First note the Deep states plan and intentions at the end of the video is the patriots counter attack. #Freedomletters #Fightback
Well worth the time Big D. Watching Zuck's non-verbal was a "tell" of how unsure he was of the rhetoric. Rapid blinking and word whispers. Only only those who are aware and well trained in duplicity can mask the symptoms.
Whew, long video, but I just happen to have the time tonight to watch it all the way through. Scary plan for the next coup attempt, but I notice the plan document is carefully written to avoid potential lawsuits and to provide plausible deniability. The plan is all about grabbing power and control, but says nothing about what happens to the country after the coup is over - Venezuela only with cities and towns on fire. The main stream Marxist media is obviously on board with the plan because they are already blaming Trump and his administration for things that haven't happened yet but are mentioned in the plan- softening up the sheeple to swallow whatever they're fed.
Foul language warning aside, I now have a much better understanding of what happened to McSally in Arizona and that it was a clear trial run for a national election fraud attempt. It shows that it isn't one vote that can change an election, but having one key person in the right place that can sway an election.
IMHO, overwhelming the post office with extra mail will not succeed, but simply delay election results even longer. Besides, as a USPS employee stated in the comments the sorting machines (40,000 pieces of mail an hour) can cull the ballots via special bar code and expedite them while all the other mail plods along.
Glad you could watch it. This fairly large group of individuals consisting of Democratic swamp creatures like Pedoesta and Never Trump Rino’s Clearly working hand in hand with the media to clearly interfere with the 2020 elections a crime. Could I say conspire together.
Clearly it is a plan for a crime of RICO proportions with a gang of perps, but there is enough doublespeak built in to provide a smoke screen of deniability. They are already blaming Trump for what they are about to perpetrate. I hope the Patriots, whoever they are, have a handle on this because its a Gordian knot the average citizen will not untangle.
It cost the Republicans (and the Patriots by default) a seat in the Senate. My guess it wasn't contested at the time because the fraud was executed so cleverly no one knew where to look except the main Dem that pulled it off. Even now I'm guessing it would be hard to prove in court.
Watching Zuck's non-verbal was a "tell" of how unsure he was of the rhetoric. Rapid blinking and word whispers. Only only those who are aware and well trained in duplicity can mask the symptoms.
I start, Monday, saving and preparing for this mailing.
Foul language warning aside, I now have a much better understanding of what happened to McSally in Arizona and that it was a clear trial run for a national election fraud attempt. It shows that it isn't one vote that can change an election, but having one key person in the right place that can sway an election.
IMHO, overwhelming the post office with extra mail will not succeed, but simply delay election results even longer. Besides, as a USPS employee stated in the comments the sorting machines (40,000 pieces of mail an hour) can cull the ballots via special bar code and expedite them while all the other mail plods along.
Everyone should see this video.