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Chicken-hearted RINOs among our career politicians are just as traitorous of the the Constitution and the American citizens as far as me dino is concerned.
I would have liked to erase them...let it stand for their stupidity.
I would have really liked to show Rand's humor but couldn't find anything.
I don't think she made the kind of money we might expect with all her books, films and interviews...unless she blew all the money she made.
She did not set the rules whereby money was taken for the input or available as the output. She qualified on those rules for contributing and for withdrawing,
Legal? Yes.
Moral? Yes.
Shame they didn't set it up to gain interest with our money and didn't Take it as they pleased...it could have been better than a 401.
I agree with taking it, regardless of the laws that govern it from the get go, it's yours in reality.
Social security is deducted from the income we make, weather we like or want it or not. In fact we pay for it through a lifetime but get back only a fraction of it later in life.
Rand had all the right to collect it, rather than using her own funds. I understand she left a half a million dollars when she passed.
"the entire ground of Kant's premise, like a hippopotamus engaged in belly dancing..." (Actually, I don't think the word was "premise", but I don't remember exactly what it was; I remember it as "hypothesis", but that doesn't seem very likely). Also, when a woman at a party says that Dr. Pritchett has been telling them that "nothing is anything"; Francisco says that he "should know more than anyone else about that', and the woman says she hadn't supposed that Francisco knew the Dr. Pritchett so well, "and wondered why the professor looked displeased by her remark."
--And then when Cherryl confronts Dagny at her wedding (not yet understanding the real situation), and says "I'm the woman in this family now," to which Dagny replies, "That's quite all right. I'm the man."
Reminds me of a statement that not believing in a certain thing was a kind of belief in that thing.
Yes that dialog is full of great insights.
LibertyBelle thanks for the reminder.
No "mind"...no achievement, period.
He is pointing out that EVEN Bill Gates has come to the conclusion that Generation 4 Nuclear where the reactor CONSUMES the waste from the old nuclear reactors is the ONLY way forward for our energy needs, since GREEN will NOT be able to sustain us any time soon.
It's interesting in that he is leveraging the Climate Change Fear (which he has NOT decided is a real threat or not, and admits there are issues on both sides), but his point is GENIUS.
Most conservatives are FOR Nuclear. Most Liberals are against it. But 97% of Liberals are PRO Climate Change. And their Hero, Mr. Gates is out there saying "Gen IV Nuclear" fixes the problem the fastest way possible.
I love his point. Get the lefties to SUPPORT saving the planet with Gen 4 Nuclear, and we may actually make progress!
As long as it lets them enslave the rest of us, they will support it. If it is so safe that small reactors can distribute "power" and decentralize control then they will oppose it, even if it is the only rational solution presently available.
I am even better if we use LEFTIST Techniques of getting there. Maybe having something in common will give us something to work with.
And in the 1920s it was global warming, then in the 70s it was Cooling/Winter... Now global warming. Givem them 50 years and the winter will be coming! LOL
Winter (Climate cooling) will becoming waaaaaaay soooooooner than that. It's called: Grand Solar Minimum.
So, in the 70's they were partially correct...they didn't have a timeline nor the signs to look for because they forgot something called History or what we know as...the Maunder Minimum and every other 400 year cycle prior to that...it's so regular...you could take it to the bank.
PS...I had somewhere a news paper clipping and a rebuttle from a magazine about the so called global warming in the 20's
The point I was making is that they will paint whatever they need to paint to generate fear. Getting it wrong. They will FIRE that guy and put a new guy (same as the old guy) in there. LOL
And the sheeple will follow along.
If they ever figure it out and get their predictions to line up with actuals, it will scare the crap out of people!
She is soooo right in the first one! Soooo right.
#6 has eternal validity.
already printed it. Thanks much for this OUC!!!
to one but that term wasn't in that much use at her time.