Transgender Fighter Beats the Crap Out of Female Opponent, Wins MMA Debut

Posted by $ AJAshinoff 3 years, 3 months ago to Culture
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Insanity abounds...this head-case should be charged with assault and battery and the MMA should lose its operating license.
SOURCE URL: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/09/transgender-fighter-beats-crap-female-opponent-wins-mma-debut/

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    Posted by $ 3 years, 3 months ago
    I searched for this on youtube and watched the less than 2 minute assault. The woman held her own for about 30 seconds but was but far overmatched by the demented man. There was one right cross the guy through that jarred the woman's head. Revovering, the woman looked to the ref as if to say "really" but by then it was over.
    Women need to flatly refuse to participate in their sports with men.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 3 years, 3 months ago
    My husband, father, uncles, and sons wouldn't have watched this massacre. Of course, none of them had a problem with their maleness and they all loved women. In our Clan we celebrated when a girl child was born. The entire Clan gathered.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 3 years, 3 months ago
    This is disgusting. Allowing a mentally ill male to cruelly bash a female in a match disguised as sport or any other reason should be illegal. The illness suffered by the male should be irrelevant.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 3 years, 3 months ago
    The inmates are running the asylum, and the sane are the ones now being labeled as "dangerous" because they recognize that mental illness has been declared as "normal."
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  • Posted by ohiocrossroads 3 years, 3 months ago
    I've always thought that MMA fights were barbaric anyway. The way to win is to get your opponent pinned on the floor, then beat on him as much as you can. If you grew up watching boxing matches to the Marquis of Queensbury rules, you'd think it was barbaric. So now they're letting chemical females beat up on women and call that entertainment. One more reason to go out on strike.
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  • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 3 years, 3 months ago
    I don't blame the fighter...I blame the society that accepts this behavior as normal and allows such things to happen.

    If the mentally ill cannot receive help in living in a normal society, how can we blame them for what they are and have no power change, on their own?
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  • Posted by Rex_Little 3 years, 3 months ago
    I've said this before, but they really need to quit having "men's" and "women's" divisions in sports. Instead, have "open" and "X only" divisions. Anyone who wants to compete in X only must submit a DNA sample which will be tested for the presence of a Y chromosome. If that test comes back positive, you're not eligible.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 3 years, 3 months ago
    In another recent bout the tranny broke the female competitor's skull. Tell me now that leftists are in favor of women's rights...
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 3 years, 3 months ago
    Personally, I think eliminating this issue and all issues with gender sports salaries/quotas/etc. is to eliminate gendered sports. Just have sports. No need for any discrimination. Open all the doors.

    This would either put an end to the nonsense, or bring the obvious clarity to the discussion.
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  • Posted by lrshultis 3 years, 3 months ago
    Mentally ill by what standard of normality?
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    • Posted by Dobrien 3 years, 3 months ago
      You can’t be serious.
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      • Posted by lrshultis 3 years, 3 months ago
        Sure I am serious. Just because you get a bad feeling in your gut about what others might feel like or be, you should, in reason, have some objective, i.e., rational standard for your conclusions about the lives of those whom you have never met.
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        • Posted by Dobrien 3 years, 3 months ago
          I do.
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          • Posted by lrshultis 3 years, 3 months ago
            So what is your standard for which minds are mentally ill? Are any abnormal beliefs outside of ones social circle, mental illness?
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            • Posted by $ 3 years, 3 months ago
              I'd say looking down at your penis and thinking "it shouldn't be there" and meaning it qualifies as mentally ill. I'd also say looking at your beard and other body hair and thinking its a defect is a mental disorder. A=A, no?

              I'd also say ANY man who thinks its acceptable and fine to beat a woman has serious mental problems. Yes, that includes the entire muslim world.
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              • Posted by lrshultis 3 years, 3 months ago
                So what is an actual rational standard for determining that those who mentally bother you can be said to be mentally ill and not just mistaken in their beliefs. Examples without integrating from them are not standards.
                Your method for who is mentally ill would fit nearly all humans. Members of all religions and other belief systems could be seen as mentally ill.
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                • Posted by $ 3 years, 3 months ago
                  You can believe whatever you wish, right or wrong, without it being a mental condition. However once you deny A=A, reality, there is a wiring issue.

