s, or how the Belgians massacred millions in the Congo in the same period.
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    • Posted by Temlakos 3 years ago
      Well, I /wouldn't/ see anything wrong with Ukrainian nationalism. But this is not Ukrainian nationalism. This is globalism.

      And there is more. Do you know why the Russian Army took a detour into Chernobyl, a town you wouldn't think was of any military value whatsoever, because it is supposed to be irreparably radiation poisoned?

      It's not radiation poisoned. But it was the International Pedophile Bazaar. The capture of Chernobyl occasioned the rescue of hundreds of thousands of children.

      Furthermore, the Russian Army has destroyed eight biological weapons-development facilities, having American backing, and perhaps even American sfaffs.
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      • Posted by 3 years ago
        I have seen written that Epstien had over 50 flights to Ukraine over the years. He would grind Weapons in and human trafficking on the return.
        The fellows who put up the new siding on my house were from Moldavia. I asked them about the human trafficking. It is no joke, their country like most in Eastern Europe had virtually no economy after the Soviet empire collapsed. Job offers for young girls to work as maids or as a servants were posted in most towns. The young women were told they would be working for a wealthy family and could send money home. Often the were directed to Kiev. The reality was thousands and thousands went missing never to be heard from again.

        Yes Zelensky sold a bill of goods when he acted in a tv series as a anti-corruption President . Then he ran as one . The nationalist desire is strong for most citizens worldwide . Ukraine is the $money laundering machine for the corrupt politicians, it was/is a hub for Human Trafficking / and they had bioweapon labs threatening not only Russia but the rest of the world.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 3 years ago
    This whole line bothers me on several levels:

    1. Does this justify the Russian invasion? The Donbass region doesn't look like it's been bombarded by Ukraine artillery, as the Russians claim, but I've seen dead Ukrainian civilians on lots of western news outlets in numerous locations in Ukraine.

    2. Am I supposed to swallow the fable that Putin is now a good guy? Please! I worked with our intelligence agencies enough to know that the guy is a murderous thug. Soros doesn't have nukes, while Putin does, and is threatening to use them.

    3. What's with the obsession with the fact Zelensky is a Jew? Further, why the feature of the Khazarian "empire?" Why show that ancient region without explaining why?

    Sorry, but this smells uncomfortably like you've swallowed the Russian propaganda, hook, line, and sinker. I'm definitely uncomfortable with the anti-Jew slant.
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    • Posted by citizen1 3 years ago
      I am also very uncomfortable with the anti- jew slant. I think its a fair statement to say that evil is neither restricted by nor indicated blindly by nationality or heritage.

      However. An awful lot of what is said here rings true. Is Putin a good guy? I would not say that. I think that people on all sides may take actions that appear good, or even humanitarian, but that does not neccessarily reveal their motives. A bad man can do good things that benefit some people, but maybe from the fact that it benefits him more for his purposes. The world here is a stage, the people actors, but only they know their motivations.

      Our mistake is viewing the world in 2 dimensions, when those allied against freedom are playing 5 dimensional chess. Viewing human conflict as only good vs evil sets you up for blindness to what may exist in the shadows.
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      • Posted by 3 years ago
        Did you read the entire essay that I provide in the link? Please explain what part of it you have issue with and why. I would like to read your well thought out comment.
        I agree that evil is not restricted by nor indicated blindly by nationality or heritage.
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    • Posted by $ jdg 3 years ago
      The Russians did not start this by invading. They were a majority in the Donbass breakaway regions before it began, because those regions were part of Russia before about 1950.

      The Ukrainian "neo-nazis" started it by shelling Donbass. I see no wrong in the Russians defending them. If Zelensky had just surrendered those regions it would already be over.

      If Biden manages to get us into a shooting war, I'm going to demand he go on trial for war crimes.
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      • Posted by DrZarkov99 3 years ago
        No, the Donbass region was Ukrainian until Stalin killed the Kulak farmers that occupied the region and moved ethnic Russians into the area in the 1930s. Ten million Ukrainians died in the Holodomor, starved to death to teach the Ukrainians to obey Russian edict. The Russian residents of the Donbass region are invaders, from the Ukrainian perspective.

