You are accountable for not telling me what to do
Either these states (guess which ones) are pathetic in asserting the Federal Government is accountable for not telling them what to provide for their students, so they served tree bark, or they are just trying to get press asserting the federal government backs poor eating habits (which is pretty far from allowing freedom), but the media will no doubt paint it for the lemmings that way.
Grey pizza. Pizza almost completely devoid of color and worthwhile taste.
Trust me folks, this rollback is for the best.
Must admit public school food wasn't all that great yet usually passably edible for old dino back during the Fifties and the Sixties.
The only school food that left an indelible impression on me was the breakfast oatmeal. It had to be the precursor to Gorilla Glue because it would stick to anything.
Edit add: My HS at the time was an all boy school and could be tough at times and I saw some stuff that would land a teacher in jail now days, but there was respect and the students weren't cry babies: "Hey, XXXX, if you weren't such a f*cking jerk you wouldn't have got smacked!".
No fear. And no one was snitching out parents who were not watching their kids play unescorted in park playgrounds.
This is about power, $$$, and criticizing Trump, not better nutrition.
Everybody knew not to eat the slop being served in the public schools.
It was unrecognizable as any form of food.
“It’s all your fault! You didn’t tell me not to do it!“