                  You can believe drinking bleach is healthy but that does not make it so. It's perfectly fine to believe this until you yourself chug a glass or recommend someone else does. Even that, while criminally liable with regard to another, may not be a mental issue but doing that (making a recommendation) a second or third time kinda puts you on the road to prison where your lawyer would plead insanity, no?
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                  • Posted by lrshultis 3 years, 3 months ago
                    Who goes around denying A is A? A is A is description of objective reality while a penis is something that exists and is what it is. A mind can conflate it with good, bad, indifference, and an unlimited number of other associations.
                    A transsexual does not deny that a penis is a penis or that a vagina is a vagina. In reality, they are sexual organs but can and are used for other natural purposes other than those that to what other animals use them, such as sex, urination and ridding the body of uterine lining. They do not believe the organs are not the organs. They just have a dislike of their sexes. Human minds, being free in thought are very flexible when confronted with emotion and can reason with false premises as do those who live by faith. Do they have an illness with a physical-chemical basis or are just very mistaken about their emotions.
                    I don't know if anyone reads Thomas S. Szasz anymore but some of his books should be read as the USA descends into a new dark age. For example:

                    "The Myth of Mental Illness"
                    "The Manufacture of Madness"
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                    • Posted by $ 3 years, 3 months ago
                      Who goes around? Seriously? For a male to look at himself and think he is other than male (to deny obvious reality) is a mental condition, same for a woman. To mutilate yourself to promote your delusion is also a mental condition.

                      Whether a person likes or dislikes their sex is immaterial, that is the reality they are provided at birth.

                      I'm not really sure how you equate people with faith to having a mental problem. False premise or not it's what they choose to believe and its harming no one. To look beyond reality, hoping for more and adhering to a personal code, is entirely different than choosing to be other than the sex you were born to. Even so, deciding your sex is contrary to reality may be a persons personal delusional, which is his her right, makes it no less mentally unstable. Electing to physically alter yourself to accommodate that delusion - mental issue. That said, no one is obligated to accept another persons reality particularly when that reality's foundation is a mental issue.

                      I haven't read those books, but I may just out of general interest. There are legitimate mental issues, not all is myth and not all is manufactured. And, I do think there are those in academia who need to say something to get paid and make a name for themselves.
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            • Posted by mccannon01 3 years, 3 months ago
              “So what is your standard for which minds are mentally ill?” Good question, but overly broad. As a layman I would defer to Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart’s response as to how he would define obscenity/pornography in the early ’60s. After some verbiage he leaves us with the famous quote, “I know it when I see it.” That is, there isn’t a specific procedural definition to cover all cases so often a case has to be adjudicated on its own. In this case where a trained biological male operating under the self delusion he’s a female (mental illness, IMHO) steps into a ring and beats the hell out of a biological female who isn’t deluded regarding who she is, clearly is a case of “I see it and I know it.” Why he would like to and actually perform such an act on a person he totally outclasses, like a typical bully, is also subject for mental examination.

              “Are any abnormal beliefs outside of ones social circle, mental illness?” I would say not “any”, but certainly some. Society, or at least the one I thought I belonged to, used to protect itself against the delusional or dangerous from getting in charge to any great degree. Somehow it seems through some courts and legislative bodies we are losing those protections and as DrZarkov noted in another post in this thread, “The inmates are running the asylum, and the sane are the ones now being labeled as "dangerous" because they recognize that mental illness has been declared as "normal." “
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              • Posted by lrshultis 3 years, 3 months ago
                My standard would be that there actually be a physical--chemical disease and thus a treatable illness, such as Bi-Polar and schizophrenia which are diseases treatable with drugs or if cause by a tumor or other neoplasm treatable with
                drugs or surgery.
                Mistakes in thinking which can produce physical habitual emotional disease such as anorexia or alcoholism which can be treated with talking therapy and learning new habits. Thinking problems are not due to actual illnesses. Sometimes extreme, they may need heavy duty intervention by friends or law enforcement.
                A person who wants to change their body in some way, such as ink, piercing, augmentations with horns or breast implants, removal of fat, etc. are their own private choices. Homosexuality may or may not be a thinking problem. It is not teachable or catching and is not a disease or illness. Just human variation. Action caused by social pressure is not a disease or illness but is a thinking problem which is the problem of the individual and only to be changed if the individual become a nuisance or dangerous.
                I have a brother who is an alcoholic drug addict who I do nod deal with because his thinking and actions are irrational to the point where once he, in order to not be arrested, gave my name and address which resulted in my arrest and need to pay his outstanding tickets. His thinking habits are terrible. In his case I would call it substance abuse with a search for a way to stop some kind of mental pain. It might be called an illness in that there is a physical-chemical change in his body.
                Delusions are not diseases or illnesses but thinking problems.
                Since only action should be judged one should not pretend to know the mental activity of another mind.
                Unless you have thoughts similar to a transgender or transsexual, you have nothing more to do than irrationally imagine their thoughts because it is not possible know how the physical- chemical activity in a brain which is a thought.
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                • Posted by mccannon01 3 years, 3 months ago
                  "My standard would be that there actually be a physical--chemical disease and thus a treatable illness..." Well and good, but this only addresses part of the whole. Using a computer system that is comprised of both hardware and software components as an analogy your standard only addresses the hardware component. That is, some hardware failure needs to occur to identify the problem as an illness. Faulty or erroneous programming, even if consistently dangerous, is simply a "mistake in thinking" and not an illness unless there is a faulty hardware component driving it. I respectfully disagree as software can have problems without a hardware factor driving it just as mental illness doesn't need a chemical or physical factor driving it, either. Human beings, of course, are far more complex than computer systems and mistakes in thinking are not necessarily illness in any way. Mistakes in thinking and mental illness can occur even though the physical-chemical body is in excellent working order.