        The Ukrainians didn't just arbitrarily start shelling the region. That was a result of the Russian residents seizing power at gunpoint and declaring their independence. Think of it as being like the secession declared by the Confederate states. Was Lincoln wrong to demand they return to the union, and used force to press his demands?
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        • Posted by freedomforall 3 years ago
          Yes, Lincoln was wrong. Lincoln was a war criminal and tyrant.
          But back to present day.
          I don't have enough reliable data to determine who is really at fault in Ukraine.
          imo, the scum in DC have motive to start a war because they are losing control.
          Putin also has motive to 'defend' Russians in Donbass.
          Could the Deep State have incited Donbass to declare their secession?
          They have done such things before, imo.
          Did Lincoln incite the south to declare their secession?
          (Did FDR force Japan into a corner by cutting their supplies of energy and leave Pearl Harbor undefended to get the US into a foreign war against the wishes of the American people?)
          I wish I had enough evidence to determine the truth.
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          • Posted by DrZarkov99 3 years ago
            Good, honest response, as usual. Everyone seems to be guessing at the answers, without much credible evidence. I have no doubt we would all be fascinated if someone could uncover the "hidden history" of the past events you note.

            I'm finding the Caspian Report on YouTube to be one of the more credible analysis sources as to what's happening tactically and politically in Ukraine. Unfortunately, we don't have clear insight into who promoted this mess in the first place. It's certainly a move that could push the Great Reset faster, but the crystal ball seems cloudy at the moment.
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            • Posted by 3 years ago
              No guessing , I have provided credible substantial evidence but you convienently ignore it.
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              • Posted by DrZarkov99 3 years ago
                Evidence is, unfortunately, a matter of perspective. Even if your information is solid, Putin's response has been badly planned and executed.

                What amazes me is how incredibly poorly the military operation has been executed. Logistics planning has been severely deficient. Instead of relying on special operations troops, the primary thrust has been with conscripts!

                What has become apparent is that much of the Russian equipment has spent too much time in storage. The tires of the wheeled vehicles show severe dry rot, and deflate. The primary thrust has been reliant on the T-72, though admittedly, upgraded designs of the fifty year old model.

                What's odd, to me, is that the very competent special operations forces have been absent. Also bothering is the appearance of both Arctic and Eastern command elements in the conflict, which indicates the primary elements of the action lacked the experience to conduct operations effectively.

                The strange elements of the Russian action may be an indication of how much their actions in Syria have drawn down their best forces. There are indications that their supply of PGMs has been exhausted, and they may begin to rely on saturation artillery attacks, while the Ukrainians are being supplied with high tech equipment.

                If Putin is the last, best line against the Great Reset, then we are distinctly in trouble.
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                • Posted by Lucky 2 years, 12 months ago
                  Reply to Dr Z
                  I have read that Putin has deliberately kept back the best troops. An ultra cautious approach just in case they are needed elsewhere in a hurry.
                  Tires on their military vehicles are Chinese made. Some brands are ok for economy private use, but not otherwise. But you could be right, old decayed stock.
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                • Posted by 2 years, 12 months ago
                  Very well maybe , but I saw a video today of Two high Ranking Colonels were shot and killed. They both had C4 explosives on them as well as a map of life support facilities in the area. People that know more than I do about military operations claim this suggests that very few capable conscripts available. Not saying there isn’t possible propaganda regarding the maps of area life support facilities, but the soldierswere certainly dead and close ups of their military Id’s
                  We’re clearly shown.
                  I also read that 18 year olds are being sent out to fight with 3 days of training I suspect that’s not enough time for them to be super effective with the high tech weapons. As the reporter who just returned from Ukraine on FOX stated Ukraine is already lost. Fake News perhaps but FOX has gotten things fairly accurate on occasion.
                  Putin has made it clear that he doesn’t want to eliminate Zelensky @nd take over all of Ukraine.
                  Putin’s playbook is similar to GWBush and Colin Powell. The difference is Ukraine had weapons of mass destruction and IRAQ didn’t. Also he will not allow this bordering country to be in NATO.
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                  • Posted by DrZarkov99 2 years, 12 months ago
                    There was never any doubt that Ukraine would lose any armed conflict with Russia. The numbers make that obvious. Ukraine's biggest contingent in the eastern area has been surrounded, so they can't conduct any major operation.

                    That being said, Russia was not prepared for an extended insurgent operation. Putin's plans had been leaked, and the quick three day strike that was to capture Kiev and either force Zelensky to agree to Putin's terms, or replace him was sabotaged.

