So dynamite is good. Gun is bad. That's liberal thought for you. Apparently arson is also good as long as it isn't arson of the Jimmy Carter Center or the Obama Komradential Lie-berry. Burn down those small businesses! Who needs jobs anyway? They're getting an extra $600 a week from the productive taxpayers.
To answer the question it looks like something in the scythe family, but the handle and blade aren't quite right. The way things are going a hammer and/or sickle will be the only tools of choice.
I have my doubts that modern cartoon watchers have any idea what a scythe is. The reaper of souls must be gravely concerned about this frivolity with his tool of choice.
That's liberal thought for you.
Apparently arson is also good as long as it isn't arson of the Jimmy Carter Center or the Obama Komradential Lie-berry. Burn down those small businesses! Who needs jobs anyway? They're getting an extra $600 a week from the productive taxpayers.