CNN and it's imminent demise

Posted by mminnick 5 years, 7 months ago to News
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I received several tweets today from Varios commentators and news sources. All had, what was for me, sad news. The once mighty CNN was barely hanging on. The stats were terrible. overall they rated 15th. One report mentioned that TLKC, ID channel and Hallmark channel were ahead of CNN in ratings and CNN was in 15th place overall.
I remember staying glued to it when the first gulf war was underway. I watch it and Fox News during the 2nd Gulf war. Now I'm not sure where it is on my cable service.
Reporters I thought were honest and unbiased (Wolf Blitzer, Christian Ammonpur (Spelling??) for example) are now shills for the far left.
It makes me sick to think how much has changed in such a relatively short time.
The mighty have fallen low and don't appear to know how to get back up.

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  • Posted by exceller 5 years, 7 months ago
    What is sad about CNN's demise?

    Best news ever.
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    • Posted by 5 years, 7 months ago
      It's demise is good news. The reason for the fall is what makes me sad. one less source of news because it turned to "Fake News".
      It is just sad to see greatness fail when it should have continued except for management political bias.
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      • Posted by exceller 5 years, 7 months ago
        I agree with you.

        CNN is not the only one.

        What is sad that they succumbed to the liberal agenda, out of fear. I can't imagine there was not one sane person at CNN who wanted to preserve the reputation of the network.

        I believe the networks' unconditional embracing of liberal and yes, communist agendas, came from a bad forecasting job. The business people were bidding on the gradual conversion of the country into leftist aficionados, but they misjudged the trend. The country is not moving in sync with the networks.

        The result is friction and grief.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 5 years, 7 months ago
    CNN turned to a voice of leftist propaganda as soon as Ted Turner sold it to Time Warner in '96. It just took a few years for that to become obvious. Jane destroyed Ted and Time Warner destroyed Ted's productive work.
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  • Posted by peterchunt 5 years, 7 months ago
    This is what happens when a news source ceases being a news source and becomes a non-stop opinion channel and shrill for the left. When I am overseas, I refuse to watch CNN, but watch FNC on my computer.
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  • Posted by starznbarz 5 years, 7 months ago
    "Reporters I thought were honest and unbiased (Wolf Blitzer, Christian Ammonpur (Spelling??) for example) are now shills for the far left. " They always were. The mask began to come off when Bush the younger was elected, after Obama the communist was elected they threw the mask away, after 8 years of that they believed they had won the 100 year struggle to take over the Republic. Then the unthinkable happened, Americans said no more and elected Trump, they were positive they had taken control, it was unthinkable they would not ascend with Clinton... and they all went batshit crazy and forgot to hide who and what they are, and have always been. Ive worked events under CNN press creds, they really do believe its their job to decide what is reported and what is hidden from the voting public.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 5 years, 7 months ago
    I used to think CNN was the best thing on TV. Then it changed. Now it's nothing more than a hollowed-out shell of former years. Why? Because they stopped reporting the news and started inserting leftist propaganda into everything. And no one wants to listen to that nonsense.
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    • Posted by Solver 5 years, 7 months ago
      I wouldn’t say no one, but a person needs to be repeatedly brainwashed to have an unquenchable desire to listen to that type of nonsense day after day after day. Many are.
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  • Posted by RonC 5 years, 7 months ago
    They might have better luck if they just read the news like they used to. I don't need a talking telling me what to think.
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  • Posted by walkabout 5 years, 7 months ago
    CNN is just the latest business to discover that in a market economy the way to continue in business is to provide customers with a good or service they want at a prie they are willing to pay. The exchange is voluntary and dynamic.
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  • Posted by term2 5 years, 7 months ago
    Well, half the country doesnt want to watch and listen to leftist babble. That cuts their customer base by 50%. Then, they are into identity politics, which divides up the rest. They cant satisfy all the various identities, so no wonder they are failing.

    Fox is hanging on with its eye candy high-heeled vapid anchorwomen, but between Brazile and Juan Williams and Judge Nap, I am losing interest in FOX. Not to mention that they have CONSTANT commercials that are annoying. I am getting tired of changing the channel to avoid the commercials and then trying to estimate when the commercial will be over. YouTube is the coming revolution
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  • Posted by jimjamesjames 5 years, 7 months ago
    It is heartening to me that the #1 antiAmerican, leftist propaganda outlet is not being supported by millions. But I doubt they are concerned with ratings as long as they can spew crap 24/7
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 5 years, 7 months ago
    Well, I used to love MAD magazine. It was once my favorite magazine (before I discovered The Objectivist). But then it seemed to grow more and more relentlessly leftist. Plus, the cost rose. So now it seems to be going away. It seems to be the same sort of story as CNN's.
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 5 years, 7 months ago
    I have not had TV reception for a long time. But I think I have seen CNN in doctors' offices and maybe a few other places like that. I have gotten the impression (mainly from what others have said about it ) that CNN is mainly leftist. But I don't know, really, firsthand.
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  • Posted by walkabout 5 years, 7 months ago
    AS to "honest and unbiased" If you overpay people they will quickly sell out ther values and character. Seems to me the talking heads or news readers should make somewhere around minimum wage or , at best, median national income. It ain't rocket surgery.
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 5 years, 7 months ago
    The simple fact is that it is NOT The reporters.
    It was always the editors!!!

    Fewer to pay off, and easier to control everyone.

    I had tried to get Channel 12 to report on a doctor who was INJECTING HIV+ Patients Blood into himself to make the point that it was NOT the HIV. (And that HIV+ status means you have anti-bodies, which means you may not have the disease any more).

    The reporter was clear. Her editor said "It would be bad policy to give this guy any air time, he could cause countless deaths"... And the female reporter admitted it was QUITE newsworthy because it flew in the face of accepted reality. And this is NOT the first time her editors have stopped her reporting. Or other reporters.

    She was the one who told me (early 1990s) that vitamins had to be reported on NEGATIVELY and DRUGS Positively. I had not noticed it until she opened my eyes.

    She warned. If you see the news talking about Ginkgo or some other supplement in a positive light, it's because it does NOTHING, and the show will already be setup to drop when people start suing or complaining it never worked for them.

    So... With that said. And looking up the DATE when the term Yellow Journalism was created...

    You believed that the reporters were good? And the news was worth following?

    One last example (Since I have lost over 100lbs going Keto). Katie Couric mentioned on a show I was watching, that "I don't eat the bread, because that causes me to gain weight"... And they PRE-EMPTED the next days show to put a LOW-FAT High Carb Dietitian on to EDUCATE us that we need to follow the UNPROVEN Food Pyramid.

    It's been decades now, and FINALLY after all of the Obesity and Diabetes and Heart Disease we have suffered at the hands of a Low Fat Siren call, things are starting to change. We were NEVER fat in the 1950s, when we ate more fat.

    Again, the failure of news? Or the success of the Corpratocracy for controlling the editors? You tell me!
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 5 years, 7 months ago
    I used to watch the TV news a little because they were on at the gym. I thankfully switched to a gym with no TVs. I always thought the corporate media had a rightwing bias. I never had a subscription to full cable, so I only saw them incidentally. When I saw them a few years ago at that gym, it just seemed like crap, not biased, but just empty calories.

    Those news channels replaced the evening news paper, and now media outlets on the Internet are replacing them.
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