                    The Ukrainians knew the plan was to use rail as the means of logistic support, so they preemptively blew several key rail bridges to prevent that. Resupply by truck is laboriously slow, and the resupply vehicles are prime targets for the simple German Panzerfaust 3, leaving the UK NLAWS and the US Javelin to focus on the armored vehicles.

                    Expect Putin to also request help from India, Khazakstan, and Uzbekistan for resupply of munitions, since they use Russian weapons. India may waffle, or even refuse the request, as it attempts a balancing act to keep themselves on good graces with the US.

                    Despite Russian claims of just a few hundred casualties, or the Ukraine claims of 12,000 Russians dead, reliable numbers coming from independent military observers indicate Russian forces have taken well over 5,000 casualties. The worst part is that there have been a high number of experienced senior officers taken out by sniper teams, or by their vehicles being specifically targeted. Ukraine is getting some very good intelligence.

                    In any event, it's looking like this will be a drawn out affair that will bleed Russia dry of much of its conventional munitions. The problem has been exacerbated by what has been kept from Putin, which is high ranking military skimming off up to 35% of the munitions resupply budget. Those are the flag officers he's recently purged.
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                    • Posted by 2 years, 12 months ago
                      This Colonel has a different take.
                      Colonel Douglas Macgregor | Putin has already defeated Ukraine…
                      Posted by Kane on March 16, 2022 10:00 am
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                      • Posted by DrZarkov99 2 years, 12 months ago
                        From a military perspective, not so different. Putin has been extremely unhappy with the sluggishness of the operation, but there was never any doubt that with persistence, Russia would win any conflict with Ukraine.

                        The question that remains is whether or not it's only the Azov Brigade that will try to continue resistance after the cities fall. Insurgency is a tough nut to crack, and the Ukraine civilians don't seem eager to just roll over and play dead puppy.

                        One area where I disagree with MacGregor is that the fallback will be an order to annihilate the cities. First, with power and supplies cut off, it's just a matter of waiting the remaining inhabitants out. In that case, patience pays off with less loss of life and equipment. Second, the penalty the Russian military has paid so far is in blood and iron. While MacGregor may discount a couple of thousand deaths, it depends on whether or not the Russian people feel it's worth it. Wading into the cities while there are still fighters, and with antitank mines on every street makes no sense. That strategy could result in casualties to match the Afghanistan debacle.
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                        • Posted by 2 years, 12 months ago
                          I am glad to know , you have an insight to Putin’s
                          emotions. I will say I have seen video of Ukrainian soldiers firing Howitzers in the court yard of an apartment building. Any return fire would hammer the civilians. Much like we see the US has done by placing biolabs in residential neighborhoods of ANOTHER country. Basically using them as human shields.
                          It is clearly an action by
                          Putin to limit the harm and impact on the people.
                          He also s taking his time and more casualties than if he went scorched earth.
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                          • Posted by DrZarkov99 2 years, 12 months ago
                            I have special insight into the utter ruthlessness of the KGB. I was on their hit list in the 1980s when they were targeting technical experts, and had at least one attempt on my life. Putin is one of the most cold blooded thugs ever to lead a country.

                            Putin's problem is that like most prior leaders of Russia, he doesn't like people telling him what he doesn't want to hear. As a result, he's surrounded by people afraid to tell him when things aren't going to plan.
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    • Posted by Temlakos 3 years ago
      If you knew half of what I know, then you would know that the answers to your questions would be:

      1. Well, maybe not the original post, but certainly the things that have been going on, would justify pushing further than just the breakaway republics of Donyetsk and Lugansk.

      2. Yes. Our intelligence agencies have lied to us. They committed treason against President Trump, don't forget.

      3. I place no stock in the Jewish-ness of Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Jewish he might be (this is the first I heard that), but he is not a worthy representative of Jews generally or even what a Jew ought to be.
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    • Posted by 3 years ago
      Yes 2. the Intelligence agencies. The ones that assisted on the Coup de Tate against a sitting duly elected US President. The same intelligence agencies that flooded our country with drugs.
      The same ones that killed Kennedy and anyone who questioned it were labeled tinfoil hat Conspiracy Theorists. Please explain how that virtuous group has an credibility. Their business is fear and loathing. Without “Bad Guys” they are out of business. Reports claim that the firefight at the Nuke plant was because Ukraine was enriching Uranium there or hiding there efforts to make a bomb. I have no verification but certainly Putin was not trying to blow the plant up.
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      • Posted by DrZarkov99 3 years ago
        Seizing the nuclear plants is just common sense strategy. If you control the power, you have the ability to put the country back in the stone age, with no lights, refrigeration. That puts a lot of pressure on the civilian population.

