Imprisoning Bill Barr is left’s new rallying cry: ‘Have him locked up’

Posted by mminnick 5 years, 10 months ago to Politics
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I seemed to recall a previous AG that was held in Contempt of Congress (Eric Holder) The consequences to him were nonexistent. He was involved in "Fast and Furious" operation that wound up getting at least one American killed.
I'm assuming that the similar consequences will apply to AG Barr.
As far as jail time goes, same comment applies. Holder got none for adding and abetting murder so not talking to The house committee is even less serious so nothing should happen.

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  • Posted by term2 5 years, 10 months ago
    And Obama exerted executive privilege also, and nothing happened to him.

    I say to hell with the democrats. They are a waste of money. Time for a splitting ofthe country
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  • Posted by GaryL 5 years, 10 months ago
    These clowns are a bunch of idiots! I hope and pray they keep digging the hole deeper. What you have to do is go back to around 1998 and when Holder was held in contempt and listen to what these same idiots had to say then against what they are saying now. Total 180 degree flip. Again, I am embarrassed for the USA.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 5 years, 10 months ago
      Schumer, Gillibrand, Nadler, Occasional-Cortex, Cuomo, and more makes me ashamed to admit I'm from NY. I've GOT to get out of this Peoples Republic!
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      • Posted by GaryL 5 years, 10 months ago
        What about the facts? I love where I am here in the beautiful state of northern NY. We NYers have very little control over the leanings of the NYC jerks who dwell in a concrete jungle and go aimlessly through life. Albany is not much more than a pimple but the rest of this state is certainly worth saving. Between NYC and Albany they are following the Sanders/Ocasio plan for total socialism as long as they can still reach their grubby hands into our pockets. The sooner this pimple pops the better for not just us but for this entire country. Yours and my neighbors are the ones allowing this to destroy this great state. It is not NEW YORK but it sure is the assholes we elect and continue to reelect. Cuomo, Schummer, Gillibrand, De Blasio, AO Cotex and never forget we even elected Hitlery who never lived in our state before we made her the Queen of the Dim Witts.
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        • Posted by mccannon01 5 years, 9 months ago
          Greetings, GaryL. With all due respect, it's a fact I'm not part of the "we" that elected any of those looter leaders.

          Yes, it's also a fact there is a great deal of natural beauty here on the southern shore of Lake Ontario (except when I'm up to my nose in snow, LOL) and a drive through the Finger Lakes region is a pleasure. However, the cost of the looting politicians I didn't vote for has me looking at a lot of beauty in other states.
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          • Posted by GaryL 5 years, 9 months ago
            I grew up in Sullivan county where I live now and also lived in Hilton just west of Rochester. NY has some gorgeous country. I did not vote for any of these fools either however when I use the word "WE" both of us are included because "WE" did not do enough to NOT get them elected. I believe that "WE" all simply accept the fact that NYC and a couple of the major metro areas of this state have a lock on the liberalism that runs rampant in the rest of this state. I agree, these idiots are chasing us out and to other less liberal states but keep in mind many of the NY Carpetbaggers who leave take their liberal politics with them and immediately try to destroy where they landed.
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            • Posted by mccannon01 5 years, 9 months ago
              There's a great deal of truth to what you are saying, but I've done and continue to do my bit regarding elections. I'm limited in some respects out of safety for me, my family, and property. I live in an area where I'm sure if I put "Trump 2020" or even a generic "Vote Republican" sign in my front yard or sticker on my vehicles they will be vandalized or worse. Other conservative people in my area feel the same. Move 3 miles West or North and the 1st Amendment comes back into play.

              Hilton is a nice town not far from where I am. My wife and I have had many meals at the "Hilton Family Restaurant" and even though Tommy and Maria are both passed on, their son still runs it and the cuisine and pricing are still great.
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              • Posted by GaryL 5 years, 9 months ago
                We eat there every time we visit her family in Hilton. We can't get a decent fish fry here but I can have conservative yard signs, stickers and wear my MAGA hat anywhere I go with only positive comments here. I am right at the borders of NY, NJ and PA and in Red country.
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                • Posted by mccannon01 5 years, 9 months ago
                  Oh yeah! Awesome fish fries there and they are still using Maria's mac & cheese recipe to go with it! Uh-oh, you put the thought in my head and I may have to go there for dinner tonight!

                  Glad the 1st Amendment is in effect where you live!

                  Edit add: Their spaghetti and meatball dinner is great, too. Maria's sauce recipe is second to none.
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  • Posted by BCRinFremont 5 years, 10 months ago
    Remember also that the goal of Fast and Furious was to tie weapons sold in America to nefarious sorts in order to control such sales and override 2nd amendment protections. People being killed would be icing on that cake, if they weren’t caught with their pants down.

    As stated earlier; nothing happened to anyone for this seditious activity....
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  • Posted by $ blarman 5 years, 10 months ago
    What is fascinating and incredibly hypocritical (read par for the course from Democrats) is that Barr is operating under laws Democrats passed when the Starr Report was generated! It is Democrats' own laws that they want Barr to break! And why? Because they want to go after anyone who testified to prosecutors - not for any legitimate purpose but to intimidate them or call them up before a House committee to impugn them before the real ugly truth about the origins of the Mueller investigation start to get out.

    This is all about a last-ditch attempt to cover up the truth about abuse of power that goes straight to the top of the US government.
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  • Posted by Bill54 5 years, 10 months ago
    There has been a "tit-for-tat" motivation since the Clinton Presidency. From Whitewater to the Holder contempt of Congress. The list is lengthy if you dig deep and include minor doings of Pelosi and company. What will they do with a Trump re-election?
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  • Posted by $ rainman0720 5 years, 10 months ago
    As painful as it is to agree with the Wicked Witch of the West, Pelosi was sort of right about something. She hinted that if everyone who should be locked up over this was locked up, there wouldn't be enough prison space.

    I think and hope that she is right, but for a quite different reason: Once all of the details of this attempted coup see the light of day (assuming they do), there are going to be a LOT of people imprisoned. But a good number of them will be Nancy's cohorts in crime, rather than who she hinted would be in jail.
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    • Posted by KevinSchwinkendorf 5 years, 10 months ago
      I don't care about running out of prison space. Who says these convicts deserve to live out their worthless lives in a resort-like environment? When we run out of space at the "supermax" then erect prison camps, or call them work camps. They could even have pretty ironwork script built in to the gates: "Work Will Make you Free!" I like the idea of Hillary Clinton being an inmate in such a facility.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 5 years, 10 months ago
    Now who had that bright idea? These people get crazier every day. Bill Barr is way too smart for them. He knows what he is doing. They are going to find themselves buried in paperwork! Good idea! Maybe they'll have to do some real work!
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    • Posted by 5 years, 10 months ago
      If this was written as a case study with suitable modifications to hide group identities I truly thin a psychologist or Psychiatrist would be willing to certify the group as delusional possibly even a danger to themselves and others.
      People telling the truth are called liars and those lying call truthful. Totally inverted world view.
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