NICE TRY NANCY: Pelosi Says Omar ‘Has a Different Experience in the Use of Words’
Quoting Nancy:
different experience in the use of words.”
“The incident that happened… I don’t think our colleague is anti-Semitic. I think she has a different experience in the use of words, doesn’t understand that some of them are fraught with meaning that she didn’t realize.”
The Speaker is so afraid of loosing her position she can't/wont do anything about the anti=semetic speech of Omar. What a shame. She could have helped the Democrat part regain something of its lost ccredibility if she had.
As is often being said, she is Speaker in name only .
different experience in the use of words.”
“The incident that happened… I don’t think our colleague is anti-Semitic. I think she has a different experience in the use of words, doesn’t understand that some of them are fraught with meaning that she didn’t realize.”
The Speaker is so afraid of loosing her position she can't/wont do anything about the anti=semetic speech of Omar. What a shame. She could have helped the Democrat part regain something of its lost ccredibility if she had.
As is often being said, she is Speaker in name only .
If they can't understand English adequately, then they can't understand the legal contract known as the Constitution. They can't protect my rights when they don't understand them. They can't vote on bills if they don't understand the English they are written in.
She can't uphold the oath of office either. Impeach her. She has broken her oath.
Wouldn't they be subject to removal from office for breaking their oath, similar to what FFA said, above?
Hussein implied that the Constitution should be interpreted with "flexibility".
That was the first step to dismantling it.
When Sotomayor went through her hearings, she made it clear that she looked at the Constitution as a "guide" to be interpreted as a wise Latina would, not literally.
We see the consequences of that every day.
It is the same logic the Europeans are using when Muslim migrants are caught raping women.
The locals are instructed to understand them b/c they grew up in a different culture and after all they need women to satisfy their hormonal urges.
Omar has been in this country since she was 14. She is 37 now. That is plenty of time to understand English correctly.
No one should be surprised that Pelosi is not so understanding when it comes to victims of illegal immigrants.
I'm stealing that!
Kind of a "sacred cow" status. Thinking of it, the term fits her perfectly 😏
Except that with the radical new left wing her days are probably numbered, until an even worse Speaker will be installed.
Omar knew what she was saying and should take responsibility. No dignity in having Nancy lie for you.
When that story came to light in August of 2018, Daly was immediately fired from a local television station (WISH-TV), having been tried, convicted, and sentenced for a “crime” he committed 35 years earlier. And his son Conor had his stock car sponsorship withdrawn, proving that not only can a person be punished for the unintentional use of a derogatory phrase a long, long time ago, but that children can, in fact, be held responsible for the alleged sins of the father.
This is from Derek Daly in an August 23, 2018 interview with the Indianapolis Business Journal:
“At the time, I meant that I, as the new foreigner on the team, would shoulder the blame and I would be the scapegoat. This was not in any way shape or form meant to be a racial slur. This phrase was commonly used in Ireland, Britain, and Australia. When I used that phrase in the early 80’s, I had no idea that in this country that phrase had a horribly different meaning and connotation, as it was commonplace in Ireland.”
After being informed (by Robin Miller, sportswriter for the Indianapolis Star) that the phrase was a racial epithet here in the States, Daly immediately apologized to everyone involved, and never used the phrase again.
I wonder what the Wicked Witch of the West would have to say about Derek Daly and his use of the n word in a phrase commonly used in his homeland; I wonder if she would afford him the same latitude as she gave this twit from Minnesota. I just can’t see Pelosi making this statement about Derek Daly:
“The incident that happened… I don’t think this race driver-turned-broadcaster is a racist. I think he has a different experience in the use of words, doesn’t understand that one of them is fraught with meaning that he didn’t realize.”
"Let's pass this bill to see what is in it."
Never in my life had I ever heard anything so asinine come out of a politician's mouth.
Up until then, I could not even imagine that.
Now the Jackass Party lets her be their bobble-brained speaker once again.
Hung in my office for over 25 years. Many students enjoyed it, others HUH!
Rather than offering to correct discrepancies, they chose to cover it up and hope nobody else notices. I certainly hope the people that put the Muslim and AOC into office see the error of their ways in time for the next election (if not sooner).
How does she represent an English speaking contingent if she lives in a different world? A Muslim world, no less.
Get her out of there, the sooner the better.
"you are fabulous Mr. Jewish guy, I want you to move in to the vacant house next door and start dating my sister."
Yes...we do understand now you have "Es-plained" it to us Ms. Pelosi.
I'm not buying what you're selling, Nancy. And neither should you.