Crushing the States, Saving the Banks: The Fed’s Generous New Rules
Posted by freedomforall 4 years, 9 months ago to Business
"Banks can get virtually free loans from the discount window that can be rolled over from day to day as necessary. The press release said that the Fed had also eliminated the reserve requirement – the requirement that banks retain reserves equal to 10% of their deposits – and that it is “encouraging banks to use their capital and liquidity buffers as they lend to households and businesses who are affected by the coronavirus.” It seems that banks no longer need to worry about having deposits sufficient to back their loans. They can just borrow the needed liquidity at 0.25%, “renewable on a daily basis.” They don’t need to worry about “liquidity mismatches,” where they have borrowed short to lend long and the depositors have suddenly come for their money, leaving them without the funds to cover their loans. The Fed now has their backs, providing “primary credit” at its discount window to all banks in good standing on very easy terms. The Fed’s website states:
Generally, there are no restrictions on borrowers’ use of primary credit….Notably, eligible depository institutions may obtain primary credit without exhausting or even seeking funds from alternative sources. Minimal administration of and restrictions on the use of primary credit makes it a reliable funding source."
Generally, there are no restrictions on borrowers’ use of primary credit….Notably, eligible depository institutions may obtain primary credit without exhausting or even seeking funds from alternative sources. Minimal administration of and restrictions on the use of primary credit makes it a reliable funding source."
The pension plans for a good amount of public "servants" are lavish compared to the private sector and they don't have to work, er serve, as long to get it. From what I can see, the biggest problems are in Democrat states and municipalities where public unions have donated substantial amounts to Democrat coffers - nothing to see here, move along.
NY 56% non-white
LA 51% non-white
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Phillie 59% non-white
Atlanta 62% non-white
Detroit 90% non-white
D.C. 62% non-white
Boston 56% non-white