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Start with simple, innocent questions, rather than oppositional argument, and they can learn, but only if we make the effort to avoid confrontation. Encourage them to ask their teachers these kind of questions, because when the teachers can't answer, they will see the flaws in what they're being told.
Unless I got it wrong, LOL!
Other symptoms include, mob mentality, a feeling of moral superiority and programmed to deny all different points of views. A very dangerous combination.
A more appropriate term might be a cultural Marxist or even cultural neo-Marxist. The term Jordan Peterson uses is postmodern neo-Marxist.
"Woke", as I understand the term, is a person who is awake to the important values preached by the users of that term. It is a term of approval of those who agree. Mainly favored by the Left who also specialize in name-calling and labeling all who disagree with them in the slightest as fascists, supremacists, racists, and every other -ist. This is naked meme warfare, people. And capitalists are the No 1 villain, as any "woke" person will tell you.
Education in the Third Reich served to indoctrinate students with the Nazi world view. Nazi scholars and educators glorified Nordic and other “Aryan” races, while denigrating Jews and other so-called inferior peoples. After 1933, the Nazi regime purged the public school system of teachers deemed to be Jews or to be “politically unreliable.” Most educators, however, remained in their posts and joined the National Socialist Teachers League. 97% of all public school teachers, some 300,000 persons, had joined the League by 1936. In fact, teachers joined the Nazi Party in greater numbers than any other profession.
In 1933, the Hitler Jugend was a Nazi paramilitary youth organization that focused on boys 13 to 18 years of age. They were viewed as future Aryan supermen and were indoctrinated in racism….and their activities reinforced what they were “taught” in the classroom. By 1938, when Hitler went to war, those 13 to 18 year old boys were now 18 to 23 year old men, who by oath were pledged to Adolf Hitler (not Germany)…….and who would perform any task or action that Hitler would demand. Millions died as a result.
I am sure that the lessons of Nazi youth indoctrination were not lost on the Marxist liberal Democrats who, today, hold power in this country. Wouldn’t Obama have loved to have had such a force of mind numb young human automatons today? Perhaps he does, but if not, believe me, he and his minions have been working on it. That is why student loans were usurped by the Obama Administration as part of Obamacare. That’s right! Only the Federal Government can give loans to students….and what that gives the Federal Government as a bonus to a dependent citizenry………. is the power to impact the curriculum at colleges and universities…..and this is what Common Core is all about……..indoctrination and not education.
It will take decades to repair the damage that Obama and the Democrats have done to this country, both domestic and international. It will also take decades to effect remedy for the corruption of true American values perpetrated on our future generations by Obama and his progressives.…….
….and the repair will only happen if we have strong and intelligent leadership……
Our future looks grim….but there is one shining light…..President Donald Trump. If President Trump can’t remedy the damages inflicted by Obama and the Left, as a Constitutional Republic, this country is toast.
The Occultist Nazi leaders were brought here and have thrived in the public sector.
Sorass was a NAZI sympathizer and look at his influence. Kissinger, “ really” . He was brought here to be professor along with 250 other professors spread out to the major universities. He ends up our top foreign policy advisor and the Secretary of State in a decade.
Deliberately constructed idiocracy. See Charlotte Iserbyt. https://youtu.be/DDyDtYy2I0M
And Red China.
And North Korea.
And I'm pretty sure about Cambodia of Pol Pot infamy for fame.
And maybe Venezuela.
And others me dino can't think off the top of me saurian head.
Any questions?...