Whistle-blower Nurse Tells the Real Reason for Hospital Bed "Shortages"
Posted by katrinam41 3 years, 4 months ago to Ask the Gulch
One more story the lamestream media won't cover. In one way, the higher-ups are right about the unvaxxed being the cause of bed shortages, but the reason takes an ax to their mighty tree of power grab. And the reason? You can't use beds when you have no staff to man them, and you can't have staff when you fire them for being unvaxxed. Hospitals tout their vax numbers, 95% for the Cleveland Clinic, for example. That's wonderful for their press, but says nothing about the ones who quit or were fired because of that unconstitutional mandate. I suspect those percentages would have looked a lot different before the rush to force vaxxing. The actual number of medical personnel lost because of it is very much higher than is being reported, and it should give people pause to realize that a goodly number of front-line workers are refusing the vax. What say ye?
So when someone wants to promote the scare stories that they are "running out of beds" because of COVID. Tell them to show the actual numbers. What you'll find is that, yes, COVID has pushed the bed utilization rate up a couple of percentage points. But if you also look at the past few decades, you'll find that hospital bed construction hasn't kept pace with population growth.
BTW, the ONLY NUMBER we should worry about are EXCESS DEATHS. Both with/from Covid [of where, there were not any outside of a statistically bad Flu season], and from all other causes (because hospitals were overwhelmed, and unable to function, YES... But also from SUICIDES from lockdowns!)
But we are doing EVERYTHING WRONG. Perfectly INSTEP with the other countries UNDER DEEP STATE/GLOBALIST control!
I imagine there will be many "don't ask, don't tell" contracts respecting vaccinations, it will make the situation look as if under control.
To prepare for an expected flood of wuhu patients they emptied the hospitals, sent the oldies out to 'care homes' where many died, yes from wuhu. The death count from wuhu was widely reported. Then, a curious thing, there was no flood of wuhu cases into the hospitals.
A nurse was disciplined and dismissed for wearing a placard outside saying- empty wards, staff had been sent off on leave.
Then, when a number of cases did actually arrive there was mass testing of all staff. So many tested positive (yes, the PCR Test) that they were sent home, there being not enough staff to meet the legal minimum, wards were then closed.
There is the claim that having hospitals run by the private sector free of government rules allows exploitation of workers and patients.
The opposite is the same.
But seriously: 84 years old and people are making a big deal about this?
With respect for many good things he did, RIP General.
"Fake News calling the world! Fake News calling the world. Believe us when we say Colin Powell died of Covid-19. Move along. Nothing else to see here."