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  • Posted by Sorgy 3 years, 8 months ago
    Speaking of Chief Roberts, I am sure we have all seen the reports of him screaming that if they took the Trump suit that Antifa and BLM would riot and he was personally afraid for his is interesting how the elites are ONLY afraid of the reactions of leftists and are not afraid of the right...that will be a major miscalculation IMHO. If they install Biden, there will be a violent reaction and the recipients of that reaction will be the politicians will be revolutionary, literally.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 3 years, 8 months ago
    You're right. Not funny, but all have a message.

    Well, well, well Justice Roberts.
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 3 years, 8 months ago
      Today me dino understands his twisted RINO bench rulings a little bit better.
      Whoa! Me dino just cringed. Why?
      Recalled photos of Roberts presenting the Bible elected and appointed officials swear on.
      The sight of Slick Willie or The Anointed One hanging the Congressional Medal of Honor around a (thereby slimed?) military hero's neck made me dino cringe the same way.
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  • Posted by Sorgy 3 years, 8 months ago
    As many of you may know, there is MAJOR news coming out tomorrow...imagine Obama orchestrating the stealing of votes with the assistance of the Italian military...just a teaser. More coming tomorrow...and even more after that...OMG this will be epic.
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  • Posted by $ DriveTrain 3 years, 8 months ago
    If the pics of Roberts at EpsteinLand are legit, then Houston we' gotta problem on SCotUS composition, because with the neo-National Socialist Democrat Party in charge, it renders Ginsberg's flip as a push.

    But then, given the NSDP's stated pledge to turn the Supreme Court into the Supreme Crowd, it's a moot point anyway.

    And yeah, though the two pics of Roberts-at-the-island look damning, there's always the possibility of image manipulation. Like in #4, WTH is that thing extending from the mouth of the guy to the right of Clinton? It looks like some kind of alien tongue, and what remains of that guy's chin looks a little like a thumb.

    And yeah, the "They Are All Pedophiles" lineup begs evidence - though none of those names would surprise me if true.

    But on balance, this meme group is a pretty disheartening in context of Madison's warning that the Constitution only works for a moral population.

    Conversely, there's also that thing philosopher David Kelley warned us about fixating on evil and assuming that it represents the norm - IOW, allowing oneself to slide into the habit of taking relish in "contemplating the awfulness of the enemy." It is alarming that so many people in high places are as corrupt as they are, but at the same time, they still represent a tiny minority of the people of this country.

    I'm just hoping that this Ghislaine Maxwell a.) remains alive long enough to testify under oath, and b.) spills every single name that Epstein had as a client, no matter who it is, for all the world to see, and all of justice to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.

    Meanwhile, we should all lean on the good Mr. Bidinotto to finish up his fourth Dylan Hunter novel, the villain of which is reportedly: a pedophile.

    Jonesin' for that read here, big time.

    (And yes, I suppose that'd be a plug - for one of the absolute best within the "Objectivist Fiction Writers'" club, and a genuinely excellent person by any measure. 8^])
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    • Posted by 3 years, 8 months ago
      The photo of Roberts in the surf with Clinton and the other known pedos was in the Dominican Republic not Epstein’s Island. As pointed out the man with Ghislaine M@xwell were on the couch is Jean Luc Brunel who was recently arrested. French modeling agent Jean Luc Brunel was charged with the rape of minor, days after he was arrested as part of a probe into Jeffrey Epstein.
      A John Roberts is listed on the flight log of Epstein’s plane uncertain if it was him.
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      • Posted by $ DriveTrain 3 years, 7 months ago
        Thanks for the info Dobrien - a cautionary note on drawing hasty assumptions, also on circulating stuff that seems legit without verifying first.
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        • Posted by 3 years, 7 months ago
          I would say it is safe to bet that Roberts is comprised. The best defamation attorney in the country LLin Wood has made strong public accusations about him. He would not make those charges without evidence to back it up. Plus Roberts has been Quiet as a church mouse about Woods claims.
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  • Posted by Sextant 3 years, 8 months ago
    We need to be careful as to our aspersions. The man with Maxwell is NOT Roberts. It is a French designer. The pictures of the man in the water are so vague you can't determine if it was Roberts. Wild untrue, unfounded accusations only denigrate our position.
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    • Posted by 3 years, 8 months ago
      You are correct about Jean Luc Brunel . The accusations have been made by LLin Woods who is an expert on defamation cases. I think he would love for Roberts to sue him for libel.
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  • Posted by mspalding 3 years, 8 months ago
    Photoshop makes all this difficult.
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    • Posted by DrZarkov99 3 years, 8 months ago
      With increasingly realistic video "photoshopping," it's going to be harder to determine what's real, unless we witness it with our own eyes.
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      • Posted by 3 years, 8 months ago
        If the FuQing Bureau of Investigation did their job this speculation would not be necessary! They knew it was one person involved in the Nashville bombing acting alone in one day! Why after over a decade of knowing what Epstein’s game was and they come up empty handed is beyond belief. BTW who was the woman broadcasting a warning before Nashville bomb went off . She seems like an accomplice to me.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 3 years, 8 months ago
    I agree with Bill Maher about some things. In particular, there was never a day since puberty that an adult woman was taking advantage of me by having sex. Give me a break.
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    • Posted by DrZarkov99 3 years, 8 months ago
      Now see, there you go being homophobic. If an adult female seducing you as a child is OK, why is an adult male doing the same so wrong?

      I'm being a little sarcastic here, but the point is that either situation screws with your head. Fantasy is one thing, but the reality is another entirely.
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      • Posted by $ Thoritsu 3 years, 8 months ago
        Oh, that is easy. One works because it is voluntary. The other would only work by force.

        Now, a gender reversal, I understand as an issue. Lots of different variables, and I don't care if it offends Title 9.

        This is not complicated, and it is not fantasy. When I was a kid, dated women 8 years older than me, and I have friends that were "seduced" by teachers in high school. We all remember the events more than fondly. Perhaps I misunderstand which "head" you mean is being "screwed with", but I wouldn't trade those memories.
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