Whistle-blower Nurse Tells the Real Reason for Hospital Bed "Shortages"

Posted by katrinam41 3 years, 2 months ago to Ask the Gulch
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One more story the lamestream media won't cover. In one way, the higher-ups are right about the unvaxxed being the cause of bed shortages, but the reason takes an ax to their mighty tree of power grab. And the reason? You can't use beds when you have no staff to man them, and you can't have staff when you fire them for being unvaxxed. Hospitals tout their vax numbers, 95% for the Cleveland Clinic, for example. That's wonderful for their press, but says nothing about the ones who quit or were fired because of that unconstitutional mandate. I suspect those percentages would have looked a lot different before the rush to force vaxxing. The actual number of medical personnel lost because of it is very much higher than is being reported, and it should give people pause to realize that a goodly number of front-line workers are refusing the vax. What say ye?
SOURCE URL: https://www.westernjournal.com/nurse-whistleblower-debunks-leftist-lie-hospitals-beds-unvaccinated-patients/?ats_es=c9c2a9b5a3a211d7c7d3282ba242b6b5

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    Posted by mccannon01 3 years, 2 months ago
    The tell tale is the fact that so many professional health care workers refuse the so called vaccine in the first place. They know it's not actually a vaccine in spite of what the purveyors of the serum would have us believe.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 3 years, 2 months ago
    My wife is a senior nurse at a major hospital, and what she tells me is unnerving. She says most medical facilities in the country are short staffed, with some on skeleton crews. Time on the floor is federally regulated, as is the patient-nurse ratio, so beds can't be filled if either of those restrictions will be violated.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 3 years, 2 months ago
    The reality is that because hospitals are (government-protected) businesses, they are going to run as businesses - ie according to a profit motive. What most people don't know is that hospitals have done utilization studies and they only build out facilities which are going to be profitable, ie USED. They don't build a whole ton of excess bed space because its expensive and they want to provide a return on their investment. (Now you are going to get no disagreement from me that the government intervention and protection of the hospital industry has certainly warped the profit motive.) But in the end, hospitals PLAN on 90% occupancy of their facilities - including ER and critical care facilities. This hasn't changed in decades. In very fact, the CDC has tracked bed utilization for decades and found that hospitals routinely run at about 89% of capacity!

    So when someone wants to promote the scare stories that they are "running out of beds" because of COVID. Tell them to show the actual numbers. What you'll find is that, yes, COVID has pushed the bed utilization rate up a couple of percentage points. But if you also look at the past few decades, you'll find that hospital bed construction hasn't kept pace with population growth.
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    • Posted by CaptainKirk 3 years, 2 months ago
      Excellent analysis. Especially the NOT KEEPING PACE with population growth.

      BTW, the ONLY NUMBER we should worry about are EXCESS DEATHS. Both with/from Covid [of where, there were not any outside of a statistically bad Flu season], and from all other causes (because hospitals were overwhelmed, and unable to function, YES... But also from SUICIDES from lockdowns!)

      But we are doing EVERYTHING WRONG. Perfectly INSTEP with the other countries UNDER DEEP STATE/GLOBALIST control!
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 3 years, 2 months ago
    I was reading posts and had an interesting thought. I've wondered about the almost panic Biden & Co. is to vax us all and I said, 'Why?' I haven't seen a statistic revealing how many vaxed people are ending up in the hospital with COVID. The report is that it is just vaxed people. I find this unbelievable.
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    • Posted by $ gharkness 3 years, 2 months ago
      I think panic is a good use of words there. I have been watching and listening, of course, and it just doesn’t ring true, that the vax is going to do ANYthing good for us. So, why IS there a panic on behalf of the pushers? That’s the question that we need a full, detailed answer to.
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  • Posted by $ jdg 3 years, 2 months ago
    All those fired doctors and nurses should start their own clinics. Though most of them will be illegal because of "certificate of need" laws.
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  • Posted by SamAnderson 3 years, 2 months ago
    Have worked in hospitals, mostly ERs, for 35 years. Someone must think that they keep spare 'essential workers' in boxes on a shelf somewhere. "No vaxx? Goodbye to you, and hey by the way would someone get me another lead ICU nurse from the supply closet?" I know a nurse who has "gone travel nursing" at $5K/week.
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    • Posted by Lucky 3 years, 2 months ago
      Yes, there are many short term contract jobs in medicine. The conditions, the pay and length of the contract depend on political type decisions as well as supply and demand.
      I imagine there will be many "don't ask, don't tell" contracts respecting vaccinations, it will make the situation look as if under control.
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  • Posted by Lucky 3 years, 2 months ago
    A year, 18 months, or more ago I was reading about hospitals in UK.
    To prepare for an expected flood of wuhu patients they emptied the hospitals, sent the oldies out to 'care homes' where many died, yes from wuhu. The death count from wuhu was widely reported. Then, a curious thing, there was no flood of wuhu cases into the hospitals.
    A nurse was disciplined and dismissed for wearing a placard outside saying- empty wards, staff had been sent off on leave.

    Then, when a number of cases did actually arrive there was mass testing of all staff. So many tested positive (yes, the PCR Test) that they were sent home, there being not enough staff to meet the legal minimum, wards were then closed.

    There is the claim that having hospitals run by the private sector free of government rules allows exploitation of workers and patients.
    The opposite is the same.
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  • Posted by 3 years, 2 months ago
    Just in, General Colin Powell has died of complications of Covid-19 at the age of 84. General Powell was fully vaccinated. Did anyone know that he was sick? I never heard a word about it.
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    • Posted by $ blarman 3 years, 2 months ago
      I also heard about it on the radio. I dismissed him when he started spewing the nonsense about how it was time for a black man to be in the White House when Barack Obama was running.

      But seriously: 84 years old and people are making a big deal about this?
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      • Posted by mccannon01 3 years, 2 months ago
        I held General Powell in very high esteem for his leadership in many areas and I still do for those past events. However, when he decided race was more important than national leadership of Free America, I was done with him after that point.

        With respect for many good things he did, RIP General.
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      • Posted by 3 years, 2 months ago
        All true, blarman. My reason for including his death note is for the fact that he was fully vaccinated and still managed to die of covid complications. I lost respect for the man a long time ago, but covid is not the way for anyone to go--barring one or two or more I can think of.
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        • Posted by $ jdg 3 years, 2 months ago
          Not "still" but "because." The word needs to go out that the so-called vaccines make it more, not less, likely both that you will catch Covid and that you will transmit it to others. I would like to start seeing businesses with "vaxed people keep out" signs!
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 3 years, 1 month ago
    That report sounds correct, which the prevailing propaganda is spouting otherwise. At this rate, we are going to see the unraveling of the very fabric of our country. Eventually, we could see the Woke, rich and famous, and government bureaucrats will be unable to go to a hospital because there will be very little staff to treat them. We must not forget our military which will shrink significantly due to the mass firing of those members who refuse the vaccination. The CCP must be loving every minute of the US disintergration.
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