The Fish of a Lifetime

Posted by $ Abaco 4 years ago to Entertainment
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I am spending much more time in Nevada these days. Love the place. About the time I started walking I started fishing as a kid. First love. Been an avid trout fisherman my whole life. A couple days ago I was standing on the shore of Pyramid Lake in northern NV and landed the biggest trout of my life. My friend and I were throwing big spoons way out and something big grabbed mine way out deep and started head-shaking. As soon as I felt it I said, "BIG FISH. BIG FISH!" Landed a beautiful Lohantan Cutthroat trout that measured 30 inches from nose to the split of the tail. She was about 11 pounds. Didn't fit in my net, haha. I may get a mount made of this fish to hang in my house in The Gulch.

Pyramid Lake is a magical place. In the middle of Indian territory - It's high dessert - a huge inland sea essentially, with turquoise blue water. It's surrounded with huge rock formations and geothermal activity. The sky is navy blue right down to the horizon the air is so clean. Amazing place...

Any other trout fishermen here?...

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  • Posted by Flootus5 4 years ago
    No, but you have a fellow fan of Pyramid Lake in me. Beautiful place.

    I am rooting for the return of ancestral Lake Lahontan. When I owned a home in Fallon, I used to say I was the proud owner of lake bottom property. At maximum depth, roughly 13,000 years ago, my house would have been under about 400 feet of water.

    Welcome to Nevada. As hopeless as it can seem at times, we must keep that once traditional spirit of Nevada libertarianism alive!
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  • Posted by freedomforall 4 years ago
    What a gorgeous fish that must be, Abaco!
    And a terrific meal it would make! Can you share a photo?
    We get catfish and bass of any size on our lake here. Our channel cat keepers are 1 to 5 lb usually with the 10+ pound flatheads being released (usually. )
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