(53) Rude Seattle City Council Members

Posted by $ nickursis 5 years, 11 months ago to Government
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This is he level of arrogance and rudeness that the left has brought to us. They specifically trash this poor guy trying to point out to them what A@@ they are. This is what you should fear from government.They are arrogant evil people who treat their own citizens like dirt, in a dismissive, arrogant tone. The brunette in the center needs to be run out on a rail.

SOURCE URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMrBFNoHBkg

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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 5 years, 11 months ago
    If that happened to me, I would attend every Council meeting for the next month and stand there for 2 minutes each time, not speaking, just staring at the little sweeties.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 5 years, 11 months ago
    Shopping should be fun. I went to one of my local markets today and laughingly asked when they were going to open a super grocery store for us. The young manager responded, "We are putting it in another city seven miles from here. We have a dispute with the City Council over 'Green Space'." Our population has reached a level where we need more grocery stores to serve our population! Our taxes have increased while the Council is being stupid letting a fine store be opened in a neighboring city. But hey all members of the council are 'good ole' boys!' I recently learned some interesting facts that would get all of them thrown out! But first, I am selling my home. I've got two buyers bidding on it! A tiny little 600 sq ft home just sold for $129K!
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  • Posted by $ gharkness 5 years, 11 months ago
    Well, and he's old, too. I am beginning to find out how disregarded people become once they get 'old.' Of course, you only get old if you are lucky enough to last that long, but this is what awaits? It's horrible. I hope these people on the city council all suffer the same fate, though I'd rather it be sooner than later. (edited to clarify that I mean the people on the city council.)
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  • Posted by $ pixelate 5 years, 11 months ago
    I can understand the necessity of offering a limited time per comment in the context of practicality. We even have limits for citizens' comments in my small (15k population) town. However, because it is a rather small town, folks on council are your neighbors, so-to-speak. There is a measure of decorum and consistency. In this particular case in Seattle, I can see the benefit of citizens with a common platform or issue banding together, rehearsing their comment(s) and having the most articulate of the group place the message. The arrogant council members will not likely change for the better, so we need to either pool our resources and vote them out or address them in as powerful and effective a manner as possible.
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    • Posted by $ 5 years, 11 months ago
      I think the point is, the tapayers pay their salaries, and the attitude is one of "I deign to allow you to speak, hurry up and quit wasting my valuable time", i.e. the customer relationship. They are servants of the people paying their lazy butts, not the other way around. That is a point many, many political structures have forgotten.
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      • Posted by $ pixelate 5 years, 11 months ago
        I agree with your assessment and think that the problem becomes magnified with the population of the community that the council represents. The folks in my town get in the neighborhood of $200/months to serve on council -- just enough to cover some of their costs associated with attending meetings, working on committees, etc.

        The other thing that I noticed -- the council seating is raised high above the seating of The People. Two years ago, a new city admin building was constructed in my small town ... I hear cases for the Board Of Adjustments and went to the new facility. The Council Meeting room has a similar design ... council seating is elevated about one foot above that of The People ... someone put that into the design, it was approved and constructed. I don't care for the implication. Perhaps it has some practical benefit; however, modern audio systems allow everyone in the room to be heard.

        In this scene from Atlas Shrugged, the Trial of Hank Rearden, we see that The People look down on Council / Jury. https://youtu.be/_iHRJ4s9EtY
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        • Posted by $ 5 years, 11 months ago
          Interesting points, the scen may have been to make the statement of the people sponsoir the state, not the other way around. I also thingk if we go way back, it also may be either from the middle ages and the trial courts when created, that made the judge a little kig, since he represented the king, or even further back. The Roman Senate was the AS version, with the speakers and the head of the Senate on the floor, but I believe that was a holdover from Greece, for audio dispersion. Thank you for the reply.
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  • Posted by Stormi 5 years, 11 months ago
    I have had similar reactions from school boards, and actually took the whole neighborhood to a council meeting (we won). They also try to use the Delphi Technique in thee public settings, and luckily my pals and I have studied it and know how to use it. He should follow this absurd rudeness by this woman with a letter to the editor. This is definitely taxation without representation, as these folks are NOT representing him, if the won't even listen to him. The next time the broad runs, he should have people protest against her and for the opponent. Washington state is weird, home of communes and Agenda 21 population density.
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  • Posted by NealS 5 years, 11 months ago
    A disgusting display of assumed political power over the very citizens that elected them. I have (probably again) sent this to all my (some ex) friends in the Seattle area, advising them to forward at least to anyone that lives over there.

    The reminded me of the Senator that exercised her power over the General chastising him, and telling him to call her Senator, she earned it. Wrong, she was elected to her position by a few, she earned nothing. The General earned his position, and his only crime was calling her Mam, as every person in the military is trained to do.
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  • Posted by JohnJMulhall 5 years, 11 months ago
    Years ago when I was on my City Council, we had the same sort of thing from individuals on the Council. When we started televising the meetings, the bad-attitude clowns were not re-elected.
    During that time, I went to the state legislature representing not just my city but a couple in the area and was told by the (Democrat) Chairman that my comments were 'invalid' and that I should bring a 'citizen' to speak the next time. It was an 'eye-opener' and another wedge between 'my party' and what they really were. Same level of respect this gentleman received. I wonder how many of those on the podium were playing 'solitare' or some other game, or were the lawyers working on 'private cases'?
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