Air Force to test fire fighter jet-configured laser weapons pod from the ground

Posted by mminnick 5 years, 9 months ago to Technology
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"The U.S. Air Force is preparing to fire a fighter-jet configured laser pod from the ground as a key step toward achieving its goal of firing lasers from jets on combat missions in the air.
As a part of its preparation, the service is refining its combat strategy, tactics and concepts of operation to accommodate the rapid emergence of laser weapons, technologies which promise to alter the landscape of modern warfare and substantially expand the envelope of attack possibilities for fighter jets.
The service anticipates having aircraft and fighter jet-fired lasers in operation as soon as the early 2020s, as mobile power systems and other integral technologies continue to evolve rapidly.
Not only do laser weapons bring increased precision attacks at the speed of light to incinerate targets, but they can be scaled or adjusted to achieve the desired effect -- such as total destruction, partial damage or an even smaller, more measured impact, depending upon the threat."

This could make fighter combat really interesting. Could also make "Hiding in the clouds" a good defensive posture.

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