How One Man’s Deleted Tweet Launched a Worldwide Notre Dame Conspiracy Theory the dude (a demoncrat) posted something he believed was correct, unless he just fantasies, and is quickly shut down by the censors on the monitored web, and pulls his tweet (stupid, once tweeted, never dies). However, no one has managed to explain, HOW did they KNOW, during the fire, before the fire department showed up, that it was NOT intentionally set, or arson? They denied over and over, rather than just saying "we will investigate". That is what started the conspiracy rumors, along with the reports like "According to the German news site PI-News, every day in France, two churches are desecrated. They report 1,063 attacks on Christian churches or symbols like crucifixes, icons, and statues in France in 2018, marking a 17 percent increase from the year before. " The deep state idiots want to continue with the "we have no enemies" fantasy, and never address the truth.
Basically, I don't know. But there is a photo that shows the damaged tower is obstructing the view of a Mosque being built.
That gave me pause... But hey, probably a work fire, after work!
Saying not on my watch.
Well of course not , we can’t have real journalism by examining The Who What where why and how.
It really doesn’t matter. They propaganda machine is seizing and the Deep state is on life support.
Oh by the way some man was stopped carrying two full gasoline cans into St Patrick’s Cathedral This evening. I can hear Shepherd now. This man probably ran out of gas and was just going to lite a votive candle for peace on earth before returning to his empty gas tank.
(But we did consider using such a thing as cover for a false flag op to manufacture a reason to attack Iraq and create a never ending war on terror.)
" the Basilica of Saint Denis, housing the tomb of Charles Martel, who ended the Muslim invasion of Europe with his victory at the battle of Tours in 732, was vandalized. A Pakistani migrant has been charged. "
Similar- nine churches damaged or desecrated in eleven days.
France has 42,258 churches. Last year, 875 were vandalised, as were 59 cemeteries.
Recommended, the comment by en passant -
.. .. who will easily succumb to dhimmi status, who may fight.
The powers to be in France are afraid....and the Muslims can't handle the truth.
France, as well as England, Belgium, and Sweden (the rape capital of Europe) have the problem they have because they allowed the EEC to force immigration of millions of Muslims. It's called the utopia of multiculturalism. It is there own fault and now they do not know how to solve the issue. In the meantime, the Muslim in Europe out-breed the indigenous Europeans by a margin of 6 to 1. Europe is lost.
A worker, accidentally, caused the fire. This stuff happens all the time with reconstruction, as well as new construction.
My guess is that French officials are truly concerned that, when they find the unlucky worker, he will be lynched, so they are vigorously attempting to downplay the situation before word gets out.
That's the same as being called racist! Not RACIST! Zut! Tis too much for we French to bear!
The only things good about Notre Dame are that it is old and built in two eras, demonstrating the architectural features of each. The church part is why it was built, but not why it is important.
As WDonway says, accusations at this stage are unfounded, they could well be intended to create more trouble.
oh and: (headline: Notre Dame Alarm Raised 23 Minutes Before Blaze Was Detected)
Are they that incompetent? Do you not have fire detection systems everywhere in a giant tinder box?
Nah...this must all just be they typical right wing conspiracy theory again.....
Lou Dobbs and Alex Jones opine.
This is the same "logic" that has been used by the press when a crime has been committed: "there is no evidence".
They keep doing it despite countless arguments that what they should be saying is: "We don't know yet".
This announcement always comes out the same day or a day after the fact, when investigation hasn't even been started yet. Never mind, they keep sticking to it.
I withhold judgement until facts are in and the investigation is concluded. Not that I trust French authorities they will be honest should they find any terrorist activity.
It has already been stated that it was open flame directed at the roof that probably caused the fire.
One would assume that the workers had knowledge how to handle open flame.