Dis Widdle Girl She See Food Come Outta Dirt
"It's so exciting! It so green! Lookit da collard greens! Me make smoothies! Food Come Outta Dirt! It's like magic! I am shook!
Tink I go play big girl at da capitol now. Call Baar names."
Tink I go play big girl at da capitol now. Call Baar names."
Are the people who elected this stunted intellect really that dumb?
Is the college that granted her a degree still in business?
Can a culture where this person gains power survive?
One side note: the "college" Cortex received her "degree" from, Boston College, is a school you attend on the side. In other words, she did her study in the evenings/weekend. Nothing wrong with that, but as the college admittance scandals have shown recently, someone may have been doing her thesis. It is inconceivable that she "graduated" with distinction in economics but now demonstrating the ignorance of a 5 yo on the subject.
And that is an insult to 5 yos, some of them being very bright.
May emulate it some day.
That made me spill my coffee over my keyboard!
Just when you thought she can't produce more inanity than she already has, she proves us wrong!
So plants are green!!! Eureka! Who wouda thought?
And they grow outta dirt!!! I am a genius to have discovered that!
You miserable mortals must admire my talent! And I give it to you free!
In closing, I assume the woman (or is she a leprechaun?) came up with this to sell her GND?
Isn't she lovely?
She has a habit of devouring her partner while mating...
- Nomad, STOS, September 29, 1967
All in a sudden me dino again thinks of the only fat man I have ever seen in North Korea.
As for "down the ladder" Venezuelan folks who originally voted for socialism, bet some now reside in Florida along with Cubans and AOC's mommy.
regressed Democratic Socialist invaded Jackass Party allows to lead them around by the nose.
AOC starring in a sequel of The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button would give a progressive being called regressive here in The Gulch an extra zing kinda thing.
Me dino would not have AOC regress into a baby, though, not when her looks remind me of~~~
BTW - he plays a Kick Piano very well. Can almost recognize the song. :) But I'm a proud grandpa.