        Ukraine had lots of bombs after the USSR collapsed, and could have held onto them, but they took a Russian promise that if they gave them up they would be safe from any attack. That pretty much makes the propaganda about them trying to make a bomb not very believable.

        You still haven't addressed why Zelensky being a Jew is so important. I'm guessing it has something to do with Soros, but I'd be interested in your explanation.
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        • Posted by 3 years ago
          Funny , I agree it is common sense strategy. Why do the Ukrainians still have power?
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          • Posted by DrZarkov99 3 years ago
            I think the plan is to get control of as many power plants as possible. While we outsiders focus on the nuclear plants, Ukraine has lots of coal fired plants outside of Russian control that could substitute for the nuclear plants, as I suspect the Ukraine need for power has been reduced. Better not to make a big deal of denying power if you don't really control it. Putin seems to be recognizing this is going to be a long game.
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            • Posted by 3 years ago
              An unorthodox approach to be sure. Putin could have destroyed the whole countries infrastructure, but as I understand it that is not the case. I do know the Dam erected by Ukraine to shut off the water to the peninsula that is Crimea has been unplugged. I also know the bioweapon labs set up initially by Sen. Obama were also among the first targets. He also seems to be a threat to the $washing machine, hence the absolute uproar.
              I hardly think it’s brpecause they are so compassionate about the safety of the Ukrainian people. If that was the case wouldn’t they also be crying out about 1960 deaths a week on average in our own country from Fentanyl. That’s 100,000 in the last 12 months . 200,000 American moms and dads lost a son or daughter. But curiously you hear crickets from the compassionate (elected)
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    • Posted by 3 years ago
      1.why is there a Minsk agreement ? I will answer
      For you.
      The Minsk agreements were a series of international agreements which sought to end the war in the Donbas region of Ukraine.
      Weird they would have an agreement if the Donbas region wasn’t being bombarded.

      https://www.sott.net/article/317103-W... the town of

      Zaitsevo with a pre-war population of almost 4000 inhabitants, about 1 600 civilians cower under Ukaine's almost daily bombardments. Among them are about 500 children and nine veterans of the Second World War, very old with lots of elderly. Recently, a couple that we had visited in February got hurt, a grandmother of 80 years and her husband were hit in the arm and head.

      Last week, the Ukrainian army used white phosphorus projectiles precisely in this area, yet these weapons are prohibited by Protocol III of the Geneva Convention in the war zones where civilians are concentrated, which certainly is the case of Zaïtsevo.

      We rendezvoused with a company of Italian and Russian journalists to observe the situation of the large village of Zaïtsevo. Surrounded by the Ukrainian lines overlooking the town, its situation has been bad for many weeks, especially since the arrival of Nazi fanatics of Pravy Sektor who have at heart to terrorize the population.
      Ukrainian Army Shells Boarding School in Yasinovataya With 120mm Mortar Shells:
      On the morning of 21 September 2021, the Ukrainian army opened fire with 120mm mortars on the northern outskirts of Yasinovataya in the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), damaging a gas pipeline, a gas-fired water heating station and a boarding school with 63 children and 53 staff inside. Fortunately, no one was injured.

      While the Russian parliamentary elections are now over, the Ukrainian army’s terror bombing of civilians in Donbass continues.

      For example, on 21 September 2021 at 7.16 am, the Ukrainian army fired 15 120 mm mortar shells at the northern outskirts of Yasinovataya from its positions near Novoselovka. Several of these shells fell on a residential area, including a gas-fired heating station and boarding school No. 14.
      Ukraine Intensifies Shelling of Donbass as Western Media Are Silent
      While much of the world is focused on Covid-related issues, Ukraine's seven-year war on the people of Donbass continues. In recent weeks, Kiev's shelling of civilians has intensified, met by the predictable Western media silence.

      Ostensibly, following the Minsk agreements, there was a ceasefire. In reality, Donbass residents in villages bordering peace lines are incessantly subject to Ukrainian shelling.

