NATO head: Trump's tough talk has added $100B to alliance, helped deter Russia

Posted by mminnick 5 years, 9 months ago to Politics
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This is a well positioned Euopean leader who is saying this, not a Republican or Conservative. Is this how a Putin Puppet would act. Com'on people realize the "Collusion delusion" is juet that, a delusion.
The Eurpean's are starting to get it.

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  • Posted by freedomforall 5 years, 9 months ago
    Just like the aftermath of t he collapse of the Soviets. Here is evidence that the US can reduce its military spending, and what happens? The murderous looters in government and in the legal mass-murder industry increase spending instead - the opposite of what any rational thinking person would do.
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    • Posted by 5 years, 9 months ago
      Every time we cut military capability Russia, China and the other bad actors gain strength and influence. Power abhors a vacuum and when America withdraws a power vacuum is created that these bad actors are more than happy to fill. when that happens we wind up spending more to regain the edge than we caved by cutting spending and force reductions. It is a zero sum game. we have less poer the others gain power. and the new equilibrium is much more costly.

      I also do agree with the terminology used. A little harsh. but you are entitled to free speech and have a right and duty to say what you think and believe. +1 for sticking to your rights.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 5 years, 9 months ago
        The US spends much more than the rest of the world combined on the military. It's obscene. It's the opposite of what the honorable founders of the country stood for. It's the opposite of what I stand for. The defense budget is about $2,000 for every American and that is excessive and insane. America hasn't withdrawn power since the Viet Nam war ended, and that withdrawal was a benefit. It's long past time to withdraw militarily, protect our borders at home, and let the rest of the world collapse under socialism while we prosper with a free market. (Entirely unlikely when most US young people, illegals, and bureaucrats haven't a clue of how civilization was created and can't be maintained except in a free market system.) Trump has it right; trading fairly with Russia as partners will create trust and greatly reduce the need for military spending. Virtually everything the federal government does today is to promote false prosperity by inflating the currency by creating more and more debt. America hasn't been truly prosperous in 40+ years. The only thing that keeps this fraud going is the requirement that oil be purchased in US dollars. Without that the fiat dollar is toilet paper. The real reason for the military spending is not to make the world safer; it's to maintain the financial fraud for unproductive bankers, murderers, and looters.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 5 years, 9 months ago
    All this is so tiring. With all the work the Congress should be doing, these people cannot put aside their hate long enough to do the job we elected them to do. They say Trump had two years of control and did nothing about immigration. Well O'Bama had 8 years and look what he didn't do!!!!!!!!!!!! No one mentions that. Dear me. That wouldn't be politically correct!
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