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  • Posted by $ Stormi 10 years, 5 months ago
    Multiculturalism is a call to overlook the lack of reason and productivity in a whole culture. People are not seen as individuals, but as ethnic groups to be accepted as a whole.
    I was born in Ohio, where Blacks sat in our living room and at our dining table, because Dad was a musician who saw talent, not ethnicity. We moved to New Mexico, where I went to school with Mexicans, Indians and anyone in the Air Force. We did not discuss groups, but liked or disliked classmates for themselves. In Texas, we had Blacks, Hispanics and Air Force, again, no discussion of pandering to any group, but seeing people as individuals.
    Multiculturalism is a slap in the face to any minority, assuming they are not likeable until labeled with some minority status which everyone then accepts, not knowing why.
    How multicultural are these Muslims in England, not every accepting of white or Christians. It cannot just be one sided with whites doing all the boot licking.
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  • Posted by khalling 10 years, 5 months ago
    I think a large part of it is the welfare state. First, it invites your enemies to dinner. Acknowledging there are cultures bent on destroying your culture is important. When culture trumps Constitution -Houston we have a problem. In the end welfare just breeds poverty. The exact opposite of its goal. We easily see the culture clash of sharia law against our laws. However, what about the conflict in Ireland? Catholics vs protestant. Both white and Christian. (Think 70s) or black on black murder rates? When govt policies are pro -capitalist and business thrives people focus their energies productively. They don't spend time nursing hatreds.
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    • Posted by richkinley 10 years, 5 months ago
      For an historical example, I remember the vibrant economy of the Reagan years. When interest rates were slashed, people were incentivized to produce more, because they kept more of the fruits of their labor.

      Just ask anyone who had self-employment income: where's the incentive to work more hours if Uncle Sam has his hand out for more than 50 cents of every additional dollar of profit.
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      • Posted by richrobinson 10 years, 5 months ago
        Exactly. It's hard to even calculate what we pay in taxes. We have Fed taxes, State Taxes, Local Taxes, Sales Taxes, Gas Taxes and on and on. How much is added to the cost of goods so companies can pay their "fair share" and comply with all regs? An economy can't thrive with that much money being sucked out of the private sector.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 10 years, 5 months ago
        Amen to what Ronald Reagan did! I was a factory worker with a family living from paycheck to paycheck at the time. His tax cuts were seen immediately in my take-home pay and instead buying more beer, pizza, or the latest gizmos, I finally had a chance to learn how and start investing. Made and lost piles of moolah over the years. Today I have no debts (house, cars, everything - paid for!) and over a cool mil in cash and equities. Retired and don't even need SS (I paid in since I was 15, so I'm taking it. If you don't like that go F yourself!). Reagan's tax cuts gave me the cash (as small as it was at the time) and the incentive to do what I did. Love the guy to this day even for more reasons than that. "Gorbachev, tear down this wall", indeed!
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  • Posted by Zenphamy 10 years, 5 months ago
    From the article: “Let’s promote communities which are mixed and live together, and let’s take on the obstacles and concerns that people have.”

    Want to bet on where this guy lives?
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  • Posted by Herb7734 10 years, 5 months ago
    I have a recent report from a British Jew who lives in London who told me that antisemitism is rampant there. Jews are being accosted in the streets and police don't even go into certain Muslim neighborhoods. They are taking hope with the recent tough talk by the Prime Minister. Multiculturalism seems to be strictly for the benefit of Muslims. Not only has it failed, it is a club to be used against the citizenry.
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    • Posted by Temlakos 10 years, 5 months ago
      I expect he'll be relocating to Israel soon.
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      • Posted by Herb7734 10 years, 5 months ago
        Nope. He thinks of himself as a British citizen first. His family goes back 5 or 6 generations there. I doubt that he can speak Hebrew. It is not the aim of all Jews to go to Israel. Most think of themselves as the citizens of their native country first and if they think of it at all, being a Jew next.
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        • Posted by Temlakos 10 years, 5 months ago
          I would imagine that "I don't like to get kicked out" is a powerful motive.

          But isn't that what the productive people said in AS, until John Galt visited each in turn, and laid it on the line?
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  • Posted by jimjamesjames 10 years, 5 months ago
    Multiculturalism is another form of collectivism. Ordinary collectivism groups people based on a similarity such as race, ethnicity, religion, favorite team or political party. Multiculturalism groups people on their differences. Collectivism, in any form other than voluntary, cannot work.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 10 years, 5 months ago
    Multiculturalism stems from the same failed idea that every value set is equally valid. This is patently false. I have no problems with different areas of the world trying different things so the entire world can see what works and what doesn't work, but the grave injustice and fault lies with those who think that everything can and does work.
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  • Posted by servant74 10 years, 5 months ago
    Most of the issues I have seen may appear to be cultural, and there are some, but most that I have seen are economic.

