Eric Holder Claims Barr is ‘Unfit’ to be AG in Op-Ed
Pot, meet Kettle, both black and rusty. Holder is a criminal who gave Mexican Cartels hundreds of weapons. Why did he crawl out from under his rock? Because they have to try every desperate measure to get the sheeple to say "Orange man bad, Barr bad". Deep State propaganda machine at work...
Yeah...standing on the outside of voting places with guns is very encouraging! That is what a peaceful community should look like - according to Holder.
Side bar: I see on this mornings news the neo-commies are still pressing SCOTUS for Trump's financials in hopes of finding ANYTHING therein to bring him down. SCOTUS should tell them to go pound sand, but I'm not holding my breath on that, either.
That makes the two of us despite sage Gulchers warnings to be patient because "it takes time".
I don't know what to make of McConnell's "dismiss" stand. Yesterday I saw Graham saying the same. He opined it was a "crock" and they will not waste time on it.
I see the point and inclined to accept it, except that I am a 100% certain the left and the media will spin the reason and it'll not be to the president's advantage.
On the other hand, if the Senate proceeds with a trial, it'll be another long session of calling witnesses, their refusal to appear, subpoenas, etc.. and the result will be the same. McConnell won't be able to order the Bidens to testify, or Comey or Schitty or Nadler or Pelosi. The Dems have been unlawful during the impeachment charade, what prevents them to be unlawful in the Senate trial?
If they go the latter course, you can bet that the liberal media won't find it worth covering.
It's not clear whether the right venue is congress where each party gets to do its spin and the media can pick which ones to cover or if Barr and Durham who can subpoena and charge is where this gets resolved.
Of course it might all get swept under the carpet. The Deep State is incredibly powerful and all those career 'servants' of the people want to protect their power.
That would make the left completely lose its mind which would be delightful to watch.
White Men bad (productive white men worse)
Men of color not as bad (unless they are productive)
Women good
Women of color better.
Counter-productive women of color better.
Deep State counter-productive women of color best.
He has been known as the most corrupt AG in history of recent memory. Lynch tried her best but never measured up to the corruption of Holder. As Hussein's protector he was instrumental in the implementation of his unlawful policies.