      Ukraine uses heavy weapons in violation of the agreement, including 82mm and 120mm mortar shells, routinely shelling at night when Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) observers are not patrolling the area.

      But Ukrainian forces also shell during the day, and have done so a lot more of late, including allegedly with phosphorus, and shelling further behind the front.
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      • Posted by DrZarkov99 3 years ago
        The article is from 2016, and the Russian separatists during that period were very active doing their own share of shelling the Ukrainian lines, in violation of the truce that was supposed to be in effect at the time.

        So the Ukrainians are "Nazis" for wanting their land back? The Russians in the Donbass region were fine when they had an ethnic Russian president in charge of Ukraine and expected closer ties with Mother Russia.

        You didn't respond to my second and third questions. Putin is a dirtbag with delusions of grandeur about restoring Russian imperial reach, who has no problem murdering anyone who opposes him.

        Why is the fact Zelensky is a Jew so important? European Jews are mostly Ashkenazi, purportedly descendants of the Khazarians, unlike the true Sephardic Jews of Semitic stock, so it can't be racial prejudice. What, then, is the issue?
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        • Posted by 3 years ago
          Please use your reading skills .I responded to each of your 3 emotional filled responses with facts in separate replies . If you want to dispute something that the author wrote feel free.
          The other article of shelling is Sept 2021 , please don’t cherry pick. I did not cherry pick your 3 points.. I listed a few examples of shelling in the past that Have targeted schools and civilians in the region that you claimed there was no evidence of.
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    • Posted by 3 years ago
      If you would read the full article it explains why.
      If you want to dispute what the writer has written be my guest, in fact I look forward to it.
      I posted this article I didn’t write it. I have not swallowed anything and I am offended by your insinuation.
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      • Posted by DrZarkov99 3 years ago
        I was kind of uneasy I would find the anti Jewish rationale to be just puking up old unfounded tales that date back to the era of the German Knights Templar, and unfortunately I was right. I had kind of hoped there would be a more rational foundation, like maybe a Mossad connection, but no.

        Whatever the ethnic makeup of the Khazars, they thought they could stay out of the ongoing bloodbath between Muslims and Christians by adopting the Abrahamic faith that produced both religions. That ruse only worked for a hundred years or so, and they came under the Christian sword, with survivors scattering and hiding as best they could.

        The Khazars were merchants, and dealt in profit making ventures and loans, both of which were considered sinful by the Holy Roman Empire, and they were condemned and punished whenever possible. It's the same old story Jews of any ethnic stripe have been saddled with since the Middle Ages.

        It would be interesting to see some objective evidence of the existence of a real Jewish mafia that is plotting global control, but all I see is a rehash of Nazi mythology.
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        • Posted by 3 years ago
          Well I am glad to see you did finally read the essay. NAZI mythology , Nope you see a continuation of the NAZI’s in the Deep State. President Trump called them the invisible enemy. 195O Operation Paperclip flooded the US Space industry , the military and also the intelligence agencies with NAZIS . They have continued the grotesque practice of disgusting “medical expirements and mind control” that the NAZIS were so enamored with to this day.
          Second phase was when Kissmyassinger and 100 or so professors were brought in the the US in 61’. He went to Harvard and the rest weresprinkled into all the major Universities.. Think about it, in 7 years he was shaping US foreign policy.
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    • Posted by craigerb 3 years ago
      You've faced the pro-Russian trolls that have infected this site.
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      • Posted by 3 years ago
        On a global scale, countless corporations are no longer doing business with the entire country of Russia. After years and years of corporate greed and cronyism, all of a sudden (simultaneously), these companies want to grow a conscience? After the numerous invasions and bombings the US has done over the last several decades, this is the one that has caused them ALL to take a stand? Not a chance. This is a global reallocation of resources at a massive level. The puppet masters are hard at work.
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        • Posted by craigerb 3 years ago
          You've got to applaud businesses doing the right thing, however belated. Seizing Putin's and his oligarch's resources is the best of reallocations.
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          • Posted by 3 years ago
            Yup brilliant , filled with virtue we all should learn from their kindness. Bad Putin ,bad Putin says Bezos and Zuckerbuck and Bill Gates wonders how he can get Zelensky to Vax up there population before A nuke is set off...at least they won’t get as sick from Covid.
            we block Apple , Google, PayPal , go fund me , FB,and porn hub to Russia.
            Russia blocks oil and gas , wheat ,lumber , copper , lithium ,iron , fertilizer. Maybe we can make up the oil.... or Apple or google or Facebook or Pornhub can make up the difference...never mind the dynamo in Venezuela has our back. Just a standing ovation to those virtuous corporations. Can’t wait till the lovely corporations start feeding the starving Americans as the shelves empty and the prices sky rocket.
            Maybe we should name a holiday for them. It will be real interesting when they do nothing when China invades Taiwan. Another thing the Uyghurs identify as Ukrainians.
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      • Posted by DrZarkov99 3 years ago
        Speaking truth can be hazardous these days. I upvoted you for your observation, since someone had already downvoted you. If this crap continues, I may reconsider being a part of this group.
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        • Posted by 3 years ago
          Yes regarding the hazardous posting of truth, you apparently would like this truth not to be posted.
          People who call the truth hate speech, they hate the Truth. Stand with all the mocking birds and the likes of Soros and Clinton and Biden who are all in a panic and knee deep in corruption in the Ukraine , it’s your choice.
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          • Posted by DrZarkov99 3 years ago
            I have to bow to your sincere firm stand, as few people have the will to bear the ignominy that can come with strong beliefs. I don't care what is posted, as I firmly believe in free speech, whether I agree with it or not.