    Growing up in TX in 50/60, there were some hispanic, mostly white, more black than hispanic. Now most are hispanic. Black on hispanic seems to be the major conflict currently, as blacks have historically been the 'majority underdog' in their eyes, and most hispanic (not all) want to work and be rewarded for their efforts.

    Whites are still the economic powerhouse, but that is slowly changing, as the merging of the ethnic populations merge.

    As a kid, parents were appalled to see mixed race couples. In cities the mixed race seems to be closer to the norm now. When I married, I married into my own race, because that is the person that I chose and they chose me, not as a political statement. But even then (30+ years ago) mixed race couples were being accepted, but their mixed children were having more problems. It will take a few more generations for that to 'heal'.

    The Bible talks about the sins of the fathers being on their heritage for 5 generations. From what I have seen, for those that have been willing to let go, that is about what it has taken to heal from the US Civil War (or War Between the States for you diehards! ;-) ). I am expecting this to be roughly solved in 10 generations since we re-fought the Civil War (for practical purposes) in the '60s. So roughly 2050 should be able to put to rest the Civil War (or the race portion anyway) by my cloudy crystal ball.

    Personally, I see the Civil War having race as being a secondary issue, from the Souths perspective it was Economic (inexpensive qualified work force). It was defined as 'race' as an easy marker by the (to use a southern term) Northern Aggressors who were intent on dominating the economics of the south. Even then 'supporting race' was a political issue only because it made the other things 'insignificant' in the rhetoric. -- It doesn't matter whether I read the historical tea leaves right or wrong. We are here. Things are like they are. I would like for us all to be able to get around a campfire and sing Kumbaya but due to the nature of people being perceived differently (race, sex, whatever) I don't see it happening in my or my kids time. I just pray that I am wrong.

    Right now, I live outside Nashville. I haven't seen as lily white a community in 50 years. Yes there are still some older hard core ratially prejudice folks here but they are dieing off pretty rapidly. The only ones that still seem that way I see are the ones that have never traveled out of the county and haven't had reason (college, armed forces, or whatever) to work with mixed race groups. Most of the racial segregation I see here are based on (1)economic grounds (2)education. Those tend to be lower educated, lower paid individuals live and congregate together, and the same for higher paid better educated groups. If you want something to think about, it is the Walmart vs Macy's crowds. IMHO, nothing is wrong with either. But unless you get them to willingly exist and communicate, this kind of segregation will still happen.

    Forcing folks to 'live and work together' unless it is what they want to do, seems to just produce more angst between the groups.

    This Texan married an Okie 30+ years ago, so mixed marriages can happen and work! ;-)
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    • Posted by teri-amborn 10 years, 5 months ago
      My Mother considered a Methodist marrying a Lutheran to be a "mixed marriage".
      Thankfully, reality and reason have made huge strides in our culture in the LAST 50 years.
      Hopefully we don't go backwards ...but it seems that's the trend.
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      • Posted by servant74 10 years, 5 months ago
        I know two couples that have 'mixed marriages' - He is a Texas A&M Aggie, she is a Univ of Texas Longhorn! Makes for rough times during football season!

        I was brought up Methodist, and went to Southern Baptist church for a while, then a independent Christian church, now back to Methodist. My grandmother thought that when my father and mother married it was a 'mixed marrage', Southern Baptist vs Methodist.
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  • Posted by Snoogoo 10 years, 5 months ago
    Multiculturalism itself is not really a problem. The problem arises when you have cultures that do not share the same value systems. In the Muslim example, you have an entire culture that teaches that women and girls have zero rights and barely views them as human. I would not want people like that living next to me and if they tried to exercise their values on me I would probably shoot them.
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    • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 10 years, 5 months ago
      I cannot agree. Multiculturalism is a huge issue in the US and elsewhere. When people refuse to meld with their new country, they stubbornly cling to the baggage that caused them to leave their nation of origin, and their new country idolizes "multi-cultural" to the point of catering to it it becomes a cancer. America was long considered a melting pot (a stew) and not a tossed salad. People who come here should want to be part of who and what we are because they recognize our uniqueness as a people (as a unique and highly successful culture). If not, get the hell out we don't need you.

      I reckon the same issue is prevalent in the UK and many of the European countries being flooded with islamists who are threatening to re-organize their government, by violence and brute force if necessary.
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  • Posted by evlwhtguy 10 years, 5 months ago
    "‘White flight’ – that is, white British people moving out of London in vast numbers. Between 2001 and 2011 some 620,000 white British people left London, tipping the ethnic makeup of London into majority non-British heritage."

    Sounds like a version of "Going Galt" to me!

    Anyone who is foolish enough to think you can allow unfettered immigration of large numbers of people whose faith, background and attitudes are nothing like yours should read Brigitte Gabriel's book, "Why they hate" there you will find out how a majority Christian country, Lebanon, was overrun by Muslims from Palestine and the Christian hosts were systematically murdered. You will learn than "No good deed goes unpunished"
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  • Posted by $ jlc 10 years, 5 months ago
    I do not think that the 95% is an accurate figure (since it is based on self-selection), but it is certainly an attention-getting one and it is good that this be tooted loudly so that the politicians take heed.

