GOP senators alert Barr to allegations that Mueller team misrepresented emails

Posted by mminnick 5 years, 10 months ago to Politics
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From the Fox News Article:\"Shortly before Special Counsel Robert Mueller filed his report on the Russia investigation last month, Sens. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., alerted Attorney General Bill Barr to what they described as the "selective" use of emails in Mueller court filings -- as well as potential “improper political influence, misconduct, and mismanagement” in the FBI's original Russia probe.
In a March 8 letter, Grassley and Graham referred Barr to a letter sent to Mueller in late 2017 that alleged his investigators had cherry-picked details from emails to include in court documents, urging him to review the materials. They also notified him that they had asked DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz a year earlier to review the original FBI probe."
Why doesn't this cautionary letter surprise me? I have never trusted the Mueller team Too many over the top Anti-Trump lawyers on it. If they did (Graham and Grassley don't jump to conclusions) I tend to believe hen it is one more example of shading and hiding exculpatory evidence.

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