            I don't consider myself a captive of any committed camp of thought, as I like to be free to question what I don't feel passes the filter of objective thinking. I am not a captive of the Trump camp, but I support his thinking and action, simply because it makes sense and gets results that are far more beneficial than those of the idiot left that unfortunately controls the levers of power at present.

            If we can avoid being drawn into a needless war brought on by European hostile thinking that has roots in the 12th century, the republic has a chance of survival. There are two possibilities at present: one is that the left continues to delude itself that it can maintain control of our government, even with $5+/gallon gas and is blasted completely out of both houses of congress, negating any further damage Biden can do; the second is that aware of the pending electoral disaster, the powers behind Biden drive him to declare a suspension of this Fall's elections because of a concocted "national emergency," which will undoubtedly lead to a civil war.
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            • Posted by 3 years ago
              Yup I am used to it. I am sure that is a backhanded slam. No problem, I , like you love free speech, it allows me to judge a persons character. I was shunned and called a tin hat conspiracy kook here when I stated that The Deep State was trying to usher in a New World Order and had plans for A Great reset 6 yrs ago. Also when I said that Fauci was a total piece of shit back in March of 2020. I stood by those “facts” that you like to describe as beliefs, then, as I do now.
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  • Posted by JohnRandALL 3 years ago
    In this crazy world of "who do you believe", this is believable. I certainly think the globalists are trying to take down Putin. And that is why China, which is in on the globalist plan, has been sitting on the fence.
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    • Posted by 3 years ago
      It’s easy to believe verifiable facts. For some reason , many people find it’s easy to believe the same People who lie over and over again.
      I have a litmus test that I use. If the Evil Hag or Al sharloton or Soros or Obama or Truduea or Macron or Schwab or Shiffty Schiff or Piglosi or Lindsey fuQing Graham or any of these SLGPC members want it . I want nothing to do with it. If Hannity is agreeing with these rancid maggots, that should tell you all you need to know.
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      • Posted by Lucky 3 years ago
        Peter Hitchens in UK Dally Mail.

        12 years ago, I saw what was coming. That's why I won't join this carnival of hypocrisy. .. in a country crammed with Russians, they were trying to make Russian a second-class language. Russians who had lived there happily for decades were pressured to take Ukrainian citizenship and adopt Ukrainian versions of their Christian names.

        Until that point, Ukraine had been a reasonably harmonious country in its 20-odd years of existence. After that visit I saw big trouble coming, both in the Crimea and in the Don Basin, where I also travelled that year. .. the open-mouthed sycophantic coverage of such events as the 'Orange Revolution' has done us no favours. ... our policy of Nato expansion. ..
        Ukraine's army has used severe force against Russian civilians in the Don Basin since 2014

        .etc. worth reading.
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      • Posted by Lucky 3 years ago
        This is a quote from an e-mail list I am on-
        The legacy media. They simply are no longer credible sources of information and deserve to be treated as the propaganda outfits they are. With every new cause or event, they fall over themselves to be the first to regurgitate talking points issued from whatever authority they worship.
        All of them have been up to their necks in COVID propaganda. Not content with pushing the poison propaganda, they also silenced or sought to discredit those that pushed back

