No Safe Spaces (Official) - Now in theaters!

Posted by sdesapio 5 years, 5 months ago to Movies
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Our latest film is in theaters right now. And this one... you can't miss. Watch the trailer now: https://nosafespaces.com/

The First Amendment and the very idea of free speech are under attack in America today. A growing number of Americans don't believe you have the right to speak your mind if what you have to say might offend someone, somewhere. They advocate for "safe spaces" in which people won't be offended by ideas they may find troubling. But is that what America is about?

In NO SAFE SPACES, comedian and podcast king Adam Carolla and radio talk show host Dennis Prager travel the country, talking to experts and advocates on the left and right, tour college campuses, and examine their own upbringings to try to understand what is happening in America today and what free speech in this country should look (and sound) like.

“An excellent film, the best I've seen on the subject of free speech. I especially like Dennis's line, 'They have to believe we are evil; otherwise they'd have to debate us.' Perfect.” - Cal Thomas, America's #1 syndicated columnist

THEATERS: https://nosafespaces.com/theaters/
SOURCE URL: https://nosafespaces.com/

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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 5 years, 5 months ago
    This looks interesting. When I first heard about this six years ago, I thought it was people who wanted to make threatening or riot-inciting statements/actions claiming that they should be protected by free speech. I've change my view after seeing this first hand. People mistakenly think they have a right to be protected not only from physical force but ideas they don't like.

    I think it's a sign of a deep problem. My suspicion is it's related to helicopter parenting, which I suspect is encouraged by screens, breastfeeding, and affluence that gives parents and kids time for helicoptering. Scientists should study it. I'm not sure at all of my guesses. But I think it's a really big problem. I do not think a political stratagem is behind it. I think a large percentage of people born into helicopter parenting feel honestly incapable of handing even minor disagreements.
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    • Posted by $ Commander 5 years, 4 months ago
      Hi CG. What we are seeing is a deep psychological problem. My first contact with the idea was in 1972. I saw Future Shock on a big screen in Lansing Iowa....I was 9. If you're not familiar with Toeffler's work, the essence is, "too much change in too little time. And for those who are not prepared, the effects will be devastating." In 76 I saw Morris Massey's video lecture from Boulder Co on values development. "What You Are Is Where You Were When".
      My father taught 35 years in communications and human relations from a very objective platform of self-evident affect and effect basis. There is so much happening at so rapid a pace that a developing mind, without reasonable objective tools to buffer the onslaught and time to process and order the input, manifests behavior in fear, withdrawal, anger, frustration....suicide, Autistic behavior, murderous rampages.

      Have you ever been in contact with someone who was rationally or irrationally afraid to the point where they were not able to function other than to rage?
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 5 years, 4 months ago
        I have a had a similar thought. In the past people could count on their lives being similar to their parents' and grandparents'. That's not as true now. I think this explains why people feel like the world is coming apart despite prosperity increasing in objective ways.

        "Have you ever been in contact with someone who was rationally or irrationally afraid to the point where they were not able to function other than to rage?"
        Not a severe case, but I see many people under 30 who struggle with "adulting". They have coined that word for it. All their lives all activities have been directed. They never wandered to the park and met a new person. The new theory is doing that is dangerous. So they're terrified of it and struggling to learn as adults what they should have learned as kids. It's not everyone born after 1995, but a greater portion of them than when I was their age struggle with basic tasks. What I'm saying sounds a lot like "kids these days..." but I think there's something more. I think there was a change in the mid 90s that made the basic activities of growing up seen as too risky.
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        • Posted by $ Commander 5 years, 4 months ago
          I'll make it a point to get you Massey's lecture....I have the original on VHS. Morris talks of the rate of change in values escalating on a parabolic curve toward valuelessness. PM you on specifics
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    • Posted by Rex_Little 5 years, 4 months ago
      I agree. Whether it's because of helicopter parenting or something else, hurt feelings have been accorded a status equivalent to physical injury in a lot of people's minds.
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    • Posted by $ Thoritsu 5 years, 4 months ago
      Doesn't seem very complicated. We let children be the center of their (therefore "the") universe. They fail to see that any alternate (views, behaviors, force) is possible. This is Pavlovian, not new or complicated.

      The deep message is that "One needs to contribute to what others consider desirable" to succeed. In the case of breakthrough people (e.g. Steve Jobs), one is bright enough to see what will become desirable (art, science technology), and has the resources to demonstrate it. These special people are not everyone (maybe 1:1E5), but everyone now thinks they are massively special...and entitled to others treating them as special.

      The alienation from iPad/Computer abstraction is just the icing on the cake, allowing the fallacy to exist, whenever one is alone.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 5 years, 4 months ago

    Shockingly, there are no theaters within 100 miles on me, New England. If there is any info I can push via property management, please let me know.

    Can't wait to hear from the Listerine Crew what an incomplete philosopher Dennis Prager is. However, he is reaching and affecting people, while the ivory tower armchair clowns just heckle (ourselves no less) from the muppet balcony.
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  • Posted by $ Commander 5 years, 4 months ago
    Thank you Scott. I'll be attending Minneapolis area post-haste.
    Any from the TC metro area contact me for a joint venture to the presentation.
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