Ukraine’s Deadly Gamble

Posted by Dobrien 3 years ago to Entertainment
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That Ukraine has allowed itself to be used as a pawn against a powerful neighbor is in part the fault of Kyiv’s reckless and corrupt political class. But Ukraine is not a superpower that owes allies and client-states judicious leadership—that’s the role of the United States. And in that role, the United States has failed Ukraine. More broadly, the use of Ukraine as a goad against enemies domestic and foreign has recklessly damaged the failing yet necessary European security architecture that America spent 75 years building and maintaining.

Why can’t the American security establishment shoulder responsibility for its role in the tragedy unfolding in Ukraine? Because to discuss American responsibility openly would mean exposing the national security establishment’s role in two separate, destructive coups: the first, in 2014, targeting the government of Ukraine, and the second, starting two years later, the government of the United States.

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  • Posted by freedomforall 3 years ago
    I wonder... could there be some evidence in Ukraine that the Deep State wants suppressed so much that they are willing to start WW3?
    And if Russia obtains that evidence, who then becomes the puppet and who the puppeteer?
    How much would that be worth to Putin?

    Will the Ukraine fake news be enough to suppress the truckers convoy from the news?
    That is also of vital importance to the cowardly scum in the Dark Center.
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    • Posted by 3 years ago
      We are in that war already. The deep state knows they are F’d and will stop at nothing to save their corrupt wicked games. The evidence is starting to pick up momentum. Relevant Q drop

      Who used private email addresses?
      What was the purpose?
      We don't say his name.
      Did Hussein use a private email address?
      Who just resigned from GOOG?
      Why was ES in NK?
      What private network did ES set up in NK?
      Who else was in NK during this time?
      What private email address did Hussein use while in office?
      Why would the Chairman of GOOG travel to NK?
      Nothing is ever truly erased/deleted.
      These people are STUPID.

      This I found interesting from
      Putin’s speech 2/24/22.
      “This brings me to the situation in Donbass. We can see that the forces that staged the coup in Ukraine in 2014 have seized power, are keeping it with the help of ornamental election procedures and have abandoned the path of a peaceful conflict settlement. For eight years, for eight endless years we have been doing everything possible to settle the situation by peaceful political means. Everything was in vain.

      As I said in my previous address, you cannot look without compassion at what is happening there. It became impossible to tolerate it. We had to stop that atrocity, that genocide of the millions of people who live there and who pinned their hopes on Russia, on all of us. It is their aspirations, the feelings and pain of these people that were the main motivating force behind our decision to recognise the independence of the Donbass people’s republics.

      I would like to additionally emphasise the following. Focused on their own goals, the leading NATO countries are supporting the far-right nationalists and neo-Nazis in Ukraine, those who will never forgive the people of Crimea and Sevastopol for freely making a choice to reunite with Russia.”
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  • Posted by mccannon01 3 years ago
    Dobrien, the fact you can just go out on the Internet and put together this little montage presumably without any extreme effort is clearly an indication of what a failed institution the American media truly is. Of course, we Gulchers already know that, but sheesh!
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    • Posted by 3 years ago
      Is that a compliment or a criticism?
      I work very hard trying to understand what is really going on. I also have been trying to share what I have learned.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 3 years ago
        Oh my, definitely a compliment to you and a criticism of the imbeciles running the American media. If those people put in even half the effort you do on these things most of the news might be worth paying attention to again and we would have a lot less corruption in government at all levels. Of course with the corrupt and lazy media we have today I won't be holding my breath waiting for them to change.
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        • Posted by 3 years ago
          ThanQ ,
          I don’t think you need to hold your breath. Lol
          The MSM has committed suicide by a thousand lies so to speak. Now I am just waiting for the blood to run out. Here are a few Q posts on this very topic. FYI The first number is the numerical order of the drop then the time stamp and next the long numbers is the ID and 4kun or 8 Chan tally

          Aug 01, 2018 1:07:04 PM EDT
          Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: b3ecc4 No. 2391757

          You are now mainstream.
          HANDLE w/ care.
          The Great Awakening.

          Nov 21, 2019 7:55:51 PM EST
          Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No. 7359320

          You are the news now.
          HANDLE w/ care.

          May 07, 2020 11:44:08 PM EDT
          Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 707910 No. 9074777

          The news is dead.
          You are what matters now.
          HANDLE with care.
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          • Posted by mccannon01 3 years ago
            I watched a few clips of the American Soviet media, compliments of Jessie Watters, who were praising the Xiden speech as "powerful" and "sincere" and "Biden at his best ever" blah blah blah. Jessie said it best, " can tell who's getting paid to praise...", LOL.
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