        Now they are turning their powers to fake news about the Russia Ukraine conflict.
        The lies are simply extraordinary. We've been told that Ukrainian civilians are beating the Russian Army while simultaneously stating that Kiev has been encircled by Russian troops.
        . . .(examples of witnesses on vids showing the opposite) . .
        . . you simply cannot trust what is presented to you on the legacy media outlets.
        All of them have an agenda

        This is important. Sometime you have to speak as you understand.
        We need to be careful not to make enemies with those who not against us.
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      • Posted by Lucky 3 years ago
        Thanks for that, maybe not my language, I agree but with this condition -
        there is a word "People", if you mean those named in your next para, Evil Hag, Al sharloton and so on, and others of the same character and reputation, then fine. I am 100%.
        If by "People" you have some ethnicity in mind, or religion, or group(s) identified by characteristics other than as individuals, then you are on a slippery slope.
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        • Posted by 3 years ago
          People, they all have ethnicities or faith or not.
          The crimes against humanity is what’s important.
          Who they have colluded with and what they have conspired to do is what is important.
          In this instance of Zelensky and Soros , those that would defend them have said they would not use neoNAZI brown shirts because they are Jewish.
          That is why the religious affiliation is brought up.
          The group that I describe are the SLGPC.
          The Satanic Luciferian Globalist Pedofile Cabal.
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          • Posted by Idiocracy42 3 years ago
            Oh, and I thought that might have been a new acronym for the Southern Poverty Law Center. My bad.
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            • Posted by 3 years ago
              I would add them to that group based on the directors nefarious actions.
              Excerpt from a SPLC journalists story of the reality of working there. Dees was the founder .
              Outside of work, we spent a lot of time drinking and dishing in Montgomery bars and restaurants about the oppressive security regime, the hyperbolic fund-raising appeals, and the fact that, though the center claimed to be effective in fighting extremism, “hate” always continued to be on the rise, more dangerous than ever, with each year’s report on hate groups. “The S.P.L.C.—making hate pay,” we’d say.

              It wasn’t funny then. At this moment, it seems even grimmer. The firing of Dees has flushed up all the uncomfortable questions again. Were we complicit, by taking our paychecks and staying silent, in ripping off donors on behalf of an organization that never lived up to the values it espoused? Did we enable racial discrimination and sexual harassment by failing to speak out? “Of course we did,” a former colleague told me, as we parsed the news over the phone. “It’s shameful, but when you’re there you kind of end up accepting things. I never even considered speaking out when things happened to me! It doesn’t feel good to recognize that. I was so into the work, and so motivated by it, I kind of shrugged off what was going on.” A couple of days later, she texted me: “I’m having SPLC nightmares.” Aren’t we all, I thought.
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 3 years ago
    Great article... We are so easily fooled.
    Dr. Shiva calls this "The Not so Obvious ESTABLISHMENT"

    He actually puts Trump in that category, to which I don't agree (hence they broke so many laws to remove him)...

    Regardless... There is no News... there is only Someone's Propoganda, presented as news!
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  • Posted by mccannon01 3 years ago
    "Would you look at that: Open Society Foundation, parallel government..." Reminds me of "open borders" and theories of Obummer running a shadow government behind Xiden. Just sayin'...
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    • Posted by $ jdg 3 years ago
      Clearly Biden isn't capable of self-direction anymore. Who do you think is pulling his strings if it isn't Obama?
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      • Posted by 3 years ago
        Well Obama is most certainly a puppet. He may be a go between but
        You need to look to the Oligarchs worldwide to get the answer. I consider Gates Bezos Soros Schwab Ellison Brin Schmidt Kolomoiskyy Rothschilds Rockefeller and many more as well as most all of the Foundation heads as oligarchs.
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  • Posted by Stormi 3 years ago
    I have flet great suspicion about this whole mess, but could not quite xonnect the dots. When I saw him, I keep seeing Hunter Biden. When I heard him always asking for money, I felt he was a beggar. Thank you for connecting it all, Soros, that says it all. Nothing good comes from Soros. And, when you link the biolabs, and Biden, you know that is not good,, their labs, our people, nore pLanddemics. They need to burn them down. I did not trust this leader from the start, now I see why.
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