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I have a bumper (window actually) sticker that says "Legalize Freedom". Everyone likes it. Interesting discussions here and there.
CNN et al all thought they could fabricate/bias the news and lead the sheeple where ever they wanted, but the shining light of Obummer could not be lifted by Hildebeast, and the joyous celebration of Orwell was temporarily halted.
But they as white Protestant Democrats didn't want to share their neighborhoods with blacks, Catholics or Jews.
Alabama dino knew three white trash KKK kids in high school during the mid-Sixties. They bragged about the FBI calling them at home and threatening them about "being seen at KKK meetings." (LBJ was the president then).
Recall those three very openly laughing their heads off at some retarded person who spastically walked past them on the sidewalk outside a pool hall.
They all dropped out of school at the same time. Don't know what became of them.
That is the network's raison d'etre. It is known they amassed their revenue due to the hate campaign, similar to MSNBC, CBS, et al. The sheeple gobbles up the crap so any alignment to normalcy will be reflected in the bottom line.
He'll stay until CNN folds.
Comcast is not allowing me to cancel Spanish channels (that I don't understand) because it is regarded discriminatory. I told them nobody speaks Spanish in our house so we never tune to these channels.
No avail.
Guess this is the same logic as the one behind Obamacare: we have to pay for the service of Spanish speaking customers...
Of course, you won't get the other cable channels....depending on how badly you want those. I have only local channels on my cable, and only those because they cost me a grand total of $2/month. If it were any more than that, I'd cancel them, too!