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  • Posted by mccannon01 3 years ago
    Wow! A great collection of truth and humor (Spock being pranked really cracked me up!). The "Netflix waiting..." meme was interesting in pointing out its wokeness. Having a bit of Viking blood in me I watched Netflix's recent "Viking Valhalla" first season. OK, I guess, but what really made me cringe was they cast a BFIC (Black Female In Charge) of a Viking capital in Norway in ca 1050 AD. They also cast a BFIC of the "shield maidens", which were a caste of female Viking warriors. I suppose the equivalent absurdity would be if they made a movie about Shaka Zulu and cast Brad Pit as Shaka and nobody in the African-American community is supposed to notice a white guy is playing Shaka. Whatever...

    Edit add: I'm sure next season Netflix will need to "explore" the LGBTQ in the series at which point I give up and turn it off for the woke propaganda it will have become.
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    • Posted by 3 years ago
      When Netflix hired the Hussein men , Barack and Big Mike I cancel cultured the service.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 3 years ago
        All I will say is a visitor stayed at my house for a few days and used his account to turn it on while he was here. He never turned it off when he left. I'm sure it's only a matter of time 'till it goes away or something happens requireing a log in and I won't be able to. I figure the total wokeness of the programming and commercials have something to do with the Hussein guys. It's getting worse as time goes on.
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