                  "Unless you have thoughts similar to a transgender or transsexual, you have nothing more to do than irrationally imagine their thoughts because it is not possible know how the physical- chemical activity in a brain which is a thought." I don't need such thoughts to know when a physical male beats the hell out of a physical female or when a physical male wants to follow my daughters into the ladies room is unacceptable. In the vast majority of cases there's nothing irrational in discovering male and female because the hardware is the real world evidence. Whatever delusions are going on in the physical males head to make him think he's a she is irrelevant. Same for a physical female thinking she is male.

                  Petitioning our government to enforce the delusions of these individuals on society in general is a mistake as evidenced by this very incident as well as others.
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                  • Posted by lrshultis 3 years, 3 months ago
                    Should a hermaphrodite, AKA intersexual (a person who doesn't fit the xx or xy sexual pattern) need a special bathroom? Should homosexuals have bathrooms marked 'gay males only' and 'lesbian females only'?
                    Was the woman forced to fight the transgender person? If not it is not worth wasting time analyzing the fight. Men and women both choose to beat each other to a pulp. Unless she was forced into the fight and not just afraid of being no longer given a future bout, it is no one else's business. Should out classed persons not compete whether mm, ff, or mf in anything. I hope you do not enter the bathroom if your girls or wife are using it for fear of losing sexual control like all those others apparently do.
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                    • Posted by mccannon01 3 years, 3 months ago
                      First, your snarky last statement is idiotic at best and not worthy of serious conversation.

                      Hermaphrodite in the bathroom. I figured you'd play that card eventually. The bathroom issue has actually been solved before this issue became an issue. Many small businesses only have one bathroom and it is generally a one person room that can be used by either sex. Just lock the door if you don't wish to be disturbed. Some larger businesses are now doing the same thing probably to avoid law suits or avoid the issue entirely even though it can add an expense. It's not a bad solution and makes the sex of the person using the facility irrelevant. Many public events using porta-pots have been this way for decades. I figure the future will adapt this solution to the problem. [Side note: I have seen instances where three facilities are provided: Women, Men, Either]

                      Trying to hammer out every minute detail of this subject takes us far from the original topic of letting a physical male who thinks he's a female compete in female sports as a female and in particular being allowed to beat the hell out of a physical female in fighting sports.

                      "Unless she was forced into the fight and not just afraid of being no longer given a future bout..." The article doesn't specify the leading circumstances, but if the physical female was told she would forfeit the match and/or not be allowed future bouts unless she fought the physical male IS a form of force. Many of these women train hard to be the best in their sport, but all that becomes naught when they are forced to compete against a physical male who thinks he's a female.

                      Not much more can be said here. You know my thoughts. You get the last word if you want it.
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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 3 years, 3 months ago
    Considering the political stance that I’m sure the “menstruating” competitor has........I’m good with it.
    It’s just desserts. Men are better at being women than women. The “Patriarchy” is alive and well.
    This is their messed up world. Leave them to it.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 3 years, 3 months ago
    I had the thought recently that maybe I can identify as an 8-year old soccer player. I can get out there, all 222-pounds of weightlifter, and just mow the kids down. Or, maybe I can join a peewee football team and do my best Earl Campbell impression. Why the hell not? Don't be surprised to see this in our lifetime if we keep heading down this track. Your grandkid may be competing against a big, hairy adult in their lacrosse games...
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  • Posted by RevJay4 3 years, 3 months ago
    Isn't that kinda walking the line of a domestic battery of some kind. Or bullying?
    I was raised to not even slap a woman even if she slapped me first. My, my, my how the world has totally gone to crap.
    When do the real people, not occupants of the asylum. get to take over again?
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