More Fake News From New Yellow Times: Anonymous Officials Claim There’s An Evil Russian Plot Again But The Evidence Is Secret Again

Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 8 months ago to Politics
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"Major western news publications are running a story about a sinister plot by the Russian government, and — you may want to sit down for this — the sources of the report are anonymous, and the evidence for it is secret.
The New York Times reports that according to anonymous individuals within the US and British governments, Russia is currently plotting to topple the existing government of Ukraine in some way using some method and then somehow install a puppet regime that is sympathetic to Moscow using some sort of means. What specifically those means and methods might be are not revealed to us in this very serious news report.
“The communiqué provided few details about how Russia might go about imposing a new government on Ukraine, and did not say whether such plans were contingent on an invasion by Russian troops,” the Paper of Record (HA-HA WHAT A JOKE!) informs us."

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  • Posted by JohnRandALL 2 years, 8 months ago
    Putin says the COVID vaccine should always be by choice and not required. Russia looking more American than America.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 8 months ago
      I'm no expert on the Russian Federation, but it would make sense that the more Soviet America becomes, the better the new Russia is going to look [Holy smokes! I can't believe I actually said that! Even 3 years ago I never would have said that!].
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  • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 8 months ago
    The last two paragraphs of the article sum up in a priceless way:

    "When this report came out I was a bit surprised by the way unproven claims by anonymous government sources are treated as actual news stories for grown adults to read instead of empty nothing stuff to be ignored and flushed down our mental toilet tubes, as I’m sure you were too. But I did a little digging and it turns out that this sort of thing is actually quite commonplace within western news media institutions, like when we were told without evidence that the Russians were plotting a false flag operation in Ukraine, or like when we were told without evidence that the Russians are using high-tech ray guns to scramble the brains of US diplomats and spies and it turned out to be baseless, or like when we were told without evidence that the Russians were paying Afghan resistance fighters to kill western occupying troops and it turned out to be false and wrong, or like when we were told without evidence that Russians interfered in the United States election and it monopolized all news reports and political discourse for years, or like when we were told without evidence for years and years that Russia was about to invade Ukraine any minute now and then it kept not happening.

    I’m sure this time is different, though. After all that practice and all that trial and error, I’m sure our trusted news media institutions have perfected their craft and are now masters at reporting the truth."

    Yes, and weren't there 17 "intelligence" agencies that were sure the Russians colluded with Trump to get him elected in 2016 and turned out they were all wrong?

    IMHO, the American left hates Russia because the Russians tossed communism to the trash can of their history. The fact that the Russian Federation is still basically a dictatorship is irrelevant because it's not a COMMUNIST dictatorship. The left has been active in stirring a confrontation between the USA and Russia ever since Trump got elected.
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    • Posted by 2 years, 8 months ago
      Couldn't agree more, McC. 👍 Russia could be one of our greatest allies. We do not need another powerful enemy. We need friends and trading partners, even competitors.
      We do not need our own brand of tyrants either, but that is what our politicians want.
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    • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 8 months ago
      Yup actually they were going to have The evil hag get us in a war with Russia and N Korea, but alas the mad angry tweeter
      Interrupted the plan to have America lose.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 8 months ago
        Hmmm, Dobrien, when one considers the activities and remarks of the Evil Hag since before 2016 you may have a good point here. Even consider the Russia/Trump collusion hoax where if she won the 2016 election it would be used to gin up American enmity towards Russia - and "they" could completely bury the fact it was a hoax.

        I haven't seen any blaring headlines where the rest of Europe is rushing to fight in Ukraine, either. So what gives on the American left?
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