How and Why the Taliban Won, by Eric Zuesse
From my introduction to the article on Straight Line Logic (
People fighting for their homeland have, among other advantages, a moral advantage against an occupying power. They’re fighting for what’s theirs, not to steal and dominate what isn’t. It’s a lesson America’s revolutionary ancestors knew in their bones, but one most Americans have ignored, at staggering costs in blood and treasure, through America’s string of failed invasions and occupations since World War II. It’s also a lesson that should, but won’t, make those who presume to rule us quake. While the government is part of America, it is no longer of America (our rulers now pride themselves on their separateness), just as our puppet governments in the lands we’ve occupied have been part of those countries, but not of them. In other words, the government is an occupying power in our land, and is destined to meet the fate of so many occupying powers.
People fighting for their homeland have, among other advantages, a moral advantage against an occupying power. They’re fighting for what’s theirs, not to steal and dominate what isn’t. It’s a lesson America’s revolutionary ancestors knew in their bones, but one most Americans have ignored, at staggering costs in blood and treasure, through America’s string of failed invasions and occupations since World War II. It’s also a lesson that should, but won’t, make those who presume to rule us quake. While the government is part of America, it is no longer of America (our rulers now pride themselves on their separateness), just as our puppet governments in the lands we’ve occupied have been part of those countries, but not of them. In other words, the government is an occupying power in our land, and is destined to meet the fate of so many occupying powers.
This is patently bullshit! While I would agree that the American Government is thoroughly corrupt, America is NOT thoroughly corrupt. One wonders if the whole purpose of this article was to assert that one line lie. The Gulch is one obvious counter example.
Your post made me look up the source and found this: "The Strategic Culture Foundation is a Russian think tank that primarily publishes an online current affairs magazine of the same name. It is regarded as an arm of Russian state interests by the United States government." Notice there is a global warming article in the same publication that is way off kilter.
Like most everything , you must sort the wheat from the chaff. I believe Putin said most of the western world is run by Satanic pee doe files.
I find that to be accurate. But he also jails his opponents and is ruthless according to reports.
These are some other related statements he made in 2013
“Policies are being pursued that place on the same level a multi-child family and a single-sex partnership, faith in God and belief in Satan,” Mr. Putin said.
“Excesses of political correctness have reached the point that serious consideration is being given to the registration of parties whose aim is to promote pedophilia,” he said. Mr. Putin was referring to a court in the Netherlands that earlier this year overturned a ban on a pro-pedophilia association there.
The Russian president cautioned that the phenomenon is a “direct path to degradation and primitivization, to a deep demographic and moral crisis.” He said people in many European countries are “embarrassed and afraid to speak about their religious beliefs.”
“Mandatory vaccination against COVID-19 is inappropriate and can’t be introduced,”affirmed Vladimir Putin
the traitors called democrats
just like Vietnam
and no sale
islam is the occupying power in all nations it is now in
no the United States
Perhaps a more simplistic way to express these current events is a closely knit group of 7th century savages just demonstrated to the so called civilized world the logic and wisdom embodied in the Star Trek "Prime Directive" and what happens when that directive is ignored.
George Washington warned the US should not “...entangle our peace and prosperity in the toils of European ambition..” and I suspect by extension our own ambitions (or the greed of the powers that be) entangling us elsewhere as well.
Thomas Jefferson gave us the example of what to do when such people try to bully us as he dealt with the Barbary pirates: Bomb, burn, and go home while leaving a message not to irritate us again. Nation building was not in his vocabulary.
Maybe rebuilding Japan and Germany after WWII, which worked wonderfully, was a lesson being followed here, but the Taliban are not the same as Japanese and Germans.
...hey, I'm just rambling on here after reading an interesting article.
But the prevailing attitudes of the bleeding hearts and corporate greed ($$$) have lead us down the wrong path.
It's time I was on my way
Thanks to you I'm much obliged
For such a pleasant stay
But now it's time for me to go
The autumn moon lights my way
For now I smell the rain
And with it pain
And it's headed my way
Ah, sometimes I grow so tired
But I know I've got one thing I got to do
Ramble on
All one has to do is look at what Paul Bremer did in Iraq. One example is the ancient seed bank from the Fertile Crescent in Mesopotamia was Virtually illegal to use by Monsanto ‘s aggressive patent campaign following Bremer ‘s quiet elimination of pre Sadam’s ousters Iraqi patents.
This struck a nerve with me.
“Our corrupt leaders tend to ignore it, because they don’t want to understand how repulsive they are to virtually anyone but their own boot-lickers.”
Seems like it did a lot of good, keeping S. Korea from becoming a concentration camp like the north.
We get a lot of IC's and Cars from S. Korea today, but it was run as a dictatorship (authoritative regime) till 1980.
That was working with the culture.
MacArthur also worked with the Japanese Culture.
Take a look at South Korea and especially Japan.
Cultures do change, over fairly short time periods.
One example among many to consider- the United States.
After a re-read, I think the article is more wrong than right. Calling governments of the UK since 1600, and of the US since 1945, as thoroughly corrupt shows no knowledge of history or powers of observation. As an example of a thoroughly corrupt government, there is - was, the government of Afghanistan, now gone.
Just one point- Taliban 80,000 troops, government 300,000 'strong', meaningless. That 300,000 would not even have been a number of names on a list. It is/was a number useful only for getting money from the US government.
I've been saying for quite some time that the "Military" isn't the problem...however the MIC IS !