    I soooo agree with blarman when he refers to "..the failed idea that every value set is equal." This is the heart of why multiculturalism is counterproductive. There are many other entries on this thread that point out that if one immigrates to a country one should emulate the values of that country - or why go there. I agree. (This does have implications for Gulches around the world, however.)

    There is a huge difference between 'multiculturalism' and 'racial prejudice' but the package we are being given contains both - so that if you reject multiculturalism you are automatically prejudice. We need to separate out these qualities so that we can pick and choose our philosophy. (I do no think this confutation is accidental.)

    Just by-the-by, I live in a wonderful community (originally the Black Hollywood) up in the rural hills above LA that seems to be considered 'the place to go' if you are a racially mixed marriage. Most of the new folks moving in have been couples with a white man married to a black woman.

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  • Posted by aussiee 10 years, 5 months ago
    Definitely agree as if you want to live in another country you have to adjust to their ways otherwise stay in the country you came from. I came from another country which is a free world country but I had to change in a lot of things and that is the way it should be. The Muslims are the worst as they want to bring their Sharia ways and the women dresses like witches all covered up. They need to go back to their original country and Japan is smart and does not let them in and Russia is also smart telling them you will adjust to our way of life and not the life you were used to.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 10 years, 5 months ago
      Russia and China are really the only countries pushing against muslim incursion and have done so for centuries. Multiculturalism and PC has the rest of Western Civilization in virtual surrender and apology mode. I have no love for Stalin, but under the old Soviet Union, Stalin recognized the muslim threat in the Crimea and elsewhere and threw them out, no apologies necessary. When the Soviet empire broke up and Ukraine became its own nation again, the muslims began moving back into the Crimea and other areas of Ukraine. A driving force that helped create this anti-Russian coup in Ukraine was a muslim push (many of the riots that kicked this whole thing off were muslim origin or agitated). Putin is having none of this because Russia needs military and economic access to the Black Sea and NOT through an Islamic state in the Crimea, either. Putin and the Russians can't publicly state this for obvious reasons (think about that for a moment), but I will bet that is the REAL reason Putin is taking the stand that he is. The Russians can not let the region drift back to Islam. An Islamic victory in the region will require the crushing of Russia once and for all. What better way to achieve that than the way it is happening right now? The Western nations are buying into the notion that Putin is expansionist in the manner of an Adolf Hitler and are moving to punish him and the Russians. I say NOT and this is a bad move on our part. The muslim in the WH and the MSM that supports him will rail against Putin at every turn and I predict the only winner here will be Islam.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 10 years, 5 months ago
    It is like this old dino was never taught about in school how great and wonderful the American dream melting pot is. Bet that public school education does not happen anymore.
    By the way, while I was reading the 95 Percent article, my AVG Antivirus intercepted a bug, advising a reboot, which I did. Then I came back and finished reading the article without a repeat of the problem.
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  • Posted by jerry1228 10 years, 5 months ago
    multiculturalism does not work!!!!!!!!!!!! when you see the word ending is "ism" such as socialism etc you know it will not work. if people of different backgrounds "chose" to live in a mixed cultural neighborhood that is their choice, versus government forced living. it is preposterous to think it can work.
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  • Posted by DaveM49 10 years, 5 months ago
    Is there even an objective definition for "multiculturalism" any more? It seems to cover all manner of subjective values.
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    • Posted by jerry1228 10 years, 5 months ago
      multiculturalism does not work if I remember correctly Ayn Rand's essay on the subject in "return to the primitive". i'll have to check when I get home and look at the book. in it is her explanation.
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      • Posted by DaveM49 10 years, 5 months ago
        She also wrote an essay entitled "Global Balkanism" which certainly touches on the same subject as well as "political correctness".

        Both, to my mind, are means of controlling others by those who have no such right. And generally based in utterly irrational premises.
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    • Posted by 10 years, 5 months ago
      Yes, Anti-Americanism.
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      • Posted by DaveM49 10 years, 5 months ago
        Yes, I'll go along with that. As best as I can tell, the whole thing is based in relativism. One is required to study what Rand derisively referred to as "the instinct of toolmaking" and regard it as of "equal worth" to, say, the invention of the computer or the airplane. Am I the only one who notices which country's culture and trappings other countries rush to emulate?

        If one wishes to study "multiculturalism", it might be worthwhile to take a look at Greek and Roman civilization vs. the dark ages which followed the collapse of both. For that matter, there is probably room for examination of the nations which existed in Central and South America before Spain (among others) came along to "liberate" them. "Apocalypto" is a hideously multicultural film, using the worst of history written by the winners and a large helping of Mel Gibson's bizarre version of Christianity.
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