NPR reporter refers to Barr summary in same terms as FDR describing attack on Pearl Harbor
Do these commentators and reporters take "Stupid" pills every morning.
Pearl Harbor was a sneak attack by a foreign enemy. AG Barr's letter was a communication between two co-equal branches of the US Government in order to provide the Legislative branch the basic information of the report while legally mandated redactions were made to the full report.
Not the same thing at all except in the infinitesimal minds of the MSM reports and commentators.
Pearl Harbor was a sneak attack by a foreign enemy. AG Barr's letter was a communication between two co-equal branches of the US Government in order to provide the Legislative branch the basic information of the report while legally mandated redactions were made to the full report.
Not the same thing at all except in the infinitesimal minds of the MSM reports and commentators.
Not at all. Even if there isn't much news, they have to present whatever's happening as an earth shattering development. If you go back a few months or a year, it's all stuff you hardly remember.