Serfdom on the way?

Posted by $ johnrobert2 3 years, 5 months ago to Politics
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It came to me the other day the reason the elites, of any nation, want electric cars. As I watch the commercials touting these power hogs, I notice the estimated range is 300 miles before recharge. 300 miles? That is from my house to San Antonio or round trip (almost) from here to NAS Ft Worth. Talk about your travel restriction. Then there's the cost of the damn thing. How many can afford one when that is the only thing you can get? Now you are stuck within horseback, or walking, distance of your destination. Your are, effectively, tied to the land as the medieval serfs were. And with the elites, especially Bill Gates, owning all the land as proxy for CCP, guess who you now exist on sufferance for?

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    Posted by $ BobCat 3 years, 5 months ago
    Let’s see, do away with oil and make it prohibitively expensive, tool up future transportation vehicle to electric, nationalize the electric grid and control the “flow”, then voila, the sheeple will no longer be free to roam the range. Pretty bright future ahead.
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      Posted by mccannon01 3 years, 5 months ago
      Ah yes, I can see it now. You plug into the officially approved government home recharge station, slide your ID card into the reader, and enter your government supplied PIN on the touch screen.

      Soothing government approved voice response: "We are sorry, but your name appears on today's sh-t list. Recharge denied. Have a nice day".

      -Click- recharge cable pops off station.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 3 years, 5 months ago
    Very interesting thought! I have always thought, "How would I go on my fishing trips into remote, often mountain, locations with one of these? Lug my fishing gear the 550 miles down to San Diego?" Maybe the technology in these vehicles will develop. But, even if it does they do seem ready for government-induced limitations, don't they? I've decided I'm keeping my Toyota Tundra for the rest of my life, whether or not I buy another vehicle.
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    • Posted by JohnWesley 3 years, 5 months ago
      Our government or any of our enemies can shut off ALL of the electricity when they get ready. The Democrats/Communists are doing their best to cut off our oil and gas. Since the discovery of oil, most of our possessions are made with oil, and that will continue. There will always be oil and gas. With oil and gas we can make electricity. The remedy is to eliminate Democrats/Communists.
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  • Posted by term2 3 years, 5 months ago
    i feel we are being railroaded into totally electric cars. 100+ years of improvements in gasoline and diesel cars is being just thrown away along with tremendous infrastructure in refueling stations, fuel tanks, and convenience.

    Somehow this feels like railroading with the consumers fronting the bills for the switch.

    The proponents of electric cars dont want to talk about the reduction in range due to low temperatures, use of cabin heating and air conditioning, and the inconvenience of miscalculating and running out of juice where there doesnt happen to be an open charging station.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 3 years, 5 months ago
    Hey Bubba! Try driving from the Texas Gulf Coast to Marfa, Texas! That's my destination every September for a Board Mtg. It takes 7 hours! Ta da. Glad I don't drive an electric car. I'll just take Amtrac if that happens. Oops...Amtrak isn't electric? What will we do? N
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 3 years, 5 months ago
    Elite top of the heap Animal Farm pigs wouldn't have to worry about lots of perceived lower life form XXX-We The People driving to D.C. to protest their slavery in a large crowd.
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    • Posted by JohnWesley 3 years, 5 months ago
      "We The People" can join our friends from 1/6/21 as political prisoners of the Democrats/Communists. Terrorists are released with no bail/charges dropped. Patriots, Conservatives get no bail. Are there any charges or just jail? How long are we going to accept this? Waiting for an election is not a solution.
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 3 years, 5 months ago
        Shortly after the outcome of the rigged election was announced, I saw on TV an extremely quick video~you coulda blinked thrice~of a masked Chuck Schumer ecstatically dancing around and cheering, "We're gonna change America!"
        Me dino's blood turned cold just as it did when years ago when Obama said he wanted "to fundamentally change America."
        Just looked it up. Schumer's 2021 net worth is $25 million and Obama's is $70 million. All those career politicians didn't get rich as sin by being a little goody two-shoes. Traitors more like it!
        Just ask Hunter's laptop "10 per cent for the Big Guy" Joe Biden Crime Family and the Clinton Foundation Crime Cartel.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 3 years, 5 months ago
    Adam Smith notes in his seminal work "The Wealth of Nations" that the free movement of labor was critical to a functioning and competitive market. Restrictions such as lack of roads, taxes on movement, etc. created anti-competitive forces in the markets and hampered both employers and employees both.

    One of the major boons to the development of the United States of America were the thousands of passenger vessels who landed here and disgorged their "teeming masses, yearning to be free" - free from the bondage and restrictions their governments had placed on the free movement of labor.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 3 years, 5 months ago
    Bill Gates is an evil man, to the level of Hitler. He should be before a trial for his acts against humanity. His name is on the virus patent, why, so he could make more on the death vaccine. He is surely out of his mind. They know electric cars will take down the restricted power grid in quick order, with no pipeline and no nukes, the alternative just cannot do it, but that is the goal. It is all about the UN Agenda 21, 2030, Green plagiarized Deal, to make us a thrid world civilization, the ones they fail to kill, that is.
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