Those of you over or slightly under remember the original Captain Marvel. A poor crippled paper boy (WAY before P.C.) named Billy Batson stumbles into a cave inhabited by an ancient bearded guruwho reveals a magic word to him that with sound of thunder and a lightning bolt converts him into a red clad skin-tight onesie with a gold trim cadet style cape and a prominent frontal bulge and a face like Fred M acMurray. Sorry guys, but you're not gonna see this captain in this digital MarvelMoneyMaker. This Captain Marvel is a woman (GASP!). She is far more PC than our ancient Captain could ever be. The title to this mishagoss is taken from the Mad magazine satire title, "Superdeuperman VS. Capptain Marbles.Stan Lee, please stop spinning, or you'll reach China. Which isn't a bad idea seeing a Trump can use a 1st class negotiator.
I despise this culture. They have taken our cartoon heroes and trans-formed them into something else, not just PC but into a different gender...Come On!...What's next? Wonder woman as a transgender male? A queer Super Man? An non-gender Batman?
It's sacrilegious!!!
Hollywood has been remaking legends and movies for quite some time to boot out white males. Even English legends like "Robin Hood" need a sub-Saharan African sage to teach Robin Hood how to be "Robin Hood".
Do I sound like a racist? Well, maybe they can make a movie about Harriet Tubman starring Brad Pitt as Harriet and anybody who notices Pitt is a white guy, rather than an actor doing a job, is equally racist.
They'd have to be truly creative producers and be able to think rationally to do that. Instead they steal and manipulate the work of real creators, just like the State Science Institute did with Rearden Metal.
Me Lee is most likely on the return trip from China and plotting the course for the secont round trip.
Somehow my "Imp of perversity "caused me to omit those words in the above.
My bet is that this PC nonsense has him rolling in his grave. If you read his comics such as X-Men or many others, he was actually quite the student of societal conflict and its origins.