Judge indicted for allegedly sneaking immigrant out of courthouse to thwart ICE
YES!!!!! Thes liberal activist judges who think they can write heir own law are about to feel the PAIN that comes with their decisions. For way too long, these idiots have tried to ruin the country with their own agenda and screw the rest of us. I hope she gets 20 years. There are only 80,000 more sealed indictments. If you are a federal Judge who violated the law, I would be worried.
Judges ain't some kinda above the law royalty.
Seeing some sanctuary city mayors get busted would also be so very nice.
Along with some city councils. Lock 'em all up!
Last I heard the scumbag evaded a murder charge and walked. Could look it up but me dino is disgusted by such stories.
Evidently, criminals for being wetbacks in the first place have more rights than law-abiding citizens in sanctuary cities.
It appears that the premise of whatever you're trying to tell me is that Juries Are Above The Law.
Please expand in simple terms please. You may even be condescening if you like. I can take it.
If I recall right, back in the 1970s, one of the states gave a statement to juries that the jury is more powerful than the government and that they were the last defense legally against the government. After the jury system a government out of control can only be stopped the rebellion.
I've had a pricey (Medicare won't pay for it) artificial lens inserted in place to the removed cataract for my left eye. That eye can now see perfectly for a long distance but needs reading glasses that my right eye doesn't need yet its seeing is still rendered cloudy by a cataract. .
My right eye will have its cataract removed and a lens inserted May 7.
The left lens for my glasses is removed but my right lens is a graduated bifocal.
So I'll be buying reading glasses shortly before my second operation.
Seeing stuff up close is a little messed up for now.
I tried to opt out back in the 1970's but was threaten with prison, so paid up. It was very helpful when I had a heart attack but I do not like the yearly wellness exam which just wastes money. The doctor always adds a physical to it which doubles the cost to Medicare.
I could not afford it living retired on a state employee pension and SS, but when my father died my 4 brothers and I inherited, well, none of us are millionaires but I almost immediately bought a CD so I could hear Cindi Lauper sing "Money Changes Everything" several times in my car.
The onely car I bought so far was one year used for my son.
I also boiught four guns for myself and for my son an AR15.
I've slowed down such on spending because I want my son to inheirt everything I have. He is disabled.
What was she thinking? She was there to uphold the law not to let her political views interfere with it.
Good to know that one of AG Barr's objectives is to clean up the courts and remove those who don't belong there.
Maybe other judges would reconsider!