(53) Rude Seattle City Council Members
This is he level of arrogance and rudeness that the left has brought to us. They specifically trash this poor guy trying to point out to them what A@@ they are. This is what you should fear from government.They are arrogant evil people who treat their own citizens like dirt, in a dismissive, arrogant tone. The brunette in the center needs to be run out on a rail.
SOURCE URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMrBFNoHBkg
That is why Seattle looks like hell.
Citizens don't count, they are deplorables.
The other thing that I noticed -- the council seating is raised high above the seating of The People. Two years ago, a new city admin building was constructed in my small town ... I hear cases for the Board Of Adjustments and went to the new facility. The Council Meeting room has a similar design ... council seating is elevated about one foot above that of The People ... someone put that into the design, it was approved and constructed. I don't care for the implication. Perhaps it has some practical benefit; however, modern audio systems allow everyone in the room to be heard.
In this scene from Atlas Shrugged, the Trial of Hank Rearden, we see that The People look down on Council / Jury. https://youtu.be/_iHRJ4s9EtY
The reminded me of the Senator that exercised her power over the General chastising him, and telling him to call her Senator, she earned it. Wrong, she was elected to her position by a few, she earned nothing. The General earned his position, and his only crime was calling her Mam, as every person in the military is trained to do.
During that time, I went to the state legislature representing not just my city but a couple in the area and was told by the (Democrat) Chairman that my comments were 'invalid' and that I should bring a 'citizen' to speak the next time. It was an 'eye-opener' and another wedge between 'my party' and what they really were. Same level of respect this gentleman received. I wonder how many of those on the podium were playing 'solitare' or some other game, or were the lawyers working on 'private cases'?