Good Coffee

Posted by $ Abaco 4 years, 7 months ago to Entertainment
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So, I got up this morning to find that we were out of coffee. Oh...we have some smores-flavored coffee and a macadamia-flavored verson. My wife buys that crap and lets the french roast run out. So...I went to the local donut shop that has the best damn croissants in town - huge, fluffy - and brought some home with a cup of large french roast. wife is French. You'd think she'd understand. Nope.

Anybody else here need their real coffee?! I once cracked the guys at the club up when I said one morning before round of golf - "I like my coffee like I like my women...dark and full-bodied." haha...

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  • Posted by $ gharkness 4 years, 7 months ago
    You guys! Based on your comments, you'd think coffee has something to do with flavor!

    My coffee has ONE job: wake me up enough to find my way to the computer in the morning. Once I make it to the computer and sit down, the rest of the world ceases to exist for about an hour. When I "come back," I notice (happily) that I am both still alive and awake. Actually it's kind of a low bar, but for now it works and has the side benefit of keeping my husband alive. He knows better than to even look at me hard before that first cup is 100% finished. (What? There are people in the world who actually DRIVE for coffee?)

    I have everything from a $12 French press to a $99 Keurig Duo (makes regular drip as well as k-cups) to a $350 Moccamaster, which makes great coffee but doesn't keep it hot enough. I used to do the green beans and hot air popper, but it really didn't "do it" for me. Since the investment was low and I had fun with it, I didn't feel bad abandoning the practice. My thoughts about running out of coffee? About as likely as the front yard running out of dirt. I'm sure my firstborn (and second) are glad they finally grew up...because as long as the coffee supply was at risk, back in the day, they were in danger of getting traded. I jest (I think), but I am dead serious when I say that before I go to bed at night, the coffeemaker is ready for me to push that all-important button in the morning. Sometimes it's a challenge to remember where the button is, but I usually manage.

    Hubby, on the other hand, buys Ruta Maya at Costco, grinds it himself and uses a 4-minute timer with a drip funnel. As long as he stays out of my way I don't care what he drinks, and we don't have to jockey over who uses what coffeepot, and the subject of divorce isn't raised!

    Of the flavored coffees, I do like a cup of brewed Kahlua-brand coffee (doesn't taste like Kahlua but it IS good), but it's getting harder to find, and I refuse to go to Tuesday Morning to buy it (they require masks in a no-mask-required city). My preference with any coffee is NO sugar, ever, ever, ever, and a little bit of real cream.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 4 years, 7 months ago
    I am also (nearly) addicted to good coffee, Abaco.
    Starbucks or Peets or (insert your favorite cafe here) are just as unacceptable to me as are every brand of bagged ground coffee in any store. I can barely survive on whole bean roasted coffee if the roast isn't burned to a crisp as most of them seem to be. Seattle coffee seems to be the worst offender I have found. Shouldn't be forced on anyone with taste buds.
    However, I found about 30 years ago that Dunkin' Donuts of all places had decent whole bean roasted coffee, but I have no idea if that is still true.
    I buy green coffee beans from and roast them with a hot air popcorn popper about every 2 weeks. Their coffee is excellent and costs about $6 a lb not including the 2 hours a month it takes me to do the roasting.
    The counter on my DeLonghi Perfecta 5400 indicates I have made about 7,000 cups with it since I bought it in 2010.
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    • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 4 years, 7 months ago
      I like which seems to have more specific local sources than happymug -- although a bit pricier. I'm currently drinking Rwanda Honey Process Ngororero. They usually have some nice descriptive material on the place a batch came from.

      I use a Freshroast SR500 roaster that sits on my stove top so that it vents and roast a couple pots worth at a time -- much simpler than the popcorn popper I used to use. I just ran a batch for the next couple days.
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      • Posted by sgijantopaeth 4 years, 7 months ago
        Hi WilliamShipley. My husband has the exact same set up. Coffee from almost anywhere other than home is extremely disappointing. Sweet Marias is his mistress I fear, but I can look the other way to get that delicious coffee.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 4 years, 7 months ago
        Sounds like a great roasting setup, WS.
        Maria's is good, too, but the 30% lower prices at Happy Mug make the coffee taste much better to me.
        Happy Mug has always had my favorite Sumatra Mandheling in stock, too.
        Nothing I know beats fresh roasted, fresh ground espresso ;^) Cheers.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 4 years, 7 months ago
    What Does The Coffee Supply Chain Look Like?
    There’s a good chance your day started with a cappuccino, or a cold brew, and you aren’t alone. In fact, coffee is one of the most consumed drinks on the planet, and it’s also one of the most traded commodities.

    According to the National Coffee Association, more than 150 million people drink coffee on a daily basis in the U.S. alone. Globally, consumption is estimated at over 2.25 billion cups per day.

    Coffee From Plant to Factory
    There are two types of tropical plants that produce coffee, both preferring high altitudes and with production primarily based in South America, Asia, and Africa.
    - Coffea arabica is the more plentiful bean, with a more complex flavor and less caffeine. It’s used in most specialty and “high quality” drinks as Arabica coffee.
    - Coffea canephora, meanwhile, has stronger and more bitter flavors. It’s also easier to grow, and is most frequently used in espressos and instant blends as Robusta coffee.
    However, both types of beans undergo the same journey:

    1. Growing
    Plants take anywhere from 4-7 years to produce their first harvest, and grow fruit for around 25 years.

    2. Picking
    The fruit of the coffea plant is the coffee berry, containing two beans within. Ripened berries are harvested either by hand or machine.

    3. Processing
    Coffee berries are then processed either in a traditional “dry” method using the sun or “wet” method using water and machinery. This removes the outer fruit encasing the sought-after green beans.

    4. Milling
    The green coffee beans are hulled, cleaned, sorted, and (optionally) graded.

    From Factory to Transport
    Once the coffee berry is stripped down to green beans, it’s shipped from producing countries through a global supply network.
    Green coffee beans are exported and shipped around the world. In 2018 alone, 7.2 million tonnes of green coffee beans were exported, valued at $19.2 billion.
    Arriving primarily in the U.S. and Europe, the beans are now prepared for consumption:

    5. Roasting
    Green beans are industrially roasted, becoming darker, oilier, and tasty. Different temperatures and heat duration impact the final color and flavor, with some preferring light roasts to dark roasts.

    6. Packaging
    Any imperfect or somehow ruined beans are discarded, and the remaining roasted beans are packaged together by type.

    7. Shipping
    Roasted beans are shipped both domestically and internationally. Bulk shipments go to retailers, coffee shops, and in some cases, direct to consumer.
    Straight to Your Cup
    Roasted coffee beans are almost ready for consumption, and by this stage the remaining steps can happen anywhere.
    For example, many factories don’t ship roasted beans until they grind it themselves. Meanwhile, cafes will grind their own beans on-site before preparing drinks. The rapid growth of coffee chains made Starbucks the second-highest-earning U.S. fast food venue.
    Regardless of where it happens, the final steps bring coffee straight to your cup:

    8. Grinding
    Roasted beans are ground up in order to better extract their flavors, either by machine or by hand. The preferred fineness depends on the darkness of the roast and the brewing method.

    9. Brewing
    Water is added to the coffee grounds in a variety of methods. Some involve water being passed or pressured through the grounds (espresso, drip) while others mix the water and grounds (French press, Turkish coffee).

    10. Drinking
    Liquid coffee is ready to be enjoyed! One average cup takes 70 roasted beans to make.
    The world’s choice of caffeine pick-me-up is made possible by this structured and complex supply chain. Coffee isn’t just a drink, after all, it’s a business.
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  • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 4 years, 7 months ago
    A Folgers man (with cream and sugar) for years.
    Every (and I mean every) morning, I have two cups and visit with my wife of 41 years. When I was still working, I had to stop at 1 cup.
    On weekends, we treat ourselves to coffee from a local roaster, Crandall Coffee of Kettle Falls, WA.
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  • Posted by Stormi 4 years, 7 months ago
    Must have my coffee or my eyes do not focus together! It better be coffee, not some sweet or flavored confection, real coffee. Folgers or McD! Recently, Frisch's put in new brew by order coffee during shut down, awful! Nasty. Even Burger King has stepped up and is better. No, whip creme, no almond flvor, just coffee! This gal is particular.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 4 years, 7 months ago
    I have a Keurig single which I will drop in a Mayan Blend, Donut Shop, or Breakfast Blend set on mug size slide in my insulated mug. When filled a teaspoon of sugar and a drizzle of goats milk can't tolerate cows milk. Then sit in my recliner take my meds, Then walk my anxious Australian Cattle dog, then returned to my coffee. Sometimes I will brew a second mug to get a buzz.
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  • Posted by lrshultis 4 years, 7 months ago
    At 80 I must be one of a very few who have never drunk coffee, although my dad was habituated to it. I do like the odor of brewing coffee though. Probably being border line asperger's syndrome, I never liked anything that seemed like fad. I have never had trouble functioning without caffeine, though maybe I could have gotten a PHD in math if I had indulged with the habit like my fellow grad students.
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  • Posted by $ pixelate 4 years, 7 months ago
    I buy whatever coffee brand is on sale and get several tins. I tend to enjoy two large mugs each morning: two parts coffee, one part milk. It works its wonders in a medical way. I offer an attempt at poetry to clarify the picture:

    "Beautiful Moments"
    The sun has just cleared the horizon.
    My mind ventures back to a time not so long ago.
    And then I am brought back with a start.
    It is time.
    Heading to the water closet, I encounter a cat along the way.
    “Out of my way you louse” I curse while crossing the threshold into a room, its purpose is clear.
    Sitting now, eyes half closed, a moment of bliss.
    The last point of the alimentary canal is cleared.
    Such are these, beautiful moments.
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  • Posted by Ben_C 4 years, 7 months ago
    My current coffee brand is Death Wish. It states it has the highest caffeine of any coffee on the planet - plus its organic (as if that matters). I brew it up every morning in a french press coffee maker and allow the caffeine to kick in for about thirty minutes. Heart and brain are in go mode and its off to work.
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  • Posted by bassboat 4 years, 7 months ago
    Cuban style coffee is my go-to coffee. Espresso ground with a cream-based (International brand, Coldstone sweet cream) fluffed up with a frother is nirvana. A waitress at a small Cuban restaurant that I frequent showed me their secret to this fantastic cup of coffee. No more Starbucks for me. Sorry Howard, I've been looking for a way to get away from the tree-hugger crowd and now I've found it.
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 4 years, 7 months ago
    I ordered my coffee with cream (and now splenda), I prefer heavy whipping cream (not half and half).

    My father said "if you don't like the taste of coffee, you probably shouldn't drink it!" I still laugh at that!

    He orders his "Like my women, black, hot, and strong!" LOL. He'll be 80 soon enough. Still says that EVERY TIME.

    I do instant coffee, I have an instant on hot water dispenser (one of my best installs). I drink 1-2 cups per day, only one in the house who drinks coffee, so NOT worth making a pot...
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    • Posted by freedomforall 4 years, 7 months ago
      "NOT worth making a pot"
      That's what the automatic espresso machine does for me, one great cup at the time. (With or without cream/steamed milk.)

      When I visited my aunt in NY years ago, she made the coffee so strong I needed the heavy cream to drink it. So I was up and out early to pick up heavy cream, fresh bagels, cream cheese, and Nova before she awakened. Fond memories.
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  • Posted by $ Suzanne43 4 years, 7 months ago
    My husband and I do agree on politics and coffee. Politics are Conservative and Coffee has to be hot and black. Can’t start a morning without coffee and the Fox News Channel. I have a Cuisinart coffee maker and buy McDonald’s medium roast for it. We are addicted.
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  • Posted by ohiocrossroads 4 years, 7 months ago
    I'm not hardly a coffee snob, but lately I've been seeking out the machines that fresh-grind the beans for every cup. They're starting to appear in truck stops and gas stations all over the country. Speedways, Flying J's, Pilots, etc. There is normally a choice of three different roasts or flavor of beans in each machine. The flavor is much more full-bodied than the usual brewed stuff sitting in a carafe on a warmer.
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 4 years, 7 months ago
    Have any of you played around with grinding...

    I found for ADC coffee, that the Percolator grind produced far less bitterness, and a lighter coffee.

    The complete OPPOSITE of Starbucks overground black and bitter garbage. I will literally go without coffee instead of having theirs.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 4 years, 7 months ago
    I can swill the stuff all day, but it has to be the real thing. Folgers Black Silk or Maxwell House French Roast made in an old timey percolator does the trick (sipping Black Silk as I type this).

    Rule #1: Never EVER run out of good coffee. We always have a two month supply on hand. My wife also likes all that flavored stuff, but I have to have the real thing.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 4 years, 7 months ago
      Good rule #1, McC.
      Back in February and March, I added 25 pounds of green coffee beans to my inventory in case supply chain problems were forthcoming. I usually have about 6 to 10 lb on hand for +-6 months supply. Green beans keep almost all their flavor for 12 months or more if stored properly. I will be happy if I overstocked and the supply continues undiminished.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 4 years, 7 months ago
        Yeah, supply chain problems. This is purely anecdotal, but my wife and I have both noticed more and more empty shelves in various stores we have to go to for supplies. We don't go out much since this C-19 started, especially under the loving guidance of Il Duce here in the Peoples Republic of NY, so each time we go out it's easy to notice something ain't right on the supply side of almost everything - not just the usual panic items like TP, etc.
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