US city to pay reparations to African-American community with tax on marijuana sales

Posted by $ nickursis 5 years, 3 months ago to Government
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The insane ought to be barred form office, or positions of authority...really... let the logic unravel here, all of them have to move back to whatever countries they came from and give their illegally stolen land back to the American Indians. At some point, it all turns to mush. Unless, you are using the justification to just loot for your special interest, just don't cloud the issue with false logic.....

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  • Posted by freedomforall 5 years, 3 months ago
    Prediction: As intended by the half-black looting moron who initiated this, there will be a lot more blacks moving to (mostly white) Evanston to receive these transfer payments.

    If the productive whites in Evanston have any ability to think, they will sell their property immediately and move to a lower tax area. If my sources are correct the taxes on property there exceeds the mortgage payments on many fine properties in red states.
    Actually they should have sold years ago, but this might wake some of them up. Unfortunately they will probably take their brainwashed liberal feelings to their new homes and ruin things there.
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    • Posted by $ 5 years, 3 months ago
      Then we have another area that needs government assistance because the evil whites have allowed it to become a ghetto, and racist intent is present to corral all the blacks in one place....arghh the ability of ignorant looters is beyond the pale...
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 5 years, 3 months ago much or a good percentage of the reparations will end up coming from the pockets of African Americans to be paid to African Americans and a few dead heads...LMAO
    Talk about perpetuating the condition.

    PS, I HATE the term: "African Americans"! Why can't it just be Black Americans of this or that ancestry.
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    • Posted by $ 5 years, 3 months ago
      Excellent logic though, all the blacks buying dope, will just be paying each other. Typical looter logic. Can't wait for someone to file suit against the whole thing as racist, and make blacks exempt or something so the 3 dope smoking whites have to foot the whole bill...that is the whole flaw in any "special group" giveaway, all of a sudden, everyone is wanting to be in it...
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    • Posted by lrshultis 5 years, 3 months ago
      Why can it not just be Americans? Why bring race into it? There are no blacks and whites involved with humans, just different skin tones from very white to very black. What is important is whether one is an individualist or a collectivist.
      As for reparations, it is an idea from those who are ashamed to have been born. Slavery is one of the past happenings which most likely resulted in the existence of nearly all present living humans.
      What is important, since we are born without minds (selves) and must discover and learn to produce our minds, is to live our lives learning and bettering the future. We all seem to have had come from humans who migrated from Africa.
      The belief that some people are intitled to reparations does not stop with those now existing but all future generations since they too would have ancestors who existed due to slavery or any other large evil that happened in the past.
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      • Posted by $ 5 years, 3 months ago
        The idea of slavery and reparations is huge compared to history since there is a large, large body of history no one talks about. American Indians, whites, blacks (yes blacks did own slaves) aisan, Arabs, middle east groups, all have slaves. ISIS had Christians and women as slaves and slave markets just in the last few years.
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        • Posted by lrshultis 5 years, 3 months ago
          The point is that, due to the past, the present is what it is. Had slavery not happened the present would be different. Most all of our bodies would not have been born and those that would have been born would have developed different selves. Those who want reparations are asking to be paid for their existences which would never have happened without the evil of slavery. Of course some religious persons would say that what they term "souls" would be planted by a deity in other bodies as some kind of 'ghost in the machine',so that they would still exist.
          Besides, we live with a Constitution which prohibits responsibility for what others do. It is the reverse of being responsible for harm to others, i.e., the harmed are not responsible to those who harm .
          Fight slavery if you can but do not take responsibility for what you have not done. Therefore do not buy into reparations. And do not get yourself some slaves to pay for reparations with their tax money.
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          • Posted by $ 5 years, 3 months ago
            Indeed. It is called "projection". Makes any issue easily applied for whatever purpose you want, in this case project your guilt onto others, and make them pay. Just like impeachment.
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      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 5 years, 3 months ago
        It's Not a "Race"'s JUST Color...a chemical of such minute quantity one could not see it on the head of a pin.

        Think Dolphin for what possibly a different race of a conscious entity might differ from conscious humans.
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    • Posted by term2 5 years, 3 months ago
      How about entitled bastards
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      • Posted by Dobrien 5 years, 3 months ago
        You mean entitled bastards like Al Gore jr or Chelsea or Hunter or Paul Pillosi jr or GWB or Bill Ayers or Soros or Mika or Henry Kissmyassinger or Jeffery Epstein or Kieth Ranniere or Prince Andrew or Fidel Trudeau or Matt Lauer or Harvey
        Or maybe you are talking about Ben Carson or Candace Owens or Diamond and Silk , Herman Cain or Thomas Sowell or Larry Elder .
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        • Posted by term2 5 years, 3 months ago
          I guess the whole "entitled" classification is just a matter of degree in our society at this time. I would say that blacks and gays are on top of the list with the highest percentage of entitlement because they are victims, followed by the elitist left people who entitled because of their superior nature, followed by the rest of the washington politicians to varying degrees. At the bottom of the list of entitled people would be the last group you mentioned of more individualistic persuasion.
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  • Posted by $ gharkness 5 years, 3 months ago
    So, if I lived there, which I don't, and IF I were inclined to try MJ, which I am not, I'd make a huge point of going elsewhere to purchase it. And make sure as many people (and city officials) as possible knew it.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 5 years, 3 months ago
    I notice repatriation to Africa is not on the list of benefits to recipients. If the US is such a horrible racist place for them to live, then the opportunity to leave should be offered.
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  • Posted by preimert1 5 years, 3 months ago
    I was arguing with a friend (who happens to be black) about reparations for decendentes of slaves and I said, "Fine, I'll buy the next round." After a chuckle and a knuckle bumps he said, "Well, another guy I know is really serious about it." So I said, "okay, since most slave holders were southern plantation owners. what if we paid him off in Confederate money?"
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    • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 5 years, 3 months ago
      I live in a housing tract north of Los Angeles where the houses run $500,000. I bought mine years ago for $100,000 -- I certainly couldn't afford these.

      Anyway a few years back when this was a hot topic I noticed that of the 5 houses surrounding me, 2 had black couples living in them. One had a Russian emigre.and I don't know about the other two. I considered the Hispanic people who were mowing their lawns (I mow my own) and that they would wind up paying taxes to provide reparations to the people who were living in the half million dollar houses they did the yard work for.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 5 years, 3 months ago
    Let Illinois go bankrupt over such a stupid law, the Dims will find out that their tax base erodes when people move out of the state. I'm even more dumbfounded the Dim House of Rep is even looking into this. The Dims know how to waste taxpayer monies.
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  • Posted by Eyecu2 5 years, 3 months ago
    This is UTTERLY ridiculous! Let's hope that non-African-Americans living there decide to "Identify" as African-Americans going forward so that they have to pay LITERALLY everyone.
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  • Posted by KRUEG 5 years, 3 months ago
    Reparations for what? These peeps did not suffer anything: Slavery, Jim Crow Laws - etc... What moron thought this one up?
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    • Posted by $ Suzanne43 5 years, 3 months ago
      A moron who likes to pander, buy votes, and keep blacks suppressed as second class citizens by giving them lots of stuff. The worst enemies of Blacks are white liberals..
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