Letter of John Maynard Keynes

Posted by Lucky 5 years, 8 months ago to Economics
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Letter of John Maynard Keynes, 31-August-1931

"relating to Karl Marx . . line of thought which . . the most likely to lead to progress .."

My comment: Keynsianism has taken over in academia and government as mainstream economics. Gulchers, Objectivists, Chicago and Austrian schools, and many others have thought that Keynes was bad enough as fantasy. Now, worse, it has come out that Keynes took inspiration from Marx.


I like the comment on that site by John Bayley:
Keynesian economics is beloved by politicians of all colours
because it gives them a ‘scientific’ justification for why the
State should be involved in ‘managing’ the economy.
SOURCE URL: http://catallaxyfiles.com/2019/04/13/keyness-1933-letter-to-harlan-mccracken/

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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 5 years, 8 months ago
    And we are seeing the spoiled fruit of that thinklessing first hand.

    The Best of the best will never seek employment in government, it's way too restrictive and limiting. The Free Market place will always remain "Unlimited" in opportunity and success.

    This is why we have nothing but incompetence, liars, cheats and imbeciles in government...there is no other place for them otherwise.

    I could suggest a few alternatives...but for now, I